talks (39412B)
1 Title: TBA 2 Date: 2025-04-17 3 Location: Clermont-Ferrand 4 5 Title: Efficient Enumeration of Query Answers via Circuits 6 Date: 2024-10-17 7 Venue: GT SISE seminar 8 VenueFr: séminaire GT SISE 9 Place: Inria Lille 10 PlaceUrl: 11 Url: gt_sise/amarilli2024efficient_slides.pdf 12 13 Title: Carbon Footprint of Highlights'2024 14 Date: 2024-09-19 15 Venue: highlights2024 16 Url: highlights2024/amarilli2024carbon_slides.pdf 17 18 Title: Dynamic Membership for Regular Tree Languages 19 Date: 2024-09-18 20 Venue: highlights2024 21 Url: highlights2024/amarilli2024dynamic_slides.pdf 22 Misc: <a href="highlights2024/amarilli2024dynamic_video.mp4">video in direct download</a> 23 MiscFr: <a href="highlights2024/amarilli2024dynamic_video.mp4">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a> 24 25 Title: Strings in Data Management: Enumeration and Incremental Maintenance 26 Date: 2024-07-30 27 Venue: New Horizons in Stringology 28 VenueUrl: 29 Place: CIRM 30 PlaceUrl: 31 Location: Lumigny 32 Url: cirm_stringology/amarilli2024strings_slides.pdf 33 34 Title: Efficient Enumeration of Query Answers via Circuits 35 Date: 2024-05-27 36 Team: LACL 37 TeamUrl: 38 Venue: $TEAM seminar 39 VenueFr: séminaire du $TEAM 40 VenueUrl: 41 Place: Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne 42 PlaceUrl: 43 Location: Créteil 44 Url: lacl/amarilli2024efficient_slides.pdf 45 46 Title: Skyline Operators for Document Spanners 47 Date: 2024-03-27 48 Venue: icdt2024 49 Url: icdt2024/amarilli2024skyline_slides.pdf 50 51 Title: Efficient Enumeration of Query Answers via Circuits 52 Date: 2024-03-19 53 Venue: National Days of $TEAM 54 VenueFr: Journées Nationales du $TEAM 55 VenueURL: 56 Team: GDR IFM 57 TeamURL: 58 Place: Maison de la création et de l'innovation 59 PlaceURL: 60 Location: Grenoble 61 Url: gdr_ifm/amarilli2024efficient_slides.pdf 62 63 Title: Bounded-Delay Enumeration of Regular Languages 64 Date: 2024-03-05 65 Venue: Seminar of the Formal Methods team 66 VenueFr: séminaire de l'équipe Méthodes Formelles 67 VenueUrl: 68 Place: LaBRI 69 PlaceUrl: 70 Location: Bordeaux 71 Url: labri/amarilli2024bounded_slides.pdf 72 73 Title: Query Evaluation: Enumeration, Maintenance, Reliability 74 Date: 2024-01-25 75 Venue: $TEAM laboratory seminar 76 VenueFr: séminaire du laboratoire $TEAM 77 Team: MICS 78 TeamURL: 79 Place: CentraleSupélec 80 PlaceUrl: 81 Url: mics2024/amarilli2024query_slides.pdf 82 83 Title: Query Evaluation with Model Counting and Knowledge Compilation: A Survey of Old and Recent Results 84 Date: 2024-01-16 85 Venue: Representation, Provenance, and Explanations in Database Theory and Logic 86 VenueUrl: 87 Place: Schloss Dagstuhl 88 PlaceUrl: 89 Url: dagstuhl_representation_provenance_enumeration/amarilli2024query_slides.pdf 90 91 Title: Bounded-Delay Enumeration of Regular Languages 92 Date: 2023-11-27 93 Venue: "Logic and Algorithms in Database Theory and AI" program at the $TEAM 94 VenueFr: Programme "Logic and Algorithms in Database Theory and AI" program au $TEAM 95 VenueURL: 96 Team: Simons Intitute for the Theory of Computing 97 TeamURL: 98 Place: University of California, Berkeley 99 PlaceUrl: 100 Url: berkeley2023/amarilli2023enumerating_slides.pdf 101 102 Title: Query Evaluation: Enumeration, Maintenance, Reliability 103 Date: 2023-11-01 104 Venue: $TEAM seminar 105 VenueFr: séminaire du $TEAM 106 VenueURL: 107 Team: UC Berkeley Database Group 108 TeamURL: 109 Place: University of California, Berkeley 110 PlaceUrl: 111 Url: berkeley2023/amarilli2023query_slides.pdf 112 113 Title: Pour un numérique plus frugal 114 Date: 2023-10-25 115 Venue: Télécom Paris Ideas podcast 116 VenueFr: Podcast Télécom Paris Ideas 117 VenueURL: 118 Url: 119 Misc: <a href="telecom2023/amarilli2023pour_audio.mp3">podcast in direct download</a> (in French), <a href="">transcript</a> (in French), <a href="">other transcript</a> (in French) 120 MiscFr: <a href="telecom2023/amarilli2023pour_audio.mp3">podcast en téléchargement direct</a>, <a href="">transcription</a>, <a href="">autre transcription</a> 121 122 Title: Le bilan carbone des chercheurs en informatique 123 Date: 2023-10-19 124 Venue: Télécom Paris Ideas videos 125 VenueFr: Vidéos Télécom Paris Ideas 126 VenueURL: 127 Url: 128 Misc: <a href="telecom2023/amarilli2023bilan_video.mkv">video in direct download</a>, <a href="">video with English subtitles</a>, <a