commit f2e5f523cca1bc4ef8d37da49dae9ba9aa263959
parent fd8a4d40f9e1be23ce43272c3059c5d6493481e1
Author: Antoine Amarilli <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2019 18:31:21 +0200
move files in more logical places
15 files changed, 679 insertions(+), 678 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README b/README
@@ -58,12 +58,13 @@ the approach here to other linguistic features, read on.
The master script is which accepts French text on stdin and a
list of exceptions files as arguments. Included exception files are
-additions and wikipedia. These exceptions are just like training data
-and are not stored as-is; they are just piped later on in the training
-phase. produces on stdout the json trie. Thus, you would run
+datasets/additions and datasets/wikipedia. These exceptions are just like
+training data and are not stored as-is; they are just piped later on in the
+training phase. produces on stdout the json trie. Thus, you would run
something like the following, where corpus is your corpus:
- $ cat corpus | ./ additions wikipedia > haspirater/haspirater.json
+ cd training
+ cat corpus | ./ ../datasets/additions ../datasets/wikipedia > ../haspirater/haspirater.json
The resulting JSON file would reflect both what can be identified in the
corpus and what is given in the exception files.
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ corpus and what is given in the exception files.
This script removes useless characters, and separates words (one per
-=== 5.2. Property inference ( ===
+=== 5.2. Property inference (training/ ===
This script examines the output, notices occurrences of words for which
the preceding word indicates the aspirated or non-aspirated status, and
diff --git a/additions b/additions
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-1 heaume
-1 hèlement
-1 hertz
-1 héraut
-1 hit-parade
-1 high-five
-1 hlm
-1 hobby
-1 hongrois
-1 homard
-1 hoquet
-1 hors-piste
-1 hors-bord
-1 huée
-1 hildegarde
-1 hiroshima
-1 heimatlos
-0 haÿ-les-roses
-0 heur
-0 heure
-0 h
-1 haveler
-0 hallucination
-0 hallucine
-0 halène
-0 halèner
-0 hadopisme
-1 hadopi
-0 hellénisme
-0 hiatus
-0 hélas
-1 hélas
-0 hyacinthe
-0 huluberlu
-0 halogène
-1 himation
-0 humour
-0 héraclite
-0 hélène
diff --git a/datasets/additions b/datasets/additions
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+1 heaume
+1 hèlement
+1 hertz
+1 héraut
+1 hit-parade
+1 high-five
+1 hlm
+1 hobby
+1 hongrois
+1 homard
+1 hoquet
+1 hors-piste
+1 hors-bord
+1 huée
+1 hildegarde
+1 hiroshima
+1 heimatlos
+0 haÿ-les-roses
+0 heur
+0 heure
+0 h
+1 haveler
+0 hallucination
+0 hallucine
+0 halène
+0 halèner
+0 hadopisme
+1 hadopi
+0 hellénisme
+0 hiatus
+0 hélas
+1 hélas
+0 hyacinthe
+0 huluberlu
+0 halogène
+1 himation
+0 humour
+0 héraclite
+0 hélène
diff --git a/datasets/wikipedia b/datasets/wikipedia
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+1 habanera
+1 hâbler
