
French poetry validator (local mirror of
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test_expected_output.out (20841B)

      1 plint/test_data/albatros.tpl
      2 plint/test_data/andromaque.tpl
      3 stdin:378: > Brûlé de plus de feux que je n’en allumai,
      4 stdin:378: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "e", inferred "E")
      5 stdin:1491: > Que je le hais ; enfin, Seigneur, que je l’aimai ?
      6 stdin:1491: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "e", inferred "E")
      7 stdin:1724: > Andromaque m’attend. Phœnix, garde son fils.
      8 stdin:1724: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "i"/"iz", inferred "il"/"ils"/"ilz"/"is"/"iss"/"isz")
      9 plint/test_data/au_lecteur.tpl
     10 plint/test_data/boileau.tpl
     11 stdin:1021: > Entouré à demi d'un vieux parchemin noir,
     12 stdin:1021: >       HHHH                               
     13 stdin:1021: Illegal hiatus (see 'H' above)
     14 stdin:3479: > Va revoir ses billets et compter son argent ;
     15 stdin:3479: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-nd", inferred "-nt")
     16 stdin:3741: > Il est vrai. Mais pourtant sans loi et sans police,
     17 stdin:3741: >                                  HHHH              
     18 stdin:3741: Illegal hiatus (see 'H' above)
     19 stdin:4285: > Le vice audacieux des hommes avoué
     20 stdin:4285: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-oé", inferred "-ué")
     21 stdin:4423: > Suivre à front découvert Zouzou et Messaline ;
     22 stdin:4423: >                              HHHH             
     23 stdin:4423: Illegal hiatus (see 'H' above)
     24 stdin:5697: > Que de savants plaideurs désormais inutiles !
     25 stdin:5697: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "ij"/"ijs"/"ijz", inferred "il"/"ils"/"ilz")
     26 stdin:6052: > Wurts... Ah ! quel nom, grand roi, quel Hector que ce Wurts !
     27 stdin:6052: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "yR"/"yRs"/"yRz", inferred "9R"/"9Rs"/"9Rz"/"uR"/"uRs"/"uRt"/"uRts"/"uRtz"/"uRz")
     28 plint/test_data/corneille_clitandre.tpl
     29 stdin:487: > Un désaveu démente et tes gens et ton seing ?
     30 stdin:487: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-in", inferred "-ng")
     31 stdin:3007: > Afin qu’exécutant son perfide dessein,
     32 stdin:3007: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-k", inferred "-in")
     33 plint/test_data/corneille_galerie_du_palais.tpl
     34 stdin:374: > U n bo n poè te  ne vient que d’un  a ma nt p a rfai t.
     35 stdin:374: > 1    1     2   1  1  1      1  1    1  1      1    1    (total: 13)
     36 stdin:374: > ok   ok   cut fem ok ok    ok  ok  cut ok    cut  cut  
     37 stdin:374: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     38 stdin:388: > Qui trai t a sse nt l’a mour à la f a ço n de s poè t e s :
     39 stdin:388: >   1    1   1   1      1  1   1  1   1  1    1     2   0     (total: 13)
     40 stdin:388: >  ok   cut cut  ok    cut ok  ok ok cut ok   ok   cut cut   
     41 stdin:388: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     42 stdin:1155: >  A va nt que d i r e   a dieu, r e nouero nt l’a m i tié.