href="telecom2023/amarilli2023bilan_videoen.mp4">video with English subtitles in direct download</a> 129 MiscFr: <a href="telecom2023/amarilli2023bilan_video.mkv">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a>, <a href="">vidéo avec sous-titres anglais</a>, <a href="telecom2023/amarilli2023bilan_videoen.mp4">vidéo avec sous-titres anglais en téléchargement direct</a> 130 131 Title: Efficient Enumeration Algorithms via Circuits 132 Date: 2023-10-18 133 Venue: Probabilistic Circuits and Logic Workshop at the $TEAM 134 VenueFr: Workshop "Probabilistic Circuits and Logic" au $TEAM 135 VenueURL: 136 Team: Simons Intitute for the Theory of Computing 137 TeamURL: 138 Place: University of California, Berkeley 139 PlaceUrl: 140 Url: simons2023/amarilli2023efficient_slides.pdf 141 Misc: <a href="simons2023/amarilli2023efficient_video.webm">video in direct download</a>, <a href="">video on Youtube</a> 142 MiscFr: <a href="simons2023/amarilli2023efficient_video.webm">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a>, <a href="">vidéo sur Youtube</a> 143 144 Title: Enumerating Regular Languages with Bounded Delay 145 Date: 2023-07-27 146 Venue: highlights2023 147 Url: highlights2023/amarilli2023enumerating_slides.pdf 148 149 Title: Activités du GT impact environnemental du LTCI 150 Date: 2023-07-06 151 Venue: TSÉ steering committee 152 VenueFr: Comité de pilotage TSÉ 153 Place: Télécom Paris 154 PlaceUrl: 155 Url: tse/amarilli2023activites_slides.pdf 156 157 Title: Query Evaluation: Enumeration, Maintenance, Reliability 158 Date: 2023-04-04 159 Venue: Habilitation defense 160 VenueFr: Soutenance d'habilitation à diriger des recherches 161 Place: Télécom Paris 162 PlaceUrl: 163 Url: hdr/amarilli2023query_slides.pdf 164 165 Title: Uniform Reliability for Unbounded Homomorphism-Closed Graph Queries 166 Date: 2023-03-29 167 Venue: icdt2023 168 Misc: online talk 169 MiscFr: exposé en ligne 170 Misc: online talk, <a href="icdt2023/amarilli2023uniform_video.mp4">video in direct download</a> 171 MiscFr: exposé en ligne, <a href="icdt2023/amarilli2023uniform_video.mp4">vidéo 172 en téléchargement direct</a> 173 Url: icdt2023/amarilli2023uniform_slides.pdf 174 175 Title: Worst-Case Analysis for Interactive Evaluation of Boolean Provenance 176 Date: 2023-03-27 177 Team: ANR CQFD 178 TeamUrl: 179 Venue: $TEAM project meeting 180 VenueFr: Réunion du projet $TEAM 181 Place: LIRMM 182 PlaceURL: 183 Url: cqfd/amarilli2023worst_slides.pdf 184 185 Title: Libre accès aux publications scientifiques et stratégie de non-cession des droits d’auteur au LTCI 186 Date: 2023-03-23 187 Venue: Scientific council of the $TEAM 188 VenueFr: Conseil scientifique du $TEAM 189 Team: LTCI 190 TeamUrl: 191 Url: ltci/amarilli2023libre_slides.pdf 192 193 Title: Bounded-Delay Enumeration of Regular Languages 194 Date: 2023-02-23 195 Venue: $TEAM seminar 196 VenueFr: séminaire de l'équipe $TEAM 197 Team: ALMOST 198 TeamURL: 199 Place: Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines 200 PlaceURL: 201 Url: versailles/amarilli2023enumerating_slides.pdf 202 203 Title: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Academic Conferences 204 Date: 2022-10-20 205 Venue: Globalisation & Sustainable Development Course 206 VenueURL: 207 Place: UHasselt 208 PlaceURL: 209 Url: hasselt/amarilli2022reducing_slides.pdf 210 Misc: online talk 211 MiscFr: exposé en ligne 212 213 Title: Efficient Enumeration via Factorized Representations 214 Date: 2022-08-01 215 Venue: Factorized Databases Workshop 216 VenueURL: 217 Location: Zürich 218 Place: University of Zurich 219 PlaceURL: 220 Url: fdb2022/amarilli2022efficient_slides.pdf 221 222 Title: Probabilistic Databases Tutorial 223 Date: 2022-07-06 224 Venue: EDBT Summer School 225 VenueFr: École d'été EDBT 226 VenueUrl: 227 Location: Bordeaux 228 Url: edbtschool2022/amarilli2022probabilistic_slides.pdf 229 Misc: <a href="/work/talks/edbtschool2022/Probabilistic_Databases_by_Antoine_Amarilli-VhQKeDt4xJI.mkv">video in direct download</a>, <a href="">video on Youtube</a> 230 MiscFr: <a href="/work/talks/edbtschool2022/Probabilistic_Databases_by_Antoine_Amarilli-VhQKeDt4xJI.mkv">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a>, <a href="">vidéo sur Youtube</a> 231 232 Title: Discussion Session on the Climate Crisis and the Future of Highlights 233 Date: 2022-06-29 234 Venue: highlights2022 235 Url: highlights2022/amarilli2022discussion_slides.pdf 