commit 03034013d9d6738e8a76a26151214c5e65174344
parent 072bb59ffc91f72c56b2380488f584f03809c9d1
Author: Antoine Amarilli <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 01:14:32 +0100
Diffstat: | | | 2 | -- | | | | 89 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
2 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#coding: utf-8
+import unicodedata
+import re
+vowels = 'aeiouyϾ'
+consonants = "bcçdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"
+# a variant of x-sampa such that all french phonemes are one-character
+ ('#', 'A~'),
+ ('$', 'O~'),
+ (')', 'E~'),
+ ('(', '9~'),
+ ]
+# Forbidden at the end of a hemistiche. "-ent" would also be forbidden
+# in some cases but not others...
+sure_end_fem = ['es', 'e', 'ë']
+def strip_accents_one(s, with_except=False):
+ """Strip accent from a string
+ with_except keeps specifically 'é' and 'è'"""
+ r = []
+ for x in s:
+ if with_except and x in ['è', 'é']:
+ r.append(x)
+ else:
+ r += unicodedata.normalize('NFD', x)
+ return r
+def strip_accents(s, with_except=False):
+ return ''.join(
+ (c for c in strip_accents_one(s, with_except)
+ if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'))
+def norm_spaces(text):
+ """Remove multiple consecutive whitespace"""
+ return re.sub("\s+-*\s*", ' ', text)
+def rm_punct(text, with_apostrophe = False):
+ """Remove punctuation from text"""
+ if not with_apostrophe:
+ text = re.sub("'", '', text)
+ #TODO rather: keep only good chars
+ pattern = re.compile("[^'\w -]", re.UNICODE)
+ return pattern.sub(' ', text)
+def is_vowels(chunk, with_h=False, with_y=True):
+ """Test if a chunk is vowels
+ with_h counts 'h' as vowel, with_y allows 'y'"""
+ if not with_y and chunk == 'y':
+ return False
+ for char in strip_accents(chunk):
+ if char not in vowels:
+ if char != 'h' or not with_h:
+ return False
+ return True
+def is_consonants(chunk):
+ """Test if a chunk is consonants"""
+ for char in strip_accents(chunk):
+ if char not in consonants:
+ return False
+ return True
+def normalize(text, with_apostrophe=False):
+ """Normalize text, ie. lowercase, no useless punctuation or whitespace"""
+ return norm_spaces(rm_punct(text.lower(), with_apostrophe)).rstrip().lstrip()
+def subst(string, subs):
+ if len(subs) == 0:
+ return string
+ return subst(string.replace(subs[0][0], subs[0][1]), subs[1:])
+def to_xsampa(s):
+ """convert our modified format to x-sampa"""
+ return subst(s, SUBSTS)
+def from_xsampa(s):
+ """convert x-sampa to our modified format"""
+ return subst(s, [(x[1], x[0]) for x in SUBSTS])