semiring_list (827B)
1 # Semiring examples 2 3 - The [Boolean_semiring] 4 5 - The [natural_numbers] 6 - useful for [bag_semantics] in [query_evaluation] 7 8 - The [universal_semiring], and its variants 9 - [bool_x] losing coefficients ([sets] of [bags]) 10 - [semiring_absorptive]: adding [absorptivity] 11 - [Trio] semiring: losing exponents ([bags] of [sets]) 12 - [Why_provenance] losing coefficients and exponents ([sets] of [sets]) 13 - [PosBool] imposing [absorptivity], 14 - And losing exponents relative to [semiring_absorptive] 15 - [Which_provenance]: just a [set] 16 17 - The [min_max_semiring]: (A, [max], [min], 0, 1) 18 - in particular [access_control_semiring] and [fuzzy_semiring] 19 20 - The [Viterbi_semiring], aka the confidence semiring 21 - The [tropical_semiring] 22 - The [fuzzy_semiring] 23 24 - Any [ring] 25 26 - [semiring_examples_others] 27 28 Up: [semiring]