236 237 Title: Climate Change and Computing Facts, Perspectives and an Open Discussion 238 Date: 2022-06-27 239 Venue: debs2022 240 Url: debs2022/amarilli2022climate_slides.pdf 241 Misc: online talk 242 MiscFr: exposé en ligne 243 244 Title: The (In)tractability of Query Evaluation over Probabilistic Data 245 Date: 2022-06-03 246 Venue: Friday Afternoon Seminar 247 VenueUrl: 248 Url: fas/amarilli2022intractability_slides.pdf 249 Misc: video on Youtube <a href="">part 1</a> <a href="">part 2</a> <a href="">part 3</a> or in direct download <a href="/work/talks/fas/amarilli2022intractability_video1.mp4">part 1</a> <a href="/work/talks/fas/amarilli2022intractability_video2.mp4">part 2</a> <a href="/work/talks/fas/amarilli2022intractability_video3.mp4">part 3</a> 250 MiscFr: vidéo sur Youtube <a href="">partie 1</a> <a href="">partie 2</a> <a href="">partie 3</a> ou en téléchargement direct <a href="/work/talks/fas/amarilli2022intractability_video1.mp4">partie 1</a> <a href="/work/talks/fas/amarilli2022intractability_video2.mp4">partie 2</a> <a href="/work/talks/fas/amarilli2022intractability_video3.mp4">partie 3</a> 251 252 Title: Data Structures for Incremental Maintenance of String Properties Under Updates 253 Date: 2022-05-09 254 Venue: tudastic2022 255 Url: tudastic2022/amarilli2022data_slides.pdf 256 257 Title: Query Evaluation on Probabilistic Data: A Story of Dichotomies 258 Date: 2022-04-04 259 Team: ANR CQFD 260 TeamUrl: 261 Venue: $TEAM project meeting 262 VenueFr: Réunion du projet $TEAM 263 Place: Inria Paris 264 PlaceURL: 265 Url: cqfd/amarilli2022probabilistic_slides.pdf 266 267 Title: Dynamic Membership for Regular Languages 268 Date: 2022-01-13 269 Venue: Seminar of the Formal Methods team 270 VenueFr: séminaire de l'équipe Méthodes Formelles 271 VenueUrl: 272 Place: LaBRI 273 PlaceUrl: 274 Location: Bordeaux 275 Url: labri/amarilli2022dynamic_slides.pdf 276 277 Title: Dynamic Membership for Regular Languages 278 Date: 2021-10-29 279 Team: LINKS 280 TeamUrl: 281 Venue: $TEAM seminar 282 VenueFr: séminaire d'équipe $TEAM 283 Place: Inria Lille 284 PlaceUrl: 285 Url: inria_lille/amarilli2021dynamic_slides.pdf 286 287 Title: Dynamic Membership for Regular Languages 288 Date: 2021-09-17 289 Venue: highlights2021 290 Url: highlights2021/amarilli2021dynamic_slides.pdf 291 292 Title: Dynamic Membership for Regular Languages 293 Date: 2021-07-14 294 Venue: icalp2021 295 Misc: video on <a href="">Youtube</a> or in <a href="/work/talks/icalp2021/amarilli2021dynamic_video.mp4">direct download</a> with <a href="/work/talks/icalp2021/amarilli2021dynamic_video.sbv">subtitles</a>, <a href="/work/talks/icalp2021/amarilli2021dynamic_shortslides.pdf">5-min version of the slides</a> 296 MiscFr: vidéo sur <a href="">Youtube</a> ou en <a href="/work/talks/icalp2021/amarilli2021dynamic_video.mp4">téléchargement direct</a> avec <a href="/work/talks/icalp2021/amarilli2021dynamic_video.sbv">sous-titres</a>, <a href="/work/talks/icalp2021/amarilli2021dynamic_shortslides.pdf">transparents pour l'exposé en version courte</a> 297 Url: icalp2021/amarilli2021dynamic_slides.pdf 298 299 Title: Dynamic Membership for Regular Languages 300 Date: 2021-06-18 301 Team: GT ALGA 302 TeamUrl: 303 Venue: $TEAM Annual Meeting 2021 304 VenueFr: Journées 2021 du $TEAM 305 VenueUrl: 306 Url: alga2021/amarilli2021dynamic_slides.pdf 307 308 Title: Climate Change Session Presentation 309 Date: 2021-03-26 310 Venue: icdt2021 311 Url: icdt2021/amarilli2021climate_slides.pdf 312 313 Title: Uniform Reliability of Self-Join-Free Conjunctive Queries 314 Date: 2021-03-23 315 Venue: icdt2021 316 Url: icdt2021/amarilli2021uniform_slides.pdf 317 Misc: <a href="/work/talks/icdt2021/amarilli2021uniform_video.mp4">video in direct download</a>, <a href="">video on PeerTube INFRES</a> 318 MiscFr: <a href="/work/talks/icdt2021/amarilli2021uniform_video.mp4">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a>, <a href="">vidéo sur PeerTube INFRES</a> 319 320 Title: Uniform Reliability of Self-Join-Free Conjunctive Queries 321 Venue: DIG seminar 322 VenueFr: Séminaire DIG 323 VenueUrl: 324 Place: Télécom Paris 325 PlaceUrl: 326 Date: 2021-03-11 327 Url: dig/amarilli2021uniform_slides.pdf 328 329 Title: Efficient Enumeration of Regex Matches 330 Date: 2020-11-23 331 Venue: seqbim2020 332 Misc: online talk due to the COVID-19 pandemic 333 MiscFr: exposé en ligne