tree_automaton (564B)
1 # Tree automaton 2 3 Defines [regular_tree_language] 4 5 ## Types 6 7 - [tree_automaton_bottom_up] 8 - [tree_automaton_top_down]: 9 - [automata_deterministic] leads to a weaker class of languages 10 - [unambiguous]: is the same as unambiguous bottom-up (the unambiguity condition is symmetric) 11 12 ## Variants 13 14 Also [dag_automaton] DAG-automaton 15 16 and [jumping_automata_on_graphs] jumping automata on graphs 17 18 - [tree_automaton_infinite] 19 - [counter_automata_trees] 20 21 Up: [automata] on [tree] 22 23 See also: [dtd], [xml]