commit fc0c11112689035a966779354650e14db1d72ba3
parent 40215120b44d17498b6f575debe6c78d01160f88
Author: Antoine Amarilli <>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2019 23:53:32 +0200
version undocumented ouliplint code
2 files changed, 365 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ouliplint/ b/ouliplint/
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python3 -uO
+"""Undocumented hack to play oulipo's dictionary game with plint"""
+import copy
+import localization
+from template import Template
+from rhyme import Rhyme
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+from common import normalize, apostrophes, strip_accents_one, vowels, consonants
+from verse import elision, remove_trivial
+from pos import postag
+sys.path.insert(0, "../drime")
+from query import query
+ORTHO = 0
+CGRAM = 3
+GENRE = 4
+FREQ = 7
+cats = ['ADV', 'NOM', 'ADJ']
+posses = ['A', 'N', 'ADV']
+corr = {
+ 'ADV': 'ADV',
+ 'NOM': 'N',
+ 'ADJ': 'A'}
+varcats = ['NOM', 'ADJ']
+genres = ['m', 'f']
+nombres = ['s', 'p']
+# TODO options to favor frequent, nonfrequent words, words from a certain theme
+# TODO verbs
+fthresh = 1
+exclude = ['travers', 'loin', 'ainsi', 'assez', 'guère', 'pas', 'partout', 'ni',
+ 'ne', 'là-bas', 'tant', 'est-ce', 'beau', 'fois', 'milieu', 'présent',
+ 'peu', 'peur', 'très', 'enfin', 'tous', 'tout', 'toute', 'toutes', 'bien',
+ 'peine', 'autre', 'million', 'millier', 'plus', 'seul', 'puis', 'côté',
+ 'encore', 'encor', 'plus', 'point', 'quelque']
+mdur = 5
+f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
+offset = int(sys.argv[3])
+words = {}
+mwords = []
+idx = {}
+def adj(x, y):
+ if x == '':
+ return y
+ return [x]
+def cutword(word):
+ x = re.sub("[" + apostrophes + "]", "'", word)
+ if "'" in x:
+ s = x.split("'")
+ before, main, after = cutword(s[-1])
+ return "'".join(s[:-1]) + "'" + before, main, after
+ before = ""
+ main = ""
+ after = ""
+ started = False
+ finished = False
+ for c in x:
+ if not strip_accents_one(c)[0].lower() in vowels + consonants + ('-' if
+ started else ''):
+ if started:
+ finished = True
+ after = after + c
+ continue
+ before = before + c
+ continue
+ if not finished:
+ started = True
+ main = main + c
+ return before, main, after
+def sure(poss):
+ for (cat, x, y) in poss:
+ if cat not in cats:
+ return False
+ return True
+def possible(poss, tag):
+ for (cat, x, y) in poss:
+ if cat in cats:
+ if tag in posses:
+ return True
+ return False
+def ok_extends(w, w2, tag):
+ try:
+ p = mwords[idx[w]][1]
+ except KeyError:
+ p = [('NOM', 'm', 's'), ('NOM', 'f', 's')]
+ w2 = w2.lower()
+ if w2 not in idx.keys():
+ return False
+ p2 = mwords[idx[w2]][1]
+ for (cat, a, b) in p:
+ # and corr[cat] == tag
+ if cat in cats and (cat, a, b) not in p2:
+ return False
+ if w2 != w and set(elision(w)) <= set(elision(w2)):
+ return True
+ return False
+def valid_word(w, tag):
+ global words, lists, idx
+ if w not in idx.keys():
+ return False
+ p = mwords[idx[w]][1]
+ if not sure(p) and not possible(p, tag):
+ return False
+ return True
+def change(w, tag):
+ #print(w, sure(p), tag, possible(p, tag))
+ try:
+ i = idx[w]
+ except KeyError:
+ i = len([w2 for w2 in idx.keys() if w2 < w])
+ for (w2, rare, p2) in mwords[i:] + mwords[:i]:
