
managing my list of publications, talks, reviews
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      1 #!/usr/bin/python3
      3 # LANGUAGE is "en" (default) or "fr"
      4 # FORMAT is "tex" (default) or "bib"
      5 # PUBLICATION is the id of the publication to compile, or:
      6 # - "all" for all publications
      7 # - "all_formal" for all publications with formal details
      8 # - "cv" for all CV publications: all publications that are main, reviewed, not
      9 #   hidden (default)
     10 # FOLDER is where to find "publis" "venues" "authors", default is script dir
     12 from parserec import parse, getvenue, isurlrel, absurl, getyear, endswithpunct, authorname, stz
     13 import os
     14 import sys
     16 SITEURL=""
     17 LOCALURL=SITEURL+"/publications/"
     19 # add full acronyms, page numbers
     20 formal_mode = False
     22 if len(sys.argv) > 5:
     23     print("too many arguments", file=sys.stderr)
     24     sys.exit(1)
     26 lang = "en"
     27 try:
     28     lang = sys.argv[1]
     29 except IndexError:
     30     pass
     32 fmt = 'tex'
     33 try:
     34     fmt = sys.argv[2]
     35 except IndexError:
     36     pass
     38 thepubli = None
     39 try:
     40     thepubli = sys.argv[3]
     41 except IndexError:
     42     pass
     44 #
     45 abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
     46 dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
     48 folder = dname
     49 try:
     50     folder = sys.argv[4]
     51 except IndexError:
     52     pass
     53 os.chdir(dname)
     55 authorsz = dict((x['id'], x) for x in parse('authors'))
     56 venuesz = dict((x['id'], x) for x in parse('venues'))
     58 def mklinktex(text, url, sep=""):
     59     global SITEURL, LOCALURL
     60     if not url or url.lower() == "none":
     61         return (text)
     62     url = url.replace("_", "\\_").replace("%", "\%") # naive escaping
     63     return ('\\href{%s}%s{%s}' % (absurl(url, SITEURL, LOCALURL), sep, text))
     65 def authortotex(author, withurl=False, sepnames=False):
     66     if withurl:
     67         return mklinktex(authorname(author, sepnames=sepnames), author['url'])
     68     else:
     69         return authorname(author, sepnames=sepnames)
     71 def venuetotex(venue, url, issue, dropyear=False):
     72     if dropyear and "'" in venue:
     73         # cut conf'1942, but beware of ' in titles
     74         venue_s = venue.split("'")
     75         if len(venue_s) == 2:
     76             if venue_s[1].isdigit():
     77                 venue = venue_s[0]
     78     try:
     79         if dropyear and venue[-4:].isdigit() and venue[-5] == ' ':
     80             venue = venue[:-5]
     81     except IndexError:
     82         pass
     83     if issue and not dropyear:
     84         venue += ', %s' % issue
     85     l = mklinktex(venue, url)
     86     if ' ' not in venue:
     87         return '\\mbox{%s}' % l
     88     return l
     90 def publitotex(publi, lang, venuesz, authorsz):
     91     name, fullname, typ, url, issue, oa, keywords = getvenue(publi, lang, venuesz, True)
     92     authors = ', '.join(authortotex(authorsz[author], withurl=True)
     93             for author in publi['authors'].split(' '))
     94     return("\\cvitem{\\bfseries %s}{%s.\\newline\\emph{%s}%s%s}" % (venuetotex(name, url,
     95         issue), authors, mklinktex(publi['title'], publi['url']), "" if
     96         endswithpunct(publi) else ".", "\\newline "
     97             + (publi['awardtex'] if 'awardtex' in publi.keys() else publi['award']) if 'award' in publi.keys() else ''))
     99 typetobibtype = {
    100         'journal': 'article',
    101         'newsletter': 'article',
    102         'conference': 'inproceedings',
    103         'patent': 'misc',
    104         'draft': 'unpublished',
    105         'phdthesis': 'phdthesis',
    106         'habilitationthesis': 'phdthesis',
    107         'mscthesis': 'mastersthesis',
    108         'demo': 'inproceedings',
    109         'spotlight': 'inproceedings',
    110         'posterpaper': 'inproceedings',
    111         'shortpaper': 'inproceedings',
    112         'note': 'unpublished',
    113         'submitted': 'unpublished',
    114         }
    115 typetoobjtype = {
    116         'journal': 'journal',
    117         'newsletter': 'journal',
    118         'conference': 'booktitle',
    119         'demo': 'booktitle',
    120         'spotlight': 'booktitle',
    121         'posterpaper': 'booktitle',
    122         'shortpaper': 'booktitle',
    123         'patent': 'howpublished',
    124         'draft': 'howpublished',
    125         'note': 'howpublished',
    126         'submitted': 'note',
    127         }
    128 legaltypes = ['phdthesis', 'habilitationthesis', 'patent', 'mscthesis', 'journal', 'conference',
    129         'note', 'demo', 'posterpaper', 'shortpaper', 'spotlight', 'book',
    130         'newsletter', 'draft', 'submitted']
    131 informaltypes = ['phdthesis', 'habilitationthesis', 'mscthesis', 'note', 'book', 'newsletter']
