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colors (2753B)

      1 # inbox colors
      2 color index red black ~G # encrypted
      3 color index cyan black !(~p) # not addressed to me personally
      4 color index yellow black ~P # message from me
      5 # color index black blue ~E # expired, no one uses that
      6 # color index black blue ~S # superseded, no one uses that
      7 color index green black ~Q # have been replied to
      8 color index magenta black "~h X-Mutt-Fcc" # drafts
      9 color index black yellow ~F # flagged
     10 color index red yellow "~F ~G" # flagged, encrypted
     11 color index blue yellow "~F !(~p)" # flagged, not addressed to me personally
     12 color index black yellow "~F ~P" # flagged, message from me
     13 color index magenta yellow "~F ~h X-Mutt-Fcc" # flagged (finalized) drafts
     14 color index black cyan ~N # new
     15 color index black cyan ~O # old
     16 color index black green ~T # tagged
     18 # other colors, from
     19 color attachment brightmagenta black  
     20 color error brightwhite red   # errors yell at you in red
     21 color hdrdefault red black   # headers
     22 color indicator white magenta # currently selected message
     23 color markers brightcyan black  # the + for wrapped pager lines
     24 color message brightcyan black  # informational messages, not mail
     25 color search brightgreen black # hilite search patterns in the pager
     26 color signature red black    # signature (after "-- ") is red 
     27 color status brightyellow blue # status bar is yellow on dark blue
     28 color tilde blue black  # ~'s after message body
     29 color tree red default    # thread tree in index menu is magenta
     30 color normal white black  # message
     31 color signature	 green		default
     32 color underline yellow black
     33 color tilde	 green		default
     34 mono  tilde	 bold
     35 color header cyan black ^(From|Subject): # Important headers
     37 # color url and email addresses
     38 color body magenta default "(ftp|http)://[-a-z0-9_.+!*',;/?:@&=%~#]+"
     39 color body red default [-a-z0-9_.]+@[-a-z0-9_.]+
     40 mono body underline "(ftp|http)://[-a-z0-9_.+!*',;/?:@&=%~#]+"
     41 mono body underline [-a-z0-9_.]+@[-a-z0-9_.]+
     43 # coloring quoted text - coloring the first 7 levels:
     44 color quoted    cyan black
     45 color quoted1   yellow black
     46 color quoted2   red black
     47 color quoted3   green black
     48 color quoted4   cyan black
     49 color quoted5   yellow black
     50 color quoted6   red black
     51 color quoted7   green black
     53 # colorize smileys:  :-)  ;-)  :-/  :-(
     54 color body  yellow black "[;:]-[)/(|]"
     55 color body  yellow black "[;:][)/(|]"
     56 color body  green black "[[:alpha:]]\+://[^ ]*"
     58 # colors for deleted mail
     59 color index color8 black ~D # deleted, renders as gray
     60 color index black red !~(!~D) # deleted THREADS
     62 # compose menu colors (mutt 1.9)
     63 color compose header cyan default
     64 color compose security_none red default
     65 color compose security_sign red default
     66 color compose security_encrypt yellow default
     67 color compose security_both green default