     43 stdin:1155: >  1  1      1   1   0   1    1    1   2  1      1   1   1  (total: 13)
     44 stdin:1155: > cut ok    ok  cut elidcut  ok   cut cut ok    cut cut ok 
     45 stdin:1155: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     46 stdin:1976: > Pour moi ? Ce s jours p a ssé s, u n poè te  qui m’a d o re, 
     47 stdin:1976: >  1      1   1    1      1   1    1     2   1   1   1   1   0  (total: 13)
     48 stdin:1976: >  ok    ok   ok   ok    cut  ok   ok   cut fem ok  cut cut fem
     49 stdin:1976: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     50 stdin:1986: > I l veut te m a rier, mais c’est à D o r i m a nt :
     51 stdin:1986: > 1    1    1   1  1     1    1    1   1   1   1      (total: 11)
     52 stdin:1986: > ok   ok   ok cut ok    ok   ok   ok cut cut cut    
     53 stdin:1986: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     54 plint/test_data/corneille_illusion_comique.tpl
     55 stdin:1618: > Leur poè me  r é c i té, p a rt a ge nt leur pr a t i que :
     56 stdin:1618: >  1     2   1   1   1   1   1    1  1     1      1   1   0   (total: 13)
     57 stdin:1618: >  ok   cut fem cut cut ok  cut  cut ok    ok    cut cut fem 
     58 stdin:1618: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     59 stdin:1622: > Et, sans prendre intérêt en pas un de leurs rôles,
     60 stdin:1622: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "Ol"/"Ols"/"Olz", inferred "ol"/"ols"/"olz")
     61 plint/test_data/corneille_medee.tpl
     62 stdin:16: > Sans l’entendre nommer je l’avais deviné,
     63 stdin:16: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-er", inferred "-né")
     64 stdin:95: > L’é pou v a nte  le s pre nd e t M é dée s’e nfui t,
     65 stdin:95: >                                       AAAA          
     66 stdin:95: >   1   1   1    1  1     1    1     1   1   1    1    (total: 11)
     67 stdin:95: >  cut cut cut  fem ok    ok   ok   cut ok  cut  cut  
     68 stdin:95: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     69 stdin:95: Illegal ambiguous pattern (see 'A' above)
     70 stdin:510: > Ma fille, c’est demain qu’elle sort de ma terre.
     71 stdin:510: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-z", inferred "-re")
     72 stdin:688: > À l’i nf â me  s o rcier qui ch a rme  vo s  e spr i ts.
     73 stdin:688: > 1   1    1   1   1   2     1    1    1  1    1     1     (total: 13)
     74 stdin:688: > ok cut  cut fem cut  ok   ok   cut  fem ok  cut   cut   
     75 stdin:688: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     76 stdin:996: > E st c e lui qu’une  h a rpie e n f u ya nt lai ssa choi r.
     77 stdin:996: > 1      1   1   1   1   1    1 1     1  1      1   1    1    (total: 13)
     78 stdin:996: > ok    cut ok  cut fem cut  ok ok   cut ok    cut  ok  cut  
     79 stdin:996: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
     80 stdin:1333: > Ne me déchirez plus, officieux bourreaux,
     81 stdin:1333: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "2"/"2z", inferred "o"/"oz")
     82 plint/test_data/corneille_melite.tpl
     83 stdin:205: > Que si je suis un fou, j’ai bien raison de l’être.
     84 stdin:205: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "atR", inferred "EtR")
     85 stdin:635: > Afin de te mieux voir s’est mis à la fenêtre.
     86 stdin:635: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "atR", inferred "EtR")
     87 stdin:1233: > Remarque sa couleur, son maintien, sa parole ;
     88 stdin:1233: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "ol", inferred "Ol")
     89 stdin:2287: > Il voudroit que le jour en fût encore à naître ;
     90 stdin:2287: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "atR", inferred "EtR")
     91 plint/test_data/corneille_oedipe.tpl
     92 stdin:712: > Que ce même combat est dangereux pour moi.
     93 stdin:712: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-z", inferred "-oi")
     94 stdin:834: > Vous peut faire oublier que vous parlez à moi ;
     95 stdin:834: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-z", inferred "-oi")
     96 stdin:1730: > Que l’ordre de son roi par là se vit trahi,
     97 stdin:1730: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-éi", inferred "-hi")
     98 plint/test_data/corneille_pertharite.tpl
     99 stdin:42: > Pour ne mériter pas son frère pour sujet.
    100 stdin:42: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "Ekt"/"Ektt", inferred "E"/"Et")
    101 stdin:346: > Et quel étrange roi tu fais de Grimoald !
    102 stdin:346: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "al", inferred "Eld"/"Eldt"/"Old"/"Oldt"/"ild"/"ildt"/"old"/"oldt")
    103 stdin:1670: > Vous la vouliez tantôt teinte du sang d’un fils,
    104 stdin:1670: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "i"/"iz", inferred "il"/"ils"/"ilz"/"is"/"iss"/"isz")
    105 plint/test_data/corneille_place_royale.tpl
    106 stdin:668: > Et sans aucun péril t’en rendre possesseur.