en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 334 Url: seqbim2020/amarilli2020efficient_slides.pdf 335 336 Title: Une dichotomie sur l’évaluation de requêtes closes sous homomorphismes sur les graphes probabilistes 337 Date: 2020-10-29 338 Venue: bda2020 339 Misc: online talk due to the COVID-19 pandemic 340 MiscFr: exposé en ligne en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 341 Url: bda2020/amarilli2020dichotomie_slides.pdf 342 343 Title: A Dichotomy for Homomorphism-Closed Queries on Probabilistic Graphs 344 Venue: DIG seminar 345 VenueFr: Séminaire DIG 346 VenueUrl: 347 Place: Télécom Paris 348 PlaceUrl: 349 Date: 2020-10-29 350 Url: dig/amarilli2020dichotomy_slides.pdf 351 352 Title: A Dichotomy for Homomorphism-Closed Queries on Probabilistic Graphs 353 Date: 2020-09-16 354 Venue: highlights2020 355 Misc: online talk due to the COVID-19 pandemic 356 MiscFr: exposé en ligne en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 357 Url: highlights2020/amarilli2020dichotomy_slides.pdf 358 Poster: highlights2020/amarilli2020dichotomy_poster.pdf 359 360 Title: Query Evaluation on Probabilistic Data: A Story of Dichotomies 361 Date: 2020-05-19 362 Venue: Seminar of the Formal Methods team 363 VenueFr: séminaire de l'équipe Méthodes Formelles 364 VenueUrl: 365 Place: LaBRI 366 PlaceUrl: 367 Location: <del>Bordeaux</del> 368 Misc: online talk due to the COVID-19 pandemic, <a href="">video</a> 369 MiscFr: exposé en ligne en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, <a href="">vidéo</a> 370 Url: labri/amarilli2020query_slides.pdf 371 372 Title: About That Other Crisis: Climate Change and Academia's Environmental Footprint 373 Date: 2020-04-16 374 Venue: Informal DIG seminar 375 VenueFr: Séminaire DIG informel 376 Url: dig/amarilli2020about_slides.pdf 377 378 Title: Climate Change Session Presentation 379 Date: 2020-04-01 380 Venue: icdt2020 381 Misc: online talk due to the COVID-19 pandemic 382 MiscFr: exposé en ligne en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 383 Url: icdt2020/amarilli2020climate_slides.pdf 384 385 Title: A Dichotomy for Homomorphism-Closed Queries on Probabilistic Graphs 386 Date: 2020-03-30 387 Venue: icdt2020 388 Misc: online talk due to the COVID-19 pandemic, video on <a href="">TIB AV-Portal</a> or in <a href="/work/talks/icdt2020/amarilli2020dichotomy_video.mp4">direct download</a> 389 MiscFr: exposé en ligne en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19, vidéo sur <a href="">TIB AV-Portal</a> ou en <a href="/work/talks/icdt2020/amarilli2020dichotomy_video.mp4">téléchargement direct</a> 390 Url: icdt2020/amarilli2020dichotomy_slides.pdf 391 392 Title: Provenance in Databases and Links to Knowledge Compilation 393 Venue: KOCOON Workshop 394 VenueFr: Workshop KOCOON 395 VenueUrl: 396 Place: Maison de la Recherche 397 PlaceUrl: 398 Location: Arras 399 Date: 2019-12-17 400 Url: kocoon2019/amarilli2019provenance_slides.pdf 401 402 Title: Query Lineages and Knowledge Compilation 403 Venue: DBAI Workshop 404 VenueFr: Workshop DBAI 405 VenueUrl: 406 Date: 2019-11-13 407 Location: Santa Cruz (Chile) 408 LocationFr: Santa Cruz (Chili) 409 Url: dbai2019/amarilli2019query_slides.pdf 410 411 Title: Enumerating Pattern Matches in Texts and Trees 412 Date: 2019-10-24 413 Team: DKM 414 TeamUrl: 415 Venue: $TEAM seminar 416 VenueFr: séminaire $TEAM 417 Place: Inria Rennes 418 PlaceUrl: 419 Url: dkm2019/amarilli2019enumerating_slides.pdf 420 421 Title: Query Evaluation on Probabilistic Data: New Hard Cases 422 Date: 2019-10-10 423 Team: GT ALGA 424 TeamUrl: 425 Venue: $TEAM Annual Meeting 2019 426 VenueFr: Journées 2019 du $TEAM 427 VenueUrl: 428 Place: École normale supérieure 429 PlaceUrl: 430 Location: Paris 431 Url: alga2019/amarilli2019query_slides.pdf 432 433 Title: Enumerating Pattern Matches in Text and Trees 434 Date: 2019-10-03 435 Venue: DK915 "Introduction to Research and Business" 436 VenueUrl: 437 Place: PUIO 438 Location: Orsay 439 Url: dk2019/amarilli2019enumerating_slides.pdf 440 441 Title: Enumeration for MSO Queries on Trees via Circuits 442 Date: 2019-07-14 443 Venue: Computer Science Colloquium 444 VenueUrl: 445 Place: Technion 446 PlaceUrl: 447 Location: Haifa 448 LocationFr: Haïfa 449 Url: technion/amarilli2019enumeration_slides.pdf 450 451 Title: A Circuit-Based Approach to Efficient Enumeration: Enumerating MSO Query Results on Trees and Words 452 Venue: Enumeration for Data Management 453 VenueUrl: 454 Place: Schloss Dagstuhl 455 PlaceUrl: 456 Date: 2019-05-20 457 Url: dagstuhl_enumeration/amarilli2019circuit_slides.pdf 458 459 Title: Leveraging the Structure of Uncertain Data 460 Date: 2019-03-05 461 Team: Department of Computer Science 462 TeamUrl: 463 Venue: Information Systems Seminar 464 VenueFr: Séminaire du groupe Information Systems 465 VenueUrl: 466 Place: University of Oxford 467 PlaceUrl: 468 Location: Oxford 469 Url: oxford/amarilli2019leveraging_slides.pdf 470 471 Title: When Can We Answer Queries Using Result-Bounded Data Interfaces? 