dominating_set (691B)
1 # Dominating set 2 3 4 5 A subset of vertices of a graph such that every vertex of the graph is either in the set or adjacent to a vertex in the set 6 - distinguish [total_dominating_set] (aka "strongly-dominating set"): every vertex in the graph is adjacent to a vertex in the set, including the vertices in the set themselves. Does not always exist (e.g., isolated vertices) 7 8 [karthik2019parameterized]: no [fixed_parameter_tractable] [approximation] algorithm for the problem 9 - uses [abboud2017distributed] 10 11 Generalization: [generalized_dominating_set] 12 13 Variant: [independent_dominating_set] 14 15 See also: [edge_dominating_set] 16 17 Up: [graph_substructure]