    107 stdin:668: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "yR"/"yRR", inferred "9R"/"9RR")
    108 stdin:802: > De crainte que quelqu’un ne te découvre ici.
    109 stdin:802: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-si", inferred "-ci")
    110 stdin:1017: > Vous n’a ttr i bue re z plu s, v o ya nt mo n  i nn o c e nce, 
    111 stdin:1017: >  1     1     1   2  1     1      1  1     1    1    1   1    0  (total: 13)
    112 stdin:1017: >  ok   cut   cut cut ok    ok    cut ok    ok  cut  cut cut  fem
    113 stdin:1017: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    114 stdin:1224: > Mais derechef, adieu. Ainsi tout me succède ;
    115 stdin:1224: >                  HHHHHHH                     
    116 stdin:1224: Illegal hiatus (see 'H' above)
    117 stdin:1464: > Les murs qui garderont ces tyrans de paraître
    118 stdin:1464: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "atR", inferred "EtR")
    119 plint/test_data/corneille_suivante.tpl
    120 stdin:46: > Ecoute, et tu verras si je suis maladroit.
    121 stdin:46: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "E"/"Et", inferred "a"/"at")
    122 stdin:83: > E t n’en d e m a nda plu s ta nt d’a ss i dui té.
    123 stdin:83: > 1    1     1   1   1   1    1      1    1   1  1  (total: 11)
    124 stdin:83: > ok   ok   cut cut  ok  ok   ok    cut  cut cut ok
    125 stdin:83: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    126 stdin:500: > C e tt e   a ss i dui té de Fl o r a m e   a ve c vou s
    127 stdin:500: >   1    0   1    1   1  1  1    1   1   0   1  1     1   (total: 11)
    128 stdin:500: >  cut  elidcut  cut cut ok ok  cut cut elidcut ok   cut 
    129 stdin:500: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    130 plint/test_data/corneille_veuve.tpl
    131 stdin:103: > D’être auprès d’une dame et causer du beau temps,
    132 stdin:103: Too many occurrences of word "temps" for rhyme B
    133 stdin:2571: > Il nous faut à grands cris jouer un autre rôle.
    134 stdin:2571: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "Ol", inferred "ol")
    135 plint/test_data/cyrano_full.tpl
    136 plint/test_data/cyrano.tpl
    137 stdin:1045: > Dis, veux-tu qu'à nous deux nous la séduisions ?
    138 stdin:1045: >  1    1    1    1  1    1    1    1  1 1  1      (total: 11)
    139 stdin:1045: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables
    140 plint/test_data/desdichado.tpl
    141 plint/test_data/fils.tpl
    142 plint/test_data/heredia_les_trophees_les_conquerants_de_lor.tpl
    143 stdin:52: > S' e mb a rquè re nt  a ve c P a scual d' A nd a g o ya 
    144 stdin:52: >    1    1    1  1     1  1     1   2      1    1   1  1  (total: 13)
    145 stdin:52: >   cut  cut  cut ok   cut ok   cut  ok    cut  cut cut ok
    146 stdin:52: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    147 stdin:154: > Repartit, et, doublant Punta de Pasado,
    148 stdin:154: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-u", inferred "-do")
    149 stdin:176: > E t du no rd au m i di, du l e va nt au p o n  e  nt,
    150 stdin:176: > 1    1  1     1   1   1  1   1  1     1   1  0-0-0    (total: 11)
    151 stdin:176: > ok   ok ok   ok  cut ok  ok cut ok   ok  cut  cut    
    152 stdin:176: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    153 stdin:176: Bad rhyme genre for type !X (expected "M", inferred "F")
    154 stdin:177: > Cou vra nt tout le r i v a g e  e t tout le c o nt i n  e  nt,
    155 stdin:177: >   1   1     1    1   1   1   0  1    1    1   1    1  0-0-0    (total: 11)
    156 stdin:177: >  cut  ok    ok   ok cut cut elidok   ok   ok cut  cut  cut    
    157 stdin:177: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    158 stdin:177: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "On"/"on", inferred "A~")
    159 stdin:177: Bad rhyme genre for type !X (expected "M", inferred "F")
    160 stdin:354: > Lui fu t r e mi s pa r Juan de F o ns e ca. La ch o s e 
    161 stdin:354: >  1-2 1     1  1    1    2    1   1    1   1  1    1   0  (total: 13-14)
    162 stdin:354: >  ok  ok   cut ok   ok   ok   ok cut  cut ok  ok  cut fem
    163 stdin:354: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    164 stdin:368: > Saint Jean, fra y Juan V a rga s lu t au pr ô ne  la l i st e 
    165 stdin:368: >  1     1      1    2     1   1    1    1    1   1  1   1    0  (total: 13)
    166 stdin:368: >  ok    ok     ok   ok   cut  ok   ok  ok   cut fem ok cut  fem
    167 stdin:368: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    168 stdin:400: > Aux portes de Tumbez il vint planter son camp.