+1 hâblerie
+1 hâbleur
+1 hache
+1 hacheécorce
+1 hacheécorces
+1 hachefourrage
+1 hachelégumes
+1 hachemaïs
+1 hachepaille
+1 hacher
+1 hachereau
+1 hachesarment
+1 hachesarments
+1 hachette
+1 hacheviande
+1 hachage
+1 hacheur
+1 hachis
+1 hachich
+1 hachisch
+1 hachoir
+1 hachure
+1 hack
+1 hackeur
+1 hacquebute
+1 hacquebutier
+1 hadal
+1 haddock
+1 hadîth
+1 hadj
+1 hadji
+1 hadopi
+1 haguais
+1 haguais
+1 hague
+1 hagard
+1 ha
+1 haha
+1 hahé
+1 haie
+1 haïe
+1 haïr
+1 haïk
+1 haillon
+1 haillonneux
+1 haine
+1 haineux
+1 haineusement
+1 haïr
+1 haïssable
+1 halage
+1 halbran
+1 halde
+1 hâle
+1 halecret
+1 haler
+1 hâler
+1 haleter
+1 halètement
+1 hall
+1 halle
+1 hallebarde
+1 hallebardier
+1 hallier
+1 hallstatien
+1 halo
+1 haloir
+1 halophile
+1 halot
+1 halte
+1 hamac
+1 hamada
+1 hamal
+1 hambourg
+1 hamburger
+1 hameau
+1 hammal
+1 hammam
+1 hammerfest
+1 hammerless
+1 hampe
+1 hamster
+1 han
+1 hanap
+1 hanche
+1 hanchement
+1 hancher
+1 hand
+1 handball
+1 handballeur
+1 handicap
+1 handicaper
+1 hangar
+1 hanneton
+1 hannetonner
+1 hanse
+1 hanséatique
+1 hanter
+1 hantise
+1 happe
+1 happelourde
+1 happer
+1 happening
+1 happement
+1 happyend
+1 haquebute
+1 haquebutier
+1 haquenée
+1 haquet
+1 harakiri
+1 harangue
+1 haranguer
+1 harangueur
+1 haras
+1 harassant
+1 harasser
+1 harassement
+1 harceler
+1 harcèlement
+1 harceleur
+1 hachich
+1 harald
+1 harde
+1 harder
+1 hardes
+1 hardi
+1 hardiesse
+1 hardiment
+1 hardware
+1 harem
+1 hareng
+1 harengère
+1 haret
+1 harfang
+1 hargne
+1 hargneux
+1 hargneusement
+1 haricot
+1 haricoter
+1 haridelle
+1 harissa
+1 harka
+1 harki
+1 harle
+1 harlou
+1 harnacher
+1 harnacheur
+1 harnachement
+1 harnais
+1 harnois
+1 harold
+1 haro
+1 harpailler
+1 harpe
+1 harper
+1 harpie
+1 harpiste
+1 harpon
+1 harponner
+1 harponneur
+1 harponnage
+1 harry
+1 hart
+1 harvard
+1 hasard
+1 hasarder
+1 hasardeux
+1 hasardeusement
+1 hasbeen
+1 haschich
+1 hase
+1 hast
+1 hastaire
+1 haste
+1 hastings
+1 hâte
+1 hâtelet
+1 hâtelette
+1 hâter
+1 hâtier
+1 hâtif
+1 hâtiveau
+1 hâtivement
+1 hauban
+1 haubanner
+1 haubanneur
+1 haubergeon
+1 haubert
+1 hausse
+1 haussecol
+1 haussement
+1 haussepied
+1 hausser
+1 hausseur
+1 hausseusement
+1 haussier
+1 haussier
+1 haut
+1 hautain
+1 hautain
+1 hautbois
+1 hautdechausses
+1 hautdeforme
+1 hautecontre
+1 hauteforme
+1 hautement
+1 hautesse
+1 hauteur
+1 hautescontre
+1 hautesformes
+1 hautfond
+1 hautin
+1 hautlecœur
+1 hautlecorps
+1 hautlepied
+1 hautparleur
+1 hautparleurs
+1 hautrelief
+1 hautsdechausses
+1 hautsdeforme
+1 hautsfonds
+1 hautsreliefs
+1 hauturier
+1 havage
+1 havanais
+1 havanais
+1 havane
+1 havane
+1 hâve
+1 haveneau
+1 havenet
+1 haver
+1 haveur
+1 havir
+1 havrais
+1 havrais
+1 havre
+1 havre
+1 havresac
+1 havresacs
+1 hayon
+1 heaume
+1 heaumier
+1 heimatlos
+1 hein
+1 héler
+1 héleur
+1 hèlement
+1 hello
+1 hem
+1 hemloc
+1 henné
+1 hennir
+1 hennissant
