infinity_deletion_breakable (530B)
1 # Infinity deletion breakable 2 3 Discussed in [maehlman2024monadically] and at [stacs_2024_szymon] 4 5 Like [deletion_breakable] but only for r=infinity 6 7 Example: on [tree]: k=1, U(n) = n/3 8 - for every set W there is a vertex which is a "balanced separator" of W, i.e., removing the vertex, each connected component contains at most 1/3rd of the vertices of W 9 - [treewidth]: similar, separators of size t+1 for t the treewidth (still U(n) = n/3) 10 11 A [graph_class] C is infinity deletion breakable iff C is [treelike] 12 13 Up: [graph_class]