query_language (773B)
1 # Query language 2 3 - [conjunctive_query] 4 - [sjfcq] 5 - [union_of_conjunctive_queries] 6 - [first_order_logic]: [first_order_query] 7 - [monadic_second_order_logic] 8 9 ## Other formalisms 10 11 - [ontology_mediated_query] 12 - [relational_calculus] / [relational_algebra] 13 - [nested_relational_calculus] 14 - nested [k_relation] 15 - [graph_query_languages] 16 17 ## Features 18 19 - [query_recursive] 20 - [regular_path_query] 21 - [datalog] 22 - with [negation] 23 - with [aggregation] 24 - [aggregation] 25 26 ## Subclasses 27 28 - [homomorphism_closed] 29 - [query_acyclic] 30 - [datalog_acyclic] 31 - [conjunctive_query_acyclic] 32 - [query_full] 33 - [conjunctive_query_full] 34 35 ## Variants 36 37 - [sum_product_query] 38 39 Up: [database_theory] 40 41 See also: [query_rewriting] 42 43 Aliases: query class, query classes, query languages