+1 hennissement
+1 hennisseur
+1 henri
+1 henry
+1 henry
+1 hep
+1 héraut
+1 herchage
+1 hercher
+1 hercheur
+1 hère
+1 hérissement
+1 hérisser
+1 hérisseur
+1 hérisson
+1 hérissonner
+1 hermitique
+1 herniaire
+1 hernie
+1 hernieux
+1 héron
+1 héronnier
+1 héros
+1 herschage
+1 herscher
+1 herscheur
+1 herse
+1 herser
+1 hertz
+1 hertzien
+1 hesse
+1 hêtraie
+1 hêtre
+1 heu/heux
+1 heulandite
+1 heurt
+1 heurtement
+1 heurtequin
+1 heurter
+1 heurteur
+1 heurtoir
+0 hélas
+1 hi
+1 hiatal
+1 hibou
+1 hic
+1 hic
+1 hickory
+1 hideur
+1 hideusement
+1 hideux
+1 hie
+1 hiement
+1 hier
+1 hiéracocéphale
+1 hiérarchie
+1 hiérarchique
+1 hiérarchiquement
+1 hiérarchiser
+1 hiérarchisation
+1 hiératique
+1 hiératiquement
+1 hiératisant
+1 hiératisé
+1 hiératisme
+1 hiérochromie
+1 hiérocrate
+1 hiérocratisme
+1 hiérodrame
+1 hiérogamie
+1 hiérogamique
+1 hiéroglyphe
+1 hiéroglyphé
+1 hiéroglyphie
+1 hiéroglyphié
+1 hiéroglyphique
+1 hiéroglyphiquement
+1 hiéroglyphisme
+1 hiéroglyphite
+1 hiérogramme
+1 hiérogrammate
+1 hiérogrammatisme
+1 hiérographe
+1 hiéromancie
+1 hiéromoine
+1 hiérophanie
+1 hiéroscopie
+1 hiéroscopique
+1 hifi
+1 highlandais
+1 highlander
+1 highlands
+1 highlife
+1 highlifer
+1 highlifeur
+1 hihan
+1 hilaire
+1 hile
+1 hiloire
+1 hilbert
+1 hildegarde
+1 hindi
+1 hip
+1 hiphop
+1 hippie
+1 hiragana
+1 hiroshima
+1 hissage
+1 hisser
+1 hissement
+1 hisseur
+1 hit
+1 hitparade
+1 hitparades
+1 hittite
+1 hittite
+1 ho
+1 hobart
+1 hobby
+1 hobereau
+1 hobereautaille
+1 hoberelle
+1 hoc
+1 hoca
+1 hocco
+1 hoche
+1 hochement
+1 hochepot
+1 hochequeue
+1 hochequeues
+1 hocher
+1 hochet
+1 hockey
+1 hockeyeur
+1 hocko
+1 hodja
+1 hognement
+1 hogner
+1 holà
+1 holding
+1 hôler
+1 holdup
+1 hollandais
+1 hollandais
+1 hollandaisement
+1 hollande
+1 hollande
+1 hollandé
+1 hollandiser
+1 hollandobelge
+1 hollandofrançais
+1 hollandonorvégien
+1 hollandosaxon
+1 hollywood
+1 hollywoodesque
+1 hollywoodien
+1 homard
+1 homarderie
+1 homardier
+1 home
+1 homecinema
+1 homespun
+1 hon
+1 honduras
+1 hondurien
+1 hondurien
+1 hongkong
+1 hongkongais
+1 hongre
+1 hongreline
+1 hongrer
+1 hongreur
+1 hongrie
+1 hongrois
+1 hongrois
+1 hongroyage
+1 hongroyer
+1 hongroyeur
+1 honnir
+1 honnissement
+1 honshu
+1 honte
+1 honteux
+1 honteusement
+1 hooligan
+1 hop
+1 hoquet
+1 hoqueter
+1 hoquètement
+1 hoqueton
+1 horde
+1 horion
+1 hormis
+1 hornblende
+1 hors
+1 horsain
+1 horsbord
+1 horsbords
+1 horscaste
+1 horscastes
+1 horsd’œuvre
+1 horseguard
+1 horseguards
+1 horsepox
+1 horsjeu
+1 horslaloi
+1 horssérie
+1 horst
+1 horstexte
+1 hosanna
+1 hosannière
+1 hotdog
+1 hotdogs
+1 hotte
+1 hottée
+1 hotter
+1 hottentot
+1 hotteur
+1 hou
+1 houp
+1 houblon
+1 houblonner
+1 houblonneur
+1 houblonnière
+1 houdan
+1 houdan
+1 houe
+1 houhou
+1 houille
+1 houiller
+1 houillère
+1 houilleux
+1 houka
+1 houle
+1 houler
+1 houlette
+1 houleux
+1 houleusement
+1 houlier
+1 houlque
+1 hoummous