472 Date: 2018-12-10 473 Team: CNRS-Momentum 474 TeamUrl: 475 Venue: Kick-off meeting for project $TEAM 476 VenueFr: Réunion de lancement du projet $TEAM 477 Place: Inria Lille 478 PlaceUrl: 479 Url: momentum/amarilli2018when_slides.pdf 480 481 Title: Topological sorting under regular constraints 482 Date: 2018-12-07 483 Venue: Automata Seminar 484 VenueFr: Séminaire Automates 485 VenueUrl: 486 Place: IRIF 487 PlaceUrl: 488 Location: Paris 489 Url: irif/amarilli2018topological_slides.pdf 490 491 Title: Enumerating pattern matches in texts and trees 492 Date: 2018-11-12 493 Team: LACL 494 TeamUrl: 495 Venue: $TEAM seminar 496 VenueFr: séminaire du $TEAM 497 Place: Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne 498 PlaceUrl: 499 Location: Créteil 500 Url: lacl/amarilli2018enumerating_slides.pdf 501 502 Title: Énumération sur les arbres avec support des réétiquetages 503 Date: 2018-10-24 504 Venue: bda2018 505 Url: bda2018/amarilli2018enumerating_slides.pdf 506 507 Title: Enumerating pattern matches in texts and trees 508 Date: 2018-10-11 509 Team: LTCI 510 TeamUrl: 511 Venue: $TEAM research day 512 VenueFr: Journée recherche du $TEAM 513 VenueUrl: 514 Place: Télécom Paris 515 PlaceUrl: 516 Location: Paris 517 Url: ltci/amarilli2018enumerating_slides.pdf 518 519 Title: Enumerating pattern matches in texts and trees 520 Date: 2018-10-09 521 Team: GREYC 522 TeamUrl: 523 Venue: $TEAM ALGO seminar 524 VenueFr: séminaire ALGO du $TEAM 525 Place: Université de Caen 526 PlaceUrl: 527 Location: Caen 528 Url: greyc/amarilli2018enumerating_slides.pdf 529 530 Title: Enumerating Pattern Matches in Text and Trees 531 Date: 2018-10-04 532 Venue: DK915 "Introduction to Research and Business" 533 VenueUrl: 534 Place: Télécom Paris 535 PlaceUrl: 536 Location: Paris 537 Url: dk2018/amarilli2018enumerating_slides.pdf 538 539 Title: Topological Sorting under Regular Constraints 540 Date: 2018-07-12 541 Venue: icalp2018 542 Url: icalp2018/amarilli2018topological_slides.pdf 543 544 Title: When Can We Answer Queries Using Result-Bounded Data Interfaces? 545 Date: 2018-06-12 546 Venue: pods2018 547 Url: pods2018/amarilli2018when_slides.pdf 548 Misc: <a href="/work/talks/pods2018/Antoine_Amarilli_Telecom_ParisTech_When_Can_We_Answer_Queries_Using_Result-Bounded_Data-sfAz7Dt5o2Y.mp4">vidéo in direct download</a>, <a href="">video on Youtube</a> 549 MiscFr: <a href="/work/talks/pods2018/Antoine_Amarilli_Telecom_ParisTech_When_Can_We_Answer_Queries_Using_Result-Bounded_Data-sfAz7Dt5o2Y.mp4">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a>, <a href="">vidéo sur Youtube</a> 550 551 Title: Atelier Mes Données : Signal, Tor Browser, et alternatives Framasoft 552 Date: 2018-05-25 553 Url: ateliermesdonnees2018/amarilli2018atelier_slides.pdf 554 Venue: Personal Data Workshop for the Digital Freedom Party 555 VenueFr: Atelier Mes Données pour la Fête des Libertés Numériques 556 VenueUrl: 557 Place: Maison du Libre et des Communs 558 PlaceUrl: 559 Location: Paris 560 561 Title: Leveraging the Structure of Uncertain Data 562 Date: 2018-05-16 563 Venue: cscubs2018 564 Url: cscubs2018/amarilli2018leveraging_slides.pdf 565 566 Title: Enumeration on Trees under Relabelings 567 Date: 2018-03-27 568 Venue: icdt2018 569 Url: icdt2018/amarilli2018enumeration_slides.pdf 570 571 Title: Using Order Constraints in Crowd Data Sourcing 572 Date: 2018-02-12 573 Url: modas/amarilli2018using_slides.pdf 574 Team: MoDaS 575 TeamUrl: 576 Venue: $TEAM final workshop 577 VenueFr: Workshop final $TEAM 578 VenueUrl: 579 Location: Eilat 580 581 Title: Finding Topological Sorts in a Regular Language 582 Date: 2018-02-12 583 Url: modas/amarilli2018finding_slides.pdf 584 Team: MoDaS 585 TeamUrl: 586 Venue: $TEAM final workshop 587 VenueFr: Workshop final $TEAM 588 VenueUrl: 