approximation (1014B)
1 # Approximation 2 3 Two kinds of approximation: 4 - [approximation_additive]: section 3.2.1 [souihli2012querying] [monte_carlo] [hoeffdings_inequality] 5 - [approximation_multiplicative]: what follows is about those 6 7 Complexity classes [approximation_class]: 8 - [FPRAS] 9 - [PRAS] 10 - etc. 11 12 Problems: [approximation_problems] 13 14 Reasons not to get it: 15 - conditional inapproximability [fpras_vs_npc]: no [FPRAS] if the [decision_problem] "décision =0" is [np_hard], unless you have [nptime] = [bpp] or [nptime] = [rp] 16 - [sharp_is]: no [FPRAS] to count the [independent_sets] of a [graph] 17 - no [FPRAS] for [monotone2cnf] ([calautti2022query]), cf [sharp_satisfiability_fpras] 18 - [hardness_of_approximation] 19 20 Applications: 21 - [sampling_approximate] 22 - [counting_approximate] 23 24 - [approximation_pqe] 25 26 Notion of [reduction]: [approximation_preserving_reduction] 27 28 Other notions: 29 30 - [query_approximation] 31 - [approximate_aggregation] 32 - [query_evaluation_approximate] 33 34 Up: [research_directions] 35 36 Aliases: approximate counting, approximated