+ if ok_extends(w, w2, tag):
+ yield w2
+ yield w
+ # p = idx[cat][genre][nombre][w]
+ # n = len(lists[cat][genre][nombre])
+ # return lists[cat][genre][nombre][(p+offset) % n]
+ # if w not in words.keys():
+ # return w
+ # if len(words[w]) > 1:
+ # return w
+ # entry = words[w][0]
+ # if entry[CGRAM] not in cats:
+ # return w
+ # cat = entry[CGRAM]
+ # genre = entry[GENRE]
+ # nombre = entry[NOMBRE]
+ # if cat in varcats and (genre not in genres or nombre not in nombres):
+ # return w
+ # #print(cat, genre, nombre, w)
+ # p = idx[cat][genre][nombre][w]
+ # n = len(lists[cat][genre][nombre])
+ # return lists[cat][genre][nombre][(p+offset) % n]
+first = True
+while True:
+ l = f.readline()
+ if not l:
+ break
+ # split header line
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ continue
+ s = l.split('\t')
+ if s[ORTHO] not in words.keys():
+ words[s[ORTHO]] = []
+ words[s[ORTHO]].append(s)
+f = open(sys.argv[2], 'r')
+x =
+template = Template(x)
+template.options['phon_supposed_ok'] = False
+template.reject_errors = True
+lwords = sorted(list(words.keys()))
+for w in lwords:
+ if w in exclude:
+ continue
+ poss = set()
+ oposs = set()
+ ok = True
+ for entry in words[w]:
+ for cat in entry[CGRAM].split(','):
+ #if cat not in cats:
+ #ok = False
+ #break
+ for genre in adj(entry[GENRE], genres):
+ for nombre in adj(entry[NOMBRE], nombres):
+ poss.add((cat, genre, nombre))
+ if float(entry[FREQ]) >= fthresh and cat in cats:
+ oposs.add((cat, genre, nombre))
+ if ok and len(poss) >= 1:
+ idx[w] = len(mwords)
+ mwords.append((w, poss, oposs))
+# for cat in cats:
+# if cat not in lists.keys():
+# lists[cat] = {}
+# idx[cat] = {}
+# for genre in (genres if cat in varcats else ['']):
+# if genre not in lists[cat].keys():
+# lists[cat][genre] = {}
+# idx[cat][genre] = {}
+# for nombre in (nombres if cat in varcats else ['']):
+# if nombre not in lists[cat][genre].keys():
+# lists[cat][genre][nombre] = []
+# idx[cat][genre][nombre] = {}
+# for w in lwords:
+# if len(words[w]) == 1 and ',' not in words[w][0][CGRAM]:
+# entry = words[w][0]
+# if (entry[CGRAM] == cat and entry[GENRE] == genre and entry[NOMBRE] ==
+# nombre):
+# if float(entry[FREQ]) > fthresh:
+# idx[cat][genre][nombre][w] = len(lists[cat][genre][nombre])
+# lists[cat][genre][nombre].append(w)
+whitespace_regexp = re.compile("(\s*)")
+while True:
+ l = sys.stdin.readline()
+ if not l:
+ break
+ l = l.strip()
+ if len(l) == 0:
+ print(l)
+ continue
+ s = re.split(whitespace_regexp, l)
+ try:
+ loffset = int(s[-1])
+ s = s[:-1]
+ except ValueError:
+ loffset = offset
+ #print("before init:", template.position)
+ errors = template.check(' '.join(s))
+ template.back()
+ #print("after init:", template.position)
+ if errors:
+ print ("PROBLEM with ORIGINAL")
+ print (
+ continue
+ lw = s[-1]
+ s = remove_trivial(s, (lambda w: re.match("^\s*$", w) or
+ len(normalize(w, rm_all=True)) == 0))
+ r = []
+ #print ("INIT rhyme: ", l)
+ constraint = template.template[template.position % len(template.template)].constraint
+ rhyme = Rhyme(lw, constraint, template.mergers, template.options)
+ scut = [cutword(wfull) for wfull in s]
+ #print(scut)
+ tags = postag(scut)
+ #print(tags)
+ #print(scut)
+ first = True