+1 houp
+1 houppe
+1 houppelande
+1 houppette
+1 houppier
+1 houque
+1 houraillis
+1 hourd
+1 hourdage
+1 hourder
+1 hourdi
+1 hourdis
+1 houret
+1 houri
+1 hourque
+1 hourra
+1 hourvari
+1 houseau
+1 houspiller
+1 houspilleur
+1 houspillement
+1 houssage
+1 houssaie
+1 housse
+1 housser
+1 houssine
+1 houssoir
+1 houston
+1 houx
+1 hoyau
+1 huard
+1 hublot
+1 huche
+1 huchée
+1 hucher
+1 huchet
+1 huchier
+1 hue
+1 huée
+1 huer
+1 huerta
+1 huehau
+1 hugo
+1 hugolâtre
+1 hugolâtrie
+1 hugolien
+1 hugotique
+1 hugotisme
+1 hugues
+1 huguenot
+1 huit
+1 huitain
+1 huitaine
+1 huitante
+1 huitième
+1 hulotte
+1 hululation
+1 hululer
+1 hum
+1 humage
+1 humement
+1 humer
+1 humeux
+1 huns
+1 humoter
+1 hune
+1 hunier
+1 hunter
+1 huppe
+1 huppé
+1 huque
+1 hure
+1 hurlade
+1 hurlée
+1 hurlement
+1 hurler
+1 hurleur
+1 huroiroquois
+1 huroiroquois
+1 huron
+1 huron
+1 huronien
+1 huronien
+1 hurricane
+1 husky
+1 hussard
+1 hussite
+1 hussitisme
+1 hutin
+1 hutinet
+1 hutte
+1 hutteau
+1 hutter
+1 huttier
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# From a list of '\n'-separated words, output occurrences of words
-# starting by 'h' when it can be inferred whether the word is aspirated
-# or not. The format is "0 word" for non-aspirated and "1 word" for
-# aspirated.
-my $asp; # will the next word be aspirated?
-while (<>) {
- $_ = lc($_);
- print "$asp $_" if (/^h/i && $asp >= 0);
- chop;
- # we store in asp what the current word indicates about the next word
- $asp = -1; # default is unknown
- $asp = 0 if /^[lj]'$/;
- $asp = 0 if /^qu'$/;
- $asp = 1 if /^que$/;
- $asp = 0 if /^cet$/;
- $asp = 1 if /^ce$/;
- # only meaningful are "je", "de", "le" and "la"
- $asp = 1 if /^[jdl][ea]$/;
diff --git a/haspirater.pdf b/haspirater.pdf
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/haspirater_majority.pdf b/haspirater_majority.pdf
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# From a French text input and an exceptions dictionnary, prepare the
-# trie.
-./ | # reformat the text
- ./ | # identify and label occurrences
- cat - $* | # add in exceptions
- sed 's/ h/ /' | # we don't keep the useless leading 'h' in the trie
- ./haspirater/ | # prepare the trie
- ./haspirater/ | # compress the trie
- ./haspirater/ # keep only the most frequent information
diff --git a/plots/haspirater.pdf b/plots/haspirater.pdf
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/plots/haspirater_majority.pdf b/plots/haspirater_majority.pdf
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Prepare a text for piping into
-tr -c "a-zA-ZÀ-Ÿà-ÿ\n'-" "\n" | sed "s/'/'\n/"
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# From a list of '\n'-separated words, output occurrences of words
+# starting by 'h' when it can be inferred whether the word is aspirated
+# or not. The format is "0 word" for non-aspirated and "1 word" for
+# aspirated.
+my $asp; # will the next word be aspirated?