    169 stdin:400: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-nt", inferred "-mp")
    170 stdin:404: > Que l' o rgueilleux b â ta rd  A t a hua llpa, p a rei l
    171 stdin:404: >   1    1    1   1     1  1     1   1   2     1   1   1   (total: 13)
    172 stdin:404: >  ok   cut  cut  ok   cut ok   cut cut cut   ok  cut cut 
    173 stdin:404: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    174 stdin:502: > C'e st Juan de la T o rre ; Chr i st o ba l P e r a lta,
    175 stdin:502: >   1     2    1  1   1    1      1    1  1     1   1   1  (total: 13)
    176 stdin:502: >   ok    ok   ok ok cut  fem    cut  cut ok   cut cut  ok
    177 stdin:502: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    178 stdin:514: > E t Juan de S a lc e do qui, fi ls d'u n n o ble  s a ng,
    179 stdin:514: > 1    2    1   1    1  1   1   1      1     1    1   1     (total: 13)
    180 stdin:514: > ok   ok   ok cut  cut ok  ok  ok     ok   cut  fem cut   
    181 stdin:514: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    182 stdin:522: > Juan F o rè s p i que  e n vain d'u n c a rreau d' a rb a l è t e 
    183 stdin:522: >  2     1  1     1   0  1    1     1     1    1     1    1   1   0  (total: 13)
    184 stdin:522: >  ok   cut ok   cut elidok   ok    ok   cut   ok   cut  cut cut fem
    185 stdin:522: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    186 stdin:531: > Ce vieux seigneur jadis avait tourné les meules
    187 stdin:531: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "9l"/"9ls"/"9lz", inferred "2l"/"2ls"/"2lz")
    188 stdin:559: > De s P i z a rre, sui vi de Juan, e t de M a rt i n
    189 stdin:559: >  1     1   1    1  1-2 1  1  2    1    1   1    1   (total: 13-14)
    190 stdin:559: >  ok   cut cut  fem cut ok ok ok   ok   ok cut  cut 
    191 stdin:559: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    192 stdin:585: > C'est le vaillant soldat Hernando de Soto
    193 stdin:585: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-u", inferred "-to")
    194 stdin:597: > Qui depuis, à Lima, par la main du bourreau,
    195 stdin:597: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-ro", inferred "-au")
    196 plint/test_data/letters.tpl
    197 plint/test_data/mithridate.tpl
    198 plint/test_data/nez.tpl
    199 stdin:52: > De la moitié du commencement d'une, car
    200 stdin:52: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-t", inferred "-ar")
    201 plint/test_data/prudhomme.tpl
    202 stdin:342: > Peu à peu les forçant à croître avec mesure,
    203 stdin:342: >  HHHHH                                      
    204 stdin:342: Illegal hiatus (see 'H' above)
    205 plint/test_data/racine_alexandre_le_grand.tpl
    206 plint/test_data/racine_athalie.tpl
    207 stdin:22: > Se fait  i n i tier à se s h o nteux m y st è r e s,
    208 stdin:22: >  1  1    1   1  1   1  1     1   1     1    1   0    (total: 11)
    209 stdin:22: >  ok ok  cut cut ok  ok ok   cut  ok   cut  cut cut  
    210 stdin:22: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    211 stdin:787: > Ce t  â g e  e st  i nn o ce nt ; so n  i ng é nui té 
    212 stdin:787: >  1    1   0  1     1    1  1       1    1    1   1  1  (total: 11)
    213 stdin:787: >  ok  cut elidok   cut  cut ok      ok  cut  cut cut ok
    214 stdin:787: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    215 stdin:1035: > Que Mathan veut ici lui parler en secret.