    133 def publitobib(publi, lang, venuesz, authorsz):
    134     global typetobibtype, typetoobjtype, legaltypes, SITEURL, LOCALURL
    135     global informaltypes
    136     global stz
    137     name, fullname, typ2, url, issue, oa, keywords = getvenue(publi, lang, venuesz)
    138     s = ""
    139     typ = publi.get('type', None)
    140     if typ == None or len(typ) == 0:
    141         if typ2 == None or len(typ2) == 0:
    142             typ = 'conference'
    143         else:
    144             typ = typ2
    145     assert(typ in legaltypes)
    146     if publi.get('status', None) == 'draft':
    147         typ = "draft"
    148     if publi.get('status', None) == 'submitted':
    149         typ = "submitted"
    150     knowntype = False
    151     for k in keywords:
    152         if k.startswith("TYPE"):
    153             knowntype = True
    154             if k[5:] in informaltypes:
    155                 keywords.add("informal")
    156     if not knowntype:
    157         keywords.add("TYPE" + typ)
    158         if typ in informaltypes:
    159             keywords.add("informal")
    160     if 'reviewed' in publi.keys() and publi['reviewed'] == 'yes':
    161         keywords.add('peer')
    162     if 'status' in publi.keys() and publi['status'] == 'submitted':
    163         keywords.add('underreview')
    164     if 'venue' in publi.keys():
    165         keywords.add('published')
    166     s += '@%s{%s,\n' % (typetobibtype[typ], publi['id'])
    167     authors = ' and '.join(authortotex(authorsz[author], sepnames=True) for author in
    168     publi['authors'].split(' '))
    169     s += '  author = {%s},\n' % authors
    170     s += '  title = {%s},\n' % mklinktex(publi['title'],
    171         publi['url'], sep="\n    ")
    172     s += '  year = {%s},\n' % str(getyear(publi))
    173     did_note = False
    174     if typ == "draft":
    175         assert (not did_note)
    176         did_note = True
    177         s += '  note = {Preprint: \\url{%s}},\n' % (absurl(publi['url'], SITEURL, LOCALURL))
    178     elif typ in ["phdthesis", "mscthesis", "habilitationthesis"]:
    179         s += '  school = {%s},\n' % (mklinktex(publi['school'],
    180         publi['schoolurl']))
    181     else:
    182         s += '  %s = {%s},\n' % (typetoobjtype[typ], venuetotex(fullname if formal_mode else name, url, issue,
    183             True))
    184     if typ in ["demo", "posterpaper", "shortpaper", "spotlight", "habilitationthesis"]:
    185         assert (not did_note)
    186         did_note = True
    187         s += '  note = {%s},\n' % (stz[typ][lang])
    188     #if 'issue' in publi.keys():
    189     #    s += '  number = {%s},\n' % publi['issue']
    190     if formal_mode:
    191         for related in ['journalversion', 'conferenceversion']:
    192             if related in publi.keys():
    193                 assert (not did_note)
    194                 did_note = True
    195                 s += ('  note = {%s~\cite{%s}},\n' %
    196                     (stz[related+"_explain"][lang], publi[related]))
    197     if 'doi' in publi.keys() and publi['doi'].lower() != 'none':
    198         s += '  doi = {%s},\n' % publi['doi']
    199     s += '  keywords = {' + ','.join(sorted(keywords)) + '},\n'
    200     if formal_mode:
    201         if 'extra' in publi.keys():
    202             s += publi['extra']
    203     s += '}\n\n'
    204     return s
    206 fmtdict = {
    207         'tex': publitotex,
    208         'bib': publitobib,
    209         }
    211 if thepubli == 'all_formal':
    212     formal_mode = True
    214 if __name__ == '__main__':
    215     for publi in parse('publis'):
    216         if thepubli not in ["all", "all_formal"]:
    217             if thepubli == "cv" or not thepubli:
    218                 if publi.get('reviewed', "no") == "no":
    219                     # only reviewed publis
    220                     continue
    221                 if publi.get('main', "no") == "no" and not publi.get('addcv', "no") == "yes":
    222                     # only main publis
    223                     continue
    224                 if publi.get('hidecv', "no") == "yes" or publi.get('oldcv',
    225                         "no") == "yes":
    226                     # hide some publis: hidecv are the ones I don't want, oldcv
    227                     # are the ones I'd want except they are too old
    228                     continue
    229             else:
    230                 # just one publi
    231                 if thepubli and publi['id'] != thepubli:
    232                     continue
    233         name, fullname, typ2, url, issue, oa, keywords = getvenue(publi, lang, venuesz)
    234         if fmt == 'tex' and typ2 == 'journal' and publi.get('issue', "none").lower() == "none":
    235             # in latex, no journal articles without an issue number yet
    236             continue
    237         print(fmtdict[fmt](publi, lang, venuesz, authorsz))