589 Location: Eilat 590 Type: short 591 592 Title: A Circuit-Based Approach to Efficient Enumeration 593 Team: VALDA 594 TeamUrl: 595 Venue: $TEAM seminar 596 VenueFr: séminaire $TEAM 597 VenueUrl: 598 Place: École normale supérieure 599 PlaceUrl: 600 Date: 2017-12-07 601 Location: Paris 602 Url: valda/amarilli2017circuit_slides.pdf 603 604 Title: A Circuit-Based Approach to Efficient Enumeration 605 Venue: Recent Trends in Knowledge Compilation 606 VenueUrl: 607 Place: Schloss Dagstuhl 608 PlaceUrl: 609 Date: 2017-09-19 610 Url: dagstuhl_knowledge_compilation/amarilli2017circuit_slides.pdf 611 612 Title: Leveraging the Structure of Uncertain Data 613 Venue: esslli2017 614 Date: 2017-07-26 615 Url: esslli2017/amarilli2017leveraging_slides.pdf 616 617 Title: A Circuit-Based Approach to Efficient Enumeration 618 Date: 2017-06-15 619 Url: aggreg_workshop/amarilli2017circuit_slides.pdf 620 Venue: Aggregate Queries Workshop 621 VenueUrl: 622 Place: Inria Lille 623 PlaceUrl: 624 625 Title: A Circuit-Based Approach to Efficient Enumeration 626 Date: 2017-05-10 627 Url: beyondnp/amarilli2017circuit_slides.pdf 628 Venue: Beyond-NP meeting 629 VenueFr: Réunion Beyond-NP 630 VenueUrl: 631 Place: Paris-Diderot University 632 PlaceFr: Université Paris-Diderot 633 PlaceUrl: 634 Location: Paris 635 636 Title: A Circuit-Based Approach to Efficient Enumeration 637 Date: 2017-05-09 638 Url: parisbd2017/amarilli2017circuit_slides.pdf 639 Venue: parisbd2017 640 Place: Télécom Paris 641 PlaceUrl: 642 Location: Paris 643 Misc: <a href="/publications/amarilli2017circuit_abstract.pdf">submitted abstract</a> 644 MiscFr: <a href="/publications/amarilli2017circuit_abstract.pdf">résumé soumis</a> 645 646 Title: Qu'est-ce que l'informatique théorique et comment en faire 647 Date: 2017-04-29 648 Url: prologin2017/amarilli2017informatique_slides.pdf 649 Venue: $TEAM final competition 650 VenueFr: Finale $TEAM 651 Team: Prologin 652 TeamUrl: 653 Place: EPITA 654 PlaceUrl: 655 Location: Le Kremlin-Bicêtre 656 Misc: not a professional talk 657 MiscFr: exposé non professionnel 658 659 Title: Leveraging the Structure of Uncertain Data 660 TitleFr: Tirer parti de la structure des données incertaines 661 Url: telecom2017/amarilli2017tirer_slides.pdf 662 Date: 2017-04-21 663 Venue: PhD graduation ceremony 664 VenueFr: Remise des diplômes docteurs 665 VenueUrl: 666 Place: Télécom Paris 667 PlaceUrl: 668 Location: Paris 669 Misc: <a href="/work/talks/telecom2017/Prix_de_These_2017_-_Antoine_Amarilli-ke5IX6Vv3wY.mp4">vidéo in direct download</a> 670 MiscFr: <a href="/work/talks/telecom2017/Prix_de_These_2017_-_Antoine_Amarilli-ke5IX6Vv3wY.mp4">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a> 671 672 Title: Lignages efficaces sur les instances quasi-arborescentes : Limites et extensions 673 Venue: bda2016 674 Date: 2016-11-17 675 Url: bda2016/amarilli2016lignages_slides.pdf 676 Misc: <a href="/work/talks/bda2016/Antoine_Amarilli_-_Lignages_efficaces_sur_les_instances_quasi_arborescentes_Limites_et_extensions-X2hZEHIKHAk.mkv">video in direct download</a>, <a href="">video on Youtube</a> 677 MiscFr: <a href="/work/talks/bda2016/Antoine_Amarilli_-_Lignages_efficaces_sur_les_instances_quasi_arborescentes_Limites_et_extensions-X2hZEHIKHAk.mkv">vidéo en téléchargement direct</a>, <a href="">vidéo sur Youtube</a> 678 679 Title: Query Answering with Guarded Rules and Expressive Constraints 680 Date: 2016-10-20 681 Team: CEDAR 682 TeamUrl: 683 Venue: $TEAM seminar 684 VenueFr: séminaire $TEAM 685 VenueUrl: 686 Place: PCRI 687 PlaceUrl: 688 Location: Gif-sur-Yvette 689 Url: cedar/amarilli2016query_slides.pdf 690 691 Title: Probabilities and Provenance on Trees and Treelike Instances 692 Venue: highlights2016 693 Url: highlights2016/amarilli2016probabilities_slides.pdf 694 Date: 2016-09-07 695 Misc: <a href="/publications/amarilli2016probabilities.pdf">submitted abstract</a> 696 MiscFr: <a href="/publications/amarilli2016probabilities.pdf">résumé soumis</a> 697 # Misc: Best talk award 698 # MiscFr: Prix du meilleur exposé 699 700 Title: Tractable Lineages on Treelike Instances: Limits and Extensions 701 Url: pods2016/amarilli2016tractable_slides.pdf 702 Venue: pods2016 703 Date: 2016-06-29 704 705 Title: Leveraging the Structure of Uncertain Data 706 TitleFr: Tirer parti de la structure des données incertaines 707 Url: parisbd/amarilli2016leveraging_slides.pdf 708 Venue: