1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 # TODO: add n-grams from wikipedia article titles with unambiguous 4 # pronunciation, known words, and suitable POS 5 6 #cat Lexique371/Bases+Scripts/Lexique3.txt | 7 # ./| cut -f1,2,4 | grep NOM | uniq > lexique.txt 8 cat - | sort -k 14,14n -k8,8nr | 9 grep -vi "zanimaux" | 10 cut -f1,2,4,23,24,28 | grep NOM | 11 grep '\s3\s' | cut -f1,4,6 | awk '!a[$1]++' > lexique_full 12 pv lexique_full | ./ > lexique3 13 cat lexique3 | ./ > graph 14 cat graph | ./ output 15 16 # cat <(echo "digraph G {") <(sed 's/\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) \(.*\)/\1 -> \2 17 # [label="\3"]/g' graph) <(echo "}") | sed 's/#/_/g;s/8/W/g;s/\$/Y/g;s/)/X/g' > 18 # 19