
French rhyme dictionary with web and CLI interface
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reorder.py (2126B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
      3 # TODO test "suis", "lui"... no multiple interpretations!
      4 # TODO assonance
      6 import sys
      8 def lcs(x, y):
      9   """Longest common suffix"""
     10   i = 1
     11   while x[-i] == y[-i]:
     12     i += 1
     13     if i > len(x) or i > len(y):
     14       break
     15   return i - 1
     17 def pad(x, n):
     18   """Pad x to n chars"""
     19   return x + ' ' * max(0, n - len(x))
     21 def mp(items, lens, field):
     22   return pad(str(items[field]), lens[field])
     24 by_pron = {}
     25 keys = []
     26 lines = []
     27 names = {0: "pour l'œil", 1: "pauvre", 2: "suffisante", 3: "riche"}
     29 def key(l):
     30   # frequency of interpretation desc, phonemes desc, eye desc, same as base, frequency desc, alpha
     31   #print(l)
     32   return (-float(l[0]), -l[11], -l[12], 0 if l[9] == l[3] else 1, -float(l[5]), l[3])
     34 mx = [0] * 13
     36 def display(l):
     37   global header
     38   if header != None:
     39     print(header)
     40     header = None
     41   print(mp(l, mx, 3) + ' w' + mp(l, mx, 12) + '  '
     42       + mp(l, mx, 6) + '-' + mp(l, mx, 7)
     43       + ('+' if l[5] == '1' else ' ') + ' '
     44       + mp(l, mx, 4) + ' ' + mp(l, mx, 5)[0:9] + ' '
     45       + l[10] + (', from "' + l[9] + '"' if l[9] != l[3] else ''))
     47 while True:
     48   line = sys.stdin.readline()
     49   if not line:
     50     break
     51   l = line.rstrip().split('|')
     52   l.append(lcs(l[2], l[4]))
     53   l.append(lcs(l[1], l[3]))
     54   l[4] = '[' + l[4] + ']'
     55   l[2] = '[' + l[2] + ']'
     56   for i in range(len(l)):
     57     mx[i] = max(mx[i], len(str(l[i])))
     58   lines.append(l)
     60 seen = set()
     62 last2 = None
     63 last11 = None
     64 header = None
     66 for l in sorted(lines, key=key):
     67   if l[2] != last2:
     68     last2 = l[2]
     69     print ("## For %s [%s], freq %s" % (l[1], l[2], l[0][0:9]))
     70     cache = None
     71     seen = set()
     72   if l[11] != last11:
     73     last11 = l[11]
     74     # TODO check if vowel is in there
     75     header = ("  -- %d phonemes (%s)" % (l[11], names[min(3, l[11])] if min(3,
     76       l[11]) in names.keys() else ''))
     77   if l[3] == l[1] and l[2] == l[4]:
     78     # this is the query word, only display if several exist
     79     if cache == None:
     80       cache = l
     81     else:
     82       display(cache)
     83       display(l)
     84     seen.add(l[9])
     85     continue
     86   if l[9] in seen:
     87     # skip words with a seen base
     88     continue
     89   seen.add(l[9])
     90   #print(l[9])
     91   display(l)