Inaugural Paris Summit on Big Data Management 709 VenueUrl: 710 Type: poster 711 Date: 2016-03-24 712 Place: Télécom Paris 713 PlaceUrl: 714 715 Title: Leveraging the Structure of Uncertain Data 716 TitleFr: Tirer parti de la structure des données incertaines 717 Url: thesis/amarilli2016leveraging_slides.pdf 718 Venue: PhD defense 719 VenueFr: Soutenance de thèse 720 # VenueUrl: 721 Date: 2016-03-14 722 Place: Télécom Paris 723 PlaceUrl: 724 725 Title: Leveraging the Structure of Uncertain Data 726 TitleFr: Tirer parti de la structure des données incertaines 727 Url: thesis/amarilli2016leveraging_slides.pdf 728 Type: phddefenserehearsal 729 Date: 2016-03-09 730 Team: IC2 731 TeamUrl: 732 Venue: $TEAM Lunch Seminar 733 VenueUrl: 734 Place: Télécom Paris 735 PlaceUrl: 736 737 Title: Probabilities and Provenance on Trees and Treelike Instances 738 Url: dahu/amarilli2016probabilities_slides.pdf 739 Date: 2016-02-08 740 Team: LSV 741 TeamUrl: 742 Venue: $TEAM seminar 743 VenueFr: séminaire du $TEAM 744 Place: ENS Cachan 745 PlaceUrl: 746 747 Title: Probabilities and Provenance on Trees and Treelike Instances 748 Url: liafa/amarilli2016probabilities_slides.pdf 749 Date: 2016-01-08 750 Venue: Automata Seminar 751 VenueUrl: 752 Place: LIAFA 753 PlaceUrl: 754 Location: Paris 755 756 757 Title: Combining Existential Rules and Description Logics 758 Url: inria_lille/amarilli2015combining_slides.pdf 759 Team: LINKS 760 TeamUrl: 761 Venue: $TEAM seminar 762 VenueFr: séminaire d'équipe $TEAM 763 Place: Inria Lille 764 PlaceUrl: 765 Date: 2015-10-29 766 767 Title: Combining Existential Rules and Description Logics 768 Url: lirmm/amarilli2015combining_slides.pdf 769 Venue: GraphIk Seminar 770 VenueFr: Séminaire GraphIk 771 VenueUrl: 772 Place: LIRMM 773 PlaceUrl: 774 Location: Montpellier 775 Date: 2015-10-23 776 777 Title: Circuits de provenance pour les arbres et les instances quasi-arborescentes 778 Url: bda2015/amarilli2015provenance_slides.pdf 779 Venue: bda2015 780 Date: 2015-10-01 781 HAL: hal-02287157 782 783 Title: Requêtes sur des données à ordre incomplet 784 Url: bda2015/amarilli2015requetes_slides.pdf 785 Venue: bda2015 786 Date: 2015-09-29 787 HAL: hal-02288441 788 789 Title: Combining Existential Rules and Description Logics 790 Url: ijcai2015/amarilli2015combining_slides.pdf 791 Venue: ijcai2015 792 Date: 2015-07-28 793 794 Title: Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances 795 Url: icalp2015/amarilli2015provenance_slides.pdf 796 Venue: icalp2015 797 Date: 2015-07-10 798 799 Title: Finite Open-World Query Answering with Number Restrictions 800 Url: lics2015/amarilli2015finite_slides.pdf 801 Venue: lics2015 802 Date: 2015-07-07 803 804 Title: Structurally Tractable Uncertain Data 805 Url: sigmod2015/amarilli2015structurally_slides.pdf 806 Venue: sigmodphd2015 807 Date: 2015-05-31 808 809 Title: IBEX: Harvesting Entities from the Web Using Unique Identifiers 810 Url: sigmod2015/talaika2015ibex_slides.pdf 811 Venue: webdb2015 812 Date: 2015-05-31 813 814 Title: Uncertainty and Incompleteness 815 Url: digicosme2015/amarilli2015uncertainty_slides.pdf 816 Venue: DigiCosme Spring School on Data Management 2015 817 VenueFr: École de printemps DigiCosme sur la gestion de données 2015 818 VenueUrl: 819 Place: ENSTA ParisTech 820 PlaceUrl: 821 Location: Palaiseau 822 Date: 2015-05-19 823 824 Title: Top-k Querying of Incomplete Data under Order Constraints 825 Url: dasfaa2015/amarilli2015top_slides.pdf 826 Team: CCIPX 827 TeamUrl: 828 Venue: $TEAM project meeting 829 VenueFr: réunion du projet $TEAM 830 Place: DASFAA 2015 831 PlaceUrl: 832 Location: Hanoi 833 Date: 2015-04-20 834 835 Title: Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances 836 Url: nus/amarilli2015provenance_slides.pdf 837 Place: National University of Singapore 838 PlaceUrl: 839 Date: 2015-04-08 840 841 Title: Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances 842 Url: ic2/amarilli2015provenance_slides.pdf 843 Team: IC2 844 TeamUrl: 845 Venue: $TEAM Lunch Seminar 846 VenueUrl: 847 Place: Télécom Paris 848 PlaceUrl: 849 Date: 2015-03-18 850 851 Title: Provenance Circuits for Trees and Treelike Instances 852 Url: inria_lille/amarilli2015provenance_slides.pdf 853 Team: LINKS 854 TeamUrl: 855 Venue: $TEAM seminar 856 VenueFr: séminaire d'équipe $TEAM 857 Place: Inria Lille 858 PlaceUrl: 859 Date: 2015-03-06 860 861 862 Title: Déterminer la