+while (<>) {
+ $_ = lc($_);
+ print "$asp $_" if (/^h/i && $asp >= 0);
+ chop;
+ # we store in asp what the current word indicates about the next word
+ $asp = -1; # default is unknown
+ $asp = 0 if /^[lj]'$/;
+ $asp = 0 if /^qu'$/;
+ $asp = 1 if /^que$/;
+ $asp = 0 if /^cet$/;
+ $asp = 1 if /^ce$/;
+ # only meaningful are "je", "de", "le" and "la"
+ $asp = 1 if /^[jdl][ea]$/;
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# From a French text input and an exceptions dictionnary, prepare the
+# trie.
+./ | # reformat the text
+ ./ | # identify and label occurrences
+ cat - $* | # add in exceptions
+ sed 's/ h/ /' | # we don't keep the useless leading 'h' in the trie
+ ../haspirater/ | # prepare the trie
+ ../haspirater/ | # compress the trie
+ ../haspirater/ # keep only the most frequent information
diff --git a/training/ b/training/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Prepare a text for piping into
+tr -c "a-zA-ZÀ-Ÿà-ÿ\n'-" "\n" | sed "s/'/'\n/"
diff --git a/wikipedia b/wikipedia
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-1 habanera
-1 hâbler
-1 hâblerie
-1 hâbleur
-1 hache
-1 hacheécorce
-1 hacheécorces
-1 hachefourrage
-1 hachelégumes
-1 hachemaïs
-1 hachepaille
-1 hacher
-1 hachereau
-1 hachesarment
-1 hachesarments
-1 hachette
-1 hacheviande
-1 hachage
-1 hacheur
-1 hachis
-1 hachich
-1 hachisch
-1 hachoir
-1 hachure
-1 hack
-1 hackeur
-1 hacquebute
-1 hacquebutier
-1 hadal
-1 haddock
-1 hadîth
-1 hadj
-1 hadji
-1 hadopi
-1 haguais
-1 haguais
-1 hague
-1 hagard
-1 ha
-1 haha
-1 hahé
-1 haie
-1 haïe
-1 haïr
-1 haïk
-1 haillon
-1 haillonneux
-1 haine
-1 haineux
-1 haineusement
-1 haïr
-1 haïssable
-1 halage
-1 halbran
-1 halde
-1 hâle
-1 halecret
-1 haler
-1 hâler
-1 haleter
-1 halètement
-1 hall
-1 halle
-1 hallebarde
-1 hallebardier
-1 hallier
-1 hallstatien
-1 halo
-1 haloir
-1 halophile
-1 halot
-1 halte
-1 hamac
-1 hamada
-1 hamal
-1 hambourg
-1 hamburger
-1 hameau
-1 hammal
-1 hammam
-1 hammerfest
-1 hammerless
-1 hampe
-1 hamster
-1 han
-1 hanap
-1 hanche
-1 hanchement
-1 hancher
-1 hand
-1 handball
-1 handballeur
-1 handicap
-1 handicaper
-1 hangar
-1 hanneton
-1 hannetonner
-1 hanse
-1 hanséatique
-1 hanter
-1 hantise
-1 happe
-1 happelourde
-1 happer
-1 happening
-1 happement
-1 happyend
-1 haquebute
-1 haquebutier
-1 haquenée
-1 haquet
-1 harakiri
-1 harangue
-1 haranguer
-1 harangueur
-1 haras
-1 harassant
-1 harasser
-1 harassement
-1 harceler
-1 harcèlement
-1 harceleur
-1 hachich
-1 harald
-1 harde
-1 harder
-1 hardes
-1 hardi
-1 hardiesse
-1 hardiment
-1 hardware
-1 harem
-1 hareng
-1 harengère
-1 haret
-1 harfang
-1 hargne
-1 hargneux
-1 hargneusement
-1 haricot