    216 stdin:1035: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-th", inferred "-et")
    217 plint/test_data/racine_bajazet.tpl
    218 stdin:634: > Au meurtre tout récent du malheureux Osman.
    219 stdin:634: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "A~", inferred "an")
    220 stdin:1608: > Du cruel Amurat je reconnais la main.
    221 stdin:1608: Bad rhyme ending for type B (expected "-k", inferred "-in")
    222 stdin:1624: > Je vou drais le sau ve r, je ne le puis hai r ;
    223 stdin:1624: >  1   1   1    1   1  1     1  1  1  1     1     (total: 11)
    224 stdin:1624: >  ok cut  ok   ok cut ok    ok ok ok ok   cut   
    225 stdin:1624: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    226 stdin:1625: > Mais… Quoi donc ? qu’avez-vous résolu ? D’obéir.
    227 stdin:1625: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "ER"/"ERR", inferred "iR"/"iRR")
    228 stdin:1667: > Mais quel indigne emploi moi-même m’imposé-je !
    229 stdin:1667: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "aZ", inferred "2"/"EZ"/"iZ")
    230 plint/test_data/racine_berenice.tpl
    231 plint/test_data/racine_britannicus.tpl
    232 plint/test_data/racine_esther.tpl
    233 stdin:110: > « Lève-toi, m’a-t-il dit, prends ton chemin vers Suse,
    234 stdin:110: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "yz", inferred "2z")
    235 stdin:886: > Je vois qu’en m’écoutant vos yeux au ciel s’adressent.
    236 stdin:886: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "A~"/"es", inferred "Es")
    237 plint/test_data/racine_iphigenie.tpl
    238 plint/test_data/racine_la_thebeiade.tpl
    239 plint/test_data/racine_les_plaideurs.tpl
    240 stdin:42: > Autrement, serviteur, et mon homme est aux plaids.
    241 stdin:42: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "E"/"Es"/"Ez", inferred "Ed"/"Eds"/"Edz")
    242 stdin:60: > Que lle  gueule ! pour moi, je crois qu’il e st s o rcie r.
    243 stdin:60: >   1    1   1   1   1     1   1   1     1   1      1    2    (total: 13)
    244 stdin:60: >  cut  fem cut fem  ok    ok  ok  ok   ok   ok    cut  cut  
    245 stdin:60: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    246 stdin:131: > Vous n’avez tantôt plus que la peau sur les os.
    247 stdin:131: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "o"/"os"/"oz", inferred "Os"/"Oss"/"Osz")
    248 stdin:517: > F o lle ! Vous  a ve z to rt. Pou rquoi l’i nj u rie r ?
    249 stdin:517: >   1    1   1    1  1    1       1    1    1    1   1     (total: 11)
    250 stdin:517: >  cut  fem  ok  cut ok   ok     cut   ok  cut  cut cut   
    251 stdin:517: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    252 stdin:685: > Va, je t’a ch è t e rai le Pr a t i cien fr a nçoi s.