possibilité en XML probabiliste 863 Url: bda2014/amarilli2014determiner_slides.pdf 864 Venue: bda2014 865 Date: 2014-10-17 866 867 Title: Tractable Query Answering under Probabilistic Constraints 868 Url: highlights2014/amarilli2014tractable_slides.pdf 869 Venue: highlights2014 870 Date: 2014-09-04 871 Misc: <a href="/publications/amarilli2014tractable.pdf">submitted abstract</a> 872 MiscFr: <a href="/publications/amarilli2014tractable.pdf">résumé soumis</a> 873 874 Title: Open-World Finite Query Answering Under Number Restrictions 875 Url: dagstuhl_constraints/amarilli2014open_slides.pdf 876 Venue: Querying and Reasoning Under Expressive Constraints 877 VenueUrl: 878 Place: Schloss Dagstuhl 879 PlaceUrl: 880 Date: 2014-08-12 881 882 Title: On the Complexity of Mining Itemsets from the Crowd Using Taxonomies 883 Url: inria_lille/amarilli2014complexity_slides.pdf 884 Team: LINKS 885 TeamUrl: 886 Venue: $TEAM seminar 887 VenueFr: séminaire d'équipe $TEAM 888 Place: Inria Lille 889 PlaceUrl: 890 Date: 2014-07-18 891 892 Title: The Possibility Problem for Probabilistic XML 893 Url: amw2014/amarilli2014possibility_slides.pdf 894 Venue: amw2014 895 Date: 2014-06-05 896 897 Title: Uncertainty over Structured and Intensional Data 898 Url: amw2014/amarilli2014uncertainty_slides.pdf 899 Venue: amws2014 900 Date: 2014-06-03 901 Type: short 902 903 Title: Uncertainty in Crowd Data Sourcing Under Structural Constraints 904 Url: uncrowd/amarilli2014crowdsourcing_slides.pdf 905 Venue: uncrowd2014 906 Date: 2014-04-21 907 908 Title: On the Complexity of Mining Itemsets from the Crowd Using Taxonomies 909 Url: icdt2014/amarilli2014complexity_slides.pdf 910 Venue: icdt2014 911 Date: 2014-03-24 912 913 Title: On the Complexity of Mining Itemsets from the Crowd Using Taxonomies 914 Url: tau/amarilli2014complexity_slides.pdf 915 Venue: Advanced Topics in Web Data Management seminar 916 VenueUrl: 917 Place: Tel Aviv University 918 PlaceUrl: 919 Date: 2014-03-19 920 921 Title: La thèse en bref 922 Url: rencontres_di/amarilli2014these_slides.pdf 923 Team: DI 924 TeamUrl: 925 Venue: $TEAM meeting 926 VenueFr: rencontre du $TEAM 927 Place: École normale supérieure 928 PlaceUrl: 929 Date: 2014-01-27 930 Location: Paris 931 Misc: not a professional talk 932 MiscFr: exposé non professionnel 933 934 Title: Open-World Query Answering Under Number Restrictions 935 Url: dahu/amarilli2014open_slides.pdf 936 Team: Dahu 937 TeamUrl: 938 Venue: $TEAM working group 939 VenueFr: groupe de travail $TEAM 940 Place: ENS Cachan 941 PlaceUrl: 942 Date: 2014-01-17 943 944 945 Title: Complexity of Merging Ordered Documents 946 Url: ic2/amarilli2013complexity_slides.pdf 947 Team: IC2 948 TeamUrl: 949 Venue: $TEAM Lunch Seminar 950 VenueUrl: 951 Place: Télécom Paris 952 PlaceUrl: 953 Date: 2013-11-20 954 955 Title: Programmation orientée données et systèmes Unix 956 Url: semprog/amarilli2013programmation_slides.pdf 957 Team: DI 958 TeamUrl: 959 Venue: $TEAM student seminar on programming languages 960 VenueFr: séminaire étudiant du $TEAM sur les langages de programmation 961 Place: École normale supérieure 962 PlaceUrl: 963 Location: Paris 964 Date: 2013-11-07 965 966 Title: ParisMatch: Ontology Alignment at scale 967 Url: webdone/amarilli2013parismatch_slides.pdf 968 Team: WebDam 969 TeamUrl: 970 Venue: WebDone ($TEAM final workshop) 971 VenueFr: WebDone (workshop final $TEAM) 972 Place: Télécom Paris 973 PlaceUrl: 974 Date: 2013-09-30 975 Type: short 976 977 Title: Taxonomy-Based Crowd Mining 978 Url: crowdmining/amarilli2013complexity_slides.pdf 979 Venue: DBWeb seminar 980 VenueFr: Séminaire DBWeb 981 VenueUrl: 982 Place: Télécom Paris 983 PlaceUrl: 984 Date: 2013-09-10 985 986 Title: On the Connections between Relational and XML Probabilistic Data Models 987 Url: bncod2013/amarilli2013connections_slides.pdf 988 Venue: bncod2013 989 Date: 2013-07-09 990 991 Title: The Semantic Web, and Related Challenges 992 Url: rencontres_di/amarilli2012semantic_slides.pdf 993 Team: DI 994 TeamUrl: 995 Venue: $TEAM meeting 996 VenueFr: rencontre du $TEAM 997 Place: École normale supérieure 998 PlaceUrl: 999 Date: 2012-11-27 1000 Location: Paris 1001 1002 Title: Advances in Holistic Ontology Alignment 1003 Url: stage_m2/amarilli2012mpri_slides.pdf 1004 Venue: DBWeb seminar 1005 VenueFr: Séminaire DBWeb 1006 VenueUrl: 1007 Place: Télécom Paris 1008 PlaceUrl: 1009 Date: 2012-09-04 1010 1011