-1 haricoter
-1 haridelle
-1 harissa
-1 harka
-1 harki
-1 harle
-1 harlou
-1 harnacher
-1 harnacheur
-1 harnachement
-1 harnais
-1 harnois
-1 harold
-1 haro
-1 harpailler
-1 harpe
-1 harper
-1 harpie
-1 harpiste
-1 harpon
-1 harponner
-1 harponneur
-1 harponnage
-1 harry
-1 hart
-1 harvard
-1 hasard
-1 hasarder
-1 hasardeux
-1 hasardeusement
-1 hasbeen
-1 haschich
-1 hase
-1 hast
-1 hastaire
-1 haste
-1 hastings
-1 hâte
-1 hâtelet
-1 hâtelette
-1 hâter
-1 hâtier
-1 hâtif
-1 hâtiveau
-1 hâtivement
-1 hauban
-1 haubanner
-1 haubanneur
-1 haubergeon
-1 haubert
-1 hausse
-1 haussecol
-1 haussement
-1 haussepied
-1 hausser
-1 hausseur
-1 hausseusement
-1 haussier
-1 haussier
-1 haut
-1 hautain
-1 hautain
-1 hautbois
-1 hautdechausses
-1 hautdeforme
-1 hautecontre
-1 hauteforme
-1 hautement
-1 hautesse
-1 hauteur
-1 hautescontre
-1 hautesformes
-1 hautfond
-1 hautin
-1 hautlecœur
-1 hautlecorps
-1 hautlepied
-1 hautparleur
-1 hautparleurs
-1 hautrelief
-1 hautsdechausses
-1 hautsdeforme
-1 hautsfonds
-1 hautsreliefs
-1 hauturier
-1 havage
-1 havanais
-1 havanais
-1 havane
-1 havane
-1 hâve
-1 haveneau
-1 havenet
-1 haver
-1 haveur
-1 havir
-1 havrais
-1 havrais
-1 havre
-1 havre
-1 havresac
-1 havresacs
-1 hayon
-1 heaume
-1 heaumier
-1 heimatlos
-1 hein
-1 héler
-1 héleur
-1 hèlement
-1 hello
-1 hem
-1 hemloc
-1 henné
-1 hennir
-1 hennissant
-1 hennissement
-1 hennisseur
-1 henri
-1 henry
-1 henry
-1 hep
-1 héraut
-1 herchage
-1 hercher
-1 hercheur
-1 hère
-1 hérissement
-1 hérisser
-1 hérisseur
-1 hérisson
-1 hérissonner
-1 hermitique
-1 herniaire
-1 hernie
-1 hernieux
-1 héron
-1 héronnier
-1 héros
-1 herschage
-1 herscher
-1 herscheur
-1 herse
-1 herser
-1 hertz
-1 hertzien
-1 hesse
-1 hêtraie
-1 hêtre
-1 heu/heux
-1 heulandite
-1 heurt
-1 heurtement
-1 heurtequin
-1 heurter
-1 heurteur
-1 heurtoir
-0 hélas
-1 hi
-1 hiatal
-1 hibou
-1 hic
-1 hic
-1 hickory
-1 hideur
-1 hideusement
-1 hideux
-1 hie
-1 hiement
-1 hier
-1 hiéracocéphale
-1 hiérarchie
-1 hiérarchique
-1 hiérarchiquement
-1 hiérarchiser
-1 hiérarchisation
-1 hiératique
-1 hiératiquement
-1 hiératisant
-1 hiératisé
-1 hiératisme
-1 hiérochromie
-1 hiérocrate
-1 hiérocratisme
-1 hiérodrame
-1 hiérogamie
-1 hiérogamique
-1 hiéroglyphe
-1 hiéroglyphé
-1 hiéroglyphie
-1 hiéroglyphié
-1 hiéroglyphique
-1 hiéroglyphiquement
-1 hiéroglyphisme
-1 hiéroglyphite
-1 hiérogramme
-1 hiérogrammate
-1 hiérogrammatisme
-1 hiérographe
-1 hiéromancie
-1 hiéromoine
-1 hiérophanie
-1 hiéroscopie
-1 hiéroscopique
-1 hifi
-1 highlandais
-1 highlander
-1 highlands
-1 highlife
-1 highlifer
-1 highlifeur
-1 hihan
-1 hilaire
-1 hile
-1 hiloire
-1 hilbert
-1 hildegarde
-1 hindi