    253 stdin:685: >   1  1   1    1   1   1  1    1   1  2      1    1    (total: 13)
    254 stdin:685: >  ok  ok cut  cut cut ok  ok  cut cut ok    cut  cut  
    255 stdin:685: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    256 stdin:727: > Que devant des témoins vous lui fissiez l’honneur
    257 stdin:727: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "2"/"2R", inferred "9R"/"9RR")
    258 stdin:738: > V o yo ns ce qu’elle  ch a nte. Ho n… S i xiè me  j a nvie r,
    259 stdin:738: >   1  1     1   1    1    1    1  1      1   1   1   1    1    (total: 13)
    260 stdin:738: >  cut ok    ok cut  fem  cut  fem ok    cut cut fem cut  cut  
    261 stdin:738: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    262 stdin:741: > Hau t e  e t pui ss a nte  d a me  Yo l a nde  C u d a sne, 
    263 stdin:741: >   1   0  1     1    1    1   1   1  2   1    1   1   1    0  (total: 13)
    264 stdin:741: >  cut elidok   cut  cut  fem cut femcut cut  fem cut cut  fem
    265 stdin:741: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    266 stdin:741: Bad rhyme sound for type B (expected "an", inferred "En"/"On")
    267 stdin:774: > Tiens, voi là to n p a y e me nt. U n sou ffle t !  É cr i v o ns :
    268 stdin:774: >  1       1  1  1     1   1  1     1     1    1      1    1   1      (total: 13)
    269 stdin:774: >  ok     cut ok ok   cut cut ok    ok   cut   ok    cut  cut cut    
    270 stdin:774: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    271 stdin:794: > Frappez : j’ai quatre enfants à nourrir. Ah ! pardon,
    272 stdin:794: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-k", inferred "-on")
    273 stdin:1087: > C’est bien fait de fermer la porte à ce crieur.
    274 stdin:1087: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "2"/"2R", inferred "9R"/"9RR")
    275 stdin:1160: >  E lle  m’é tr a ngle…  ay e  !  ay e !  Vous m’e ntraî ne z, ma foi !
    276 stdin:1160: >  1    1   1    1     0   1    0   1    1  1     1     1  1     1   1   (total: 13)
    277 stdin:1160: > cut  fem cut  cut   elidcut  elidcut  fem ok   cut   cut ok    ok  ok 
    278 stdin:1160: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    279 stdin:1234: > C o nd a mn e z-le à l’a m e nde,  ou, s’il le c a sse,  au fouet.
    280 stdin:1234: >   1    1    1    1 1   1   1    0   1   1    1   1    0   1   1    (total: 13)
    281 stdin:1234: >  cut  cut  cut   okok cut cut  elid ok  ok   ok cut  elidok  cut  
    282 stdin:1234: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    283 stdin:1239: > E t me s v a c a tions, qui le s p a y e ra ? P e rs o nne ?
    284 stdin:1239: > 1    1     1   1  2       1  1     1   1   1    1    1    0  (total: 13)
    285 stdin:1239: > ok   ok   cut cut ok     ok  ok   cut cut  ok  cut  cut  fem
    286 stdin:1239: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    287 stdin:1390: > Je suais sang et eau, pour voir si du Japon
    288 stdin:1390: >                HHHHHHH                     
    289 stdin:1390: Illegal hiatus (see 'H' above)
    290 stdin:1433: > Tant y a qu’il n’est rien que votre chien ne prenne ;
    291 stdin:1433: >      HHHH                                            
    292 stdin:1433: Illegal hiatus (see 'H' above)
    293 stdin:1475: > Je veux dire la brigue et l’éloquence. Car
    294 stdin:1475: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-rd", inferred "-ar")
    295 stdin:1486: > L’ancre de vos bontés nous rassure. D’ailleurs
    296 stdin:1486: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "2"/"2s"/"2z", inferred "9R"/"9Rs"/"9Rz")
    297 stdin:1490: > V i ctri x cau sa diis pl a cuit, se d v i cta C a t o ni.
    298 stdin:1490: >   1    1     1  1  2      1  1     1     1   1   1   1  1  (total: 14)
    299 stdin:1490: >  cut   ok   cut ok ok    cut ok    ok   cut  ok cut cut ok
    300 stdin:1490: Illegal metric: expected 12 syllables with hemistiche at 6
    301 stdin:1559: > Pour nous justifier, voulez-vous d’autres pièces ?
    302 stdin:1559: Too many occurrences of word "pièces" for rhyme B
    303 stdin:1586: > La naissance du monde et sa création,
    304 stdin:1586: Bad rhyme ending for type A (expected "-k", inferred "-on")
    305 plint/test_data/racine_phedre.tpl
    306 stdin:108: > M’a fait sucer encor cet orgueil qui t’étonne ;
    307 stdin:108: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "on", inferred "On")
    308 stdin:443: > J’aime… Qui ? Tu connais ce fils de l’Amazone,
    309 stdin:443: Bad rhyme sound for type A (expected "On", inferred "on")