conjunctive_query_acyclic (759B)
1 # Acyclic CQs 2 3 Can be evaluated by [yannakakis_algorithm] following a [join_tree] 4 5 - [acyclic_free_connex] 6 7 the evaluation problem is in the complexity class [logcfl], and the the complexity is in O(databaseĆquery + output) 8 9 We can test in linear time if a hypergraph is acyclic and if so build the join tree: [gyo] algorithm 10 11 For Boolean queries, even with [self_join], if the query is not acyclic then we can reduce from a hard problem ([triangle_detection] ou [hyperclique_detection]) 12 13 Special case: [conjunctive_query_hierarchical] 14 15 See also: [fagin1983degrees], [guarded_fragment], [alpha_acyclic], [conjunctive_query_cyclic] 16 17 Up: [conjunctive_query] 18 19 Aliases: acyclic conjunctive query, acyclic conjunctive queries, acyclic CQ, acyclic CQs, CQ acyclic