commit 3937aa9cb6899ea053a09a3c2c111319cc37a93e
Author: Antoine Amarilli <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 19:16:05 -0400
initial commit
Diffstat: | | | 190 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | | | | 6 | ++++++ | | | | 10 | ++++++++++ | | | | 64 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
4 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python3 -O
+# TODO frequencies are off
+import haspirater
+import metric
+import sys
+seen = {}
+vowels = "aàâãeéèêëiîïoôöuùûüy"
+consonants = "bcçdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"
+phon_vowels = "()$#289aeEioOuy@"
+sure_end_fem = ['e', 'es', 'ent']
+phon_non_end_fem = ['#', ')']
+class Word:
+ @property
+ def elidable(self):
+ return self.word[0] in vowels or (self.word[0] == 'h' and
+ not haspirater.lookup(self.word))
+ @property
+ def phon_ending(self):
+ l = []
+ w = list(self.phon)
+ w.reverse()
+ for x in w:
+ l.append(x)
+ if x in phon_vowels:
+ break
+ l.reverse()
+ return ''.join(l)
+ @property
+ def ending(self):
+ l = []
+ w = list(self.word)
+ count = 0
+ w.reverse()
+ for x in w:
+ if x in vowels or x in consonants:
+ l.append(x)
+ if x in vowels and count >= 1:
+ break
+ count += 1
+ l.reverse()
+ return ''.join(l)
+ @property
+ def feminine(self):
+ for end in sure_end_fem:
+ if self.word.endswith(end):
+ return True
+ if not self.word.endswith('ent'):
+ return False
+ for end in phon_non_end_fem:
+ if self.phon.endswith(end):
+ return False
+ return True
+ @property
+ def render(self):
+ fields = [self.word, self.phon, self.base, self.freq, self.nsyl[0],
+ self.nsyl[1], self.ending, self.phon_ending, self.mult,
+ self.elidable, self.feminine, self.redundant]
+ return "\t".join([str(x) for x in fields])
+ @property
+ def render_sql(self):
+ fields = [self.word, self.phon, self.base, self.freq, self.nsyl[0],
+ self.nsyl[1], self.mult, self.elidable, self.feminine,
+ self.redundant, self.ending, self.phon_ending, self.redundant]
+ return ('INSERT INTO words VALUES("' + self.word + '", "'
+ + self.phon + '", "'
+ + self.base + '", '
+ + str(self.freq) + ', '
+ + str(self.nsyl[0]) + ', '
+ + str(self.nsyl[1]) + ', "'
+ + self.ending + '", "'
+ + self.phon_ending + '", '
+ + str(int(self.mult)) + ', '
+ + str(int(self.elidable)) + ', '
+ + str(int(self.feminine)) + ', '
+ + str(int(self.redundant)) + ');')
+ @property
+ def ok(self):
+ for x in phon_vowels:
+ if x in self.phon_ending:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def __init__(self, word, phon, base, freq, nsyl, mult):
+ self.word = word
+ self.phon = phon
+ self.base = base
+ self.freq = freq
+ self.nsyl = [nsyl, nsyl]
+ self.mult = mult
+ self.redundant = False
+ self.do_extends()
+ def align_sum(self, align):
+ s = 0
+ for a in align:
+ #print(a)
+ if isinstance(a, tuple):
+ s += a[1]
+ #print ("DBG for %s: %d" % (self.word, s))
+ return s
+ def do_extends(self):
+ for align in metric.parse(self.word, 999):
+ self.extend(self.align_sum(align[0]))
+ def extend(self, item):
+ self.nsyl = [min(self.nsyl[0], item),
+ max(self.nsyl[1], item)]
+seen = set()
+bases = {}
+phon_seen = {}
+def derives(a, b):
+ #print ("SKIP derives %s %s" % (a, b))
+ if a == b:
+ return True
+ if a not in bases.keys():
+ return False
+ for x in bases[a]:
+ #print ("SKIP base is %s" % x)
+ if x != a:
+ if derives(x, b):
+ return True
+ return False
+print ("""CREATE TABLE words(word varchar(100), phon varchar(100), base
+varchar(100), freq float, min_nsyl int, max_nsyl int, word_end