+ for i, (before, ow, after) in reversed(list(enumerate(scut))):
+ #print ("<%s|%s|%s>" % (before, w, after))
+ w = ow.lower()
+ started = time.time()
+ ok = False
+ tried = 0
+ acceptable = 0
+ if valid_word(w, tags[i]) or (ow[0] == ow[0].upper() and i > 0):
+ if first and len(normalize(w)) > 0:
+ first = False
+ was_first = True
+ rr, c, sur = query(w)
+ try:
+ lrhymes = sorted([x['word'] for x in rr['result']] + [w])
+ it = lrhymes
+ wpos = it.index(w)
+ it = it[wpos+1:]
+ except KeyError:
+ it = change(w, tags[1])
+ else:
+ it = change(w, tags[i])
+ for w2 in it:
+ if not (ok_extends(w, w2, tags[i])):
+ continue
+ if time.time() - started > mdur:
+ break #timeout
+ if w2.lower() == w.lower():
+ break
+ tried += 1
+ #print (w2, "try:" + ' '.join(r + [w2] + s[i+1:]))
+ line = ' '.join(s[:i] + [before + w2 + after] + list(reversed(r)))
+ #print ("CONSIDER: " + line)
+ if was_first:
+ was_first = False
+ nrhyme = copy.deepcopy(rhyme)
+ #print(lw, rhyme.phon, rhyme.eye)
+ nrhyme.feed(w2, constraint)
+ #print(normalize(line), nrhyme.phon, nrhyme.eye)
+ if not nrhyme.satisfied():
+ #print(nrhyme.phon, nrhyme.eye)
+ #print ("... NO RHYME")
+ continue
+ #print ("TRY: " + line)
+ #print("before inter:", template.position)
+ #print ("check...")
+ errors = template.check(line, quiet=True)
+ #print ("...done")
+ template.back()
+ #print("after inter:", template.position)
+ if not errors:
+ acceptable += 1
+ if acceptable == loffset:
+ r.append(w2)
+ ok = True
+ break
+ else:
+ pass
+ #print (
+ if not ok:
+ r.append(w)
+ if len(w) > 0 and ow[0] == ow[0].upper():
+ r[-1] = r[-1][0].upper() + r[-1][1:]
+ r[-1] = before + r[-1] + after
+ final = ''.join(reversed(r))
+ #print("before final:", template.position)
+ errors = template.check(final)
+ #print("after final:", template.position)
+ if errors:
+ print ("PROBLEM")
+ print (
+ break
+ print (final)
diff --git a/ouliplint/ b/ouliplint/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8
+import os
+from common import normalize
+from nltk.tag.stanford import POSTagger
+from pprint import pprint
+def postag(l):
+ l2 = []
+ idxes = []
+ for (b, w, a) in l:
+ for i, x in enumerate([b, w, a]):
+ if (i == 1):
+ idxes.append(len(l2))
+ if (len(x.strip()) > 0) or i == 1:
+ l2.append(x)
+ tags = st.tag(l2)
+ l3 = []
+ for idx in idxes:
+ l3.append(tags[idx][1])
+ #pprint(l)
+ #pprint(tags)
+ #pprint(l3)
+ return l3
+os.environ['JAVAHOME'] = '/usr/bin'
+# depends on and stanfond pos tagger
+# st = POSTagger('stanford-postagger-full-2013-11-12/models/english-bidirectional-distsim.tagger', 'stanford-postagger-full-2013-11-12/stanford-postagger.jar')
+st = POSTagger('stanford-postagger-full-2013-11-12/models/french.tagger',
+'stanford-postagger-full-2013-11-12/stanford-postagger.jar', encoding='utf-8')
+x = "Rome à qui vient ton bras d' immoler mon amant".split()
+print( st.tag(x))
+#x = "L' autre mime en riant l' infirme qui volait".split()
+#print( st.tag(x))
+#x = "Quelle est la vitesse aérienne d' une hirondelle à vide ?".split()
+#x = "La souffleuse, , , l'hindoue, elle a lentement péché, l' autre l autre l'autre la belle lésine,".split()
+#print( st.tag('What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow ?'.split()))