-1 hip
-1 hiphop
-1 hippie
-1 hiragana
-1 hiroshima
-1 hissage
-1 hisser
-1 hissement
-1 hisseur
-1 hit
-1 hitparade
-1 hitparades
-1 hittite
-1 hittite
-1 ho
-1 hobart
-1 hobby
-1 hobereau
-1 hobereautaille
-1 hoberelle
-1 hoc
-1 hoca
-1 hocco
-1 hoche
-1 hochement
-1 hochepot
-1 hochequeue
-1 hochequeues
-1 hocher
-1 hochet
-1 hockey
-1 hockeyeur
-1 hocko
-1 hodja
-1 hognement
-1 hogner
-1 holà
-1 holding
-1 hôler
-1 holdup
-1 hollandais
-1 hollandais
-1 hollandaisement
-1 hollande
-1 hollande
-1 hollandé
-1 hollandiser
-1 hollandobelge
-1 hollandofrançais
-1 hollandonorvégien
-1 hollandosaxon
-1 hollywood
-1 hollywoodesque
-1 hollywoodien
-1 homard
-1 homarderie
-1 homardier
-1 home
-1 homecinema
-1 homespun
-1 hon
-1 honduras
-1 hondurien
-1 hondurien
-1 hongkong
-1 hongkongais
-1 hongre
-1 hongreline
-1 hongrer
-1 hongreur
-1 hongrie
-1 hongrois
-1 hongrois
-1 hongroyage
-1 hongroyer
-1 hongroyeur
-1 honnir
-1 honnissement
-1 honshu
-1 honte
-1 honteux
-1 honteusement
-1 hooligan
-1 hop
-1 hoquet
-1 hoqueter
-1 hoquètement
-1 hoqueton
-1 horde
-1 horion
-1 hormis
-1 hornblende
-1 hors
-1 horsain
-1 horsbord
-1 horsbords
-1 horscaste
-1 horscastes
-1 horsd’œuvre
-1 horseguard
-1 horseguards
-1 horsepox
-1 horsjeu
-1 horslaloi
-1 horssérie
-1 horst
-1 horstexte
-1 hosanna
-1 hosannière
-1 hotdog
-1 hotdogs
-1 hotte
-1 hottée
-1 hotter
-1 hottentot
-1 hotteur
-1 hou
-1 houp
-1 houblon
-1 houblonner
-1 houblonneur
-1 houblonnière
-1 houdan
-1 houdan
-1 houe
-1 houhou
-1 houille
-1 houiller
-1 houillère
-1 houilleux
-1 houka
-1 houle
-1 houler
-1 houlette
-1 houleux
-1 houleusement
-1 houlier
-1 houlque
-1 hoummous
-1 houp
-1 houppe
-1 houppelande
-1 houppette
-1 houppier
-1 houque
-1 houraillis
-1 hourd
-1 hourdage
-1 hourder
-1 hourdi
-1 hourdis
-1 houret
-1 houri
-1 hourque
-1 hourra
-1 hourvari
-1 houseau
-1 houspiller
-1 houspilleur
-1 houspillement
-1 houssage
-1 houssaie
-1 housse
-1 housser
-1 houssine
-1 houssoir
-1 houston
-1 houx
-1 hoyau
-1 huard
-1 hublot
-1 huche
-1 huchée
-1 hucher
-1 huchet
-1 huchier
-1 hue
-1 huée
-1 huer
-1 huerta
-1 huehau
-1 hugo
-1 hugolâtre
-1 hugolâtrie
-1 hugolien
-1 hugotique
-1 hugotisme
-1 hugues
-1 huguenot
-1 huit
-1 huitain
-1 huitaine
-1 huitante
-1 huitième
-1 hulotte
-1 hululation
-1 hululer
-1 hum
-1 humage
-1 humement
-1 humer
-1 humeux
-1 huns
-1 humoter
-1 hune
-1 hunier
-1 hunter
-1 huppe
-1 huppé
-1 huque
-1 hure
-1 hurlade
-1 hurlée
-1 hurlement
-1 hurler
-1 hurleur
-1 huroiroquois
-1 huroiroquois
-1 huron
-1 huron
-1 huronien
-1 huronien
-1 hurricane
-1 husky
-1 hussard
-1 hussite
-1 hussitisme
-1 hutin
-1 hutinet
-1 hutte
-1 hutteau
-1 hutter
-1 huttier