+varchar(10), phon_end varchar(10), multiple bool, elidable bool,
+feminine bool, redundant bool);""")
+while True:
+ line = sys.stdin.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ l = line.rstrip().split("\t")
+ word = l.pop(0)
+ phon = l.pop(0)
+ base = l.pop(0)
+ freq = ((float(l[0]) + float(l[1]))/2 +
+ 100*(float(l[2]) + float(l[3]))/2)
+ l.pop(0)
+ l.pop(0)
+ l.pop(0)
+ l.pop(0)
+ #print ("DBG for %s: %d and %d" % (word, int(l[0]), 1+len([x for x in l[1]
+ #if x == ' ' or x == '-'])))
+ nsyl = max(int(l[0]), 1+len([x for x in l[1] if x == ' ' or x == '-']))
+ l.pop(0)
+ l.pop(0)
+ mult = ',' in l[0]
+ l.pop(0)
+ assert(len(l) == 0)
+ w = Word(word, phon, base, freq, nsyl, mult)
+ key = (word, phon)
+ if key in seen:
+ continue
+ else:
+ seen.add(key)
+ phon_key = (phon, w.feminine)
+ if phon_key not in phon_seen.keys():
+ phon_seen[phon_key] = []
+ if word not in bases.keys():
+ bases[word] = []
+ bases[word].append(base)
+ for candidate in phon_seen[phon_key]:
+ #print("SKIP candidate for %s %s is %s" % (phon_key[0], phon_key[1],
+ # candidate))
+ # TODO replace by common ancestor, and perform tsort
+ if derives(word, candidate):
+ # word derives from a word with the same pronunciation, skip it
+ #print("SKIP ", word)
+ w.redundant = True
+ phon_seen[phon_key].append(word)
+ if w.ok:
+ print(w.render_sql)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+cat Lexique3.txt additions | cut -f 1,2,3,7,8,9,10,24,28,29 |
+ ~/DOCUMENTS/poetlint/rhyme/lexique/ |
+ sort -k1,1 |
+ ./
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
+sqlite dico.sqlite 'select t1.freq, t1.word, t1.phon, t2.word, t2.phon,
+t2.freq, t2.min_nsyl, t2.max_nsyl, t2.elidable, t2.redundant from words
+as t1 inner join words as t2 on (t1.phon_end = t2.phon_end or
+t1.word_end = t2.word_end) and t1.feminine = t2.feminine where t1.word =
+"'$1'" and (t2.word != t1.word or t2.multiple);' | ./
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python3 -O
+import sys
+def lcs(x, y):
+ i = 1
+ while x[-i] == y[-i]:
+ i += 1
+ if i > len(x) or i > len(y):
+ break
+ return i - 1
+def pad(x, n):
+ return x + ' ' * max(0, n - len(x))
+def mp(items, lens, field):
+ return pad(str(items[field]), lens[field])
+by_pron = {}
+keys = []
+lines = []
+names = {0: "pour l'œil", 1: "pauvre", 2: "suffisante", 3: "riche"}
+def key(l):
+ # frequency of interpretation desc, phonemes desc, eye desc, frequency
+ # desc, alpha
+ #print(l)
+ return (-float(l[0]), -l[10], -l[11], -float(l[5]), l[3])
+mx = [0] * 12
+while True:
+ line = sys.stdin.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ l = line.rstrip().split('|')
+ l.append(lcs(l[2], l[4]))
+ l.append(lcs(l[1], l[3]))
+ l[4] = '[' + l[4] + ']'
+ for i in range(len(l)):
+ mx[i] = max(mx[i], len(str(l[i])))
+ lines.append(l)
+seen = set()
+last2 = None
+last10 = None
+for l in sorted(lines, key=key):
+ if l[2] != last2:
+ last2 = l[2]
+ print ("## For %s [%s], freq %s" % (l[1], l[2], l[0][0:9]))
+ if l[10] != last10:
+ last10 = l[10]
+ # TODO check if vowel is in there
+ print (" -- %d phonemes (%s)" % (l[10], names[min(3, l[10])] if min(3,
+ l[10]) in names.keys() else ''))
+ if l[9] == '1' and l[4] in seen:
+ # skip redundant where the same pronunciation was seen
+ # keep for eye rhyme
+ continue
+ seen.add(l[4])
+ print(mp(l, mx, 3) + ' w' + mp(l, mx, 11) + ' '
+ + mp(l, mx, 6) + '-' + mp(l, mx, 7)
+ + ('+' if l[5] == '1' else ' ') + ' '
+ + mp(l, mx, 4) + ' ' + mp(l, mx, 5)[0:9])