
my config files
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headless (1660B)

      1 # various non-crucial CLI utilities
      2 abcmidi
      3 archmage
      4 # disabled because of python2 # chm2pdf
      5 debtree
      6 epub-utils # lit2epub
      7 optipng
      8 gifsicle
      9 # mercurial
     10 fgallery # like it better than llgal
     11 cmake
     12 task-english
     13 tnef # needed once for strange email
     14 #transmission-cli
     15 # cclive # use youtubedl ?
     16 pngcrush
     17 signing-party
     18 verbiste # for french-conjugator and french-deconjugator
     19 gnuplot-nox
     20 bmap-tools # flash the raspi image
     21 fatresize
     22 zerofree
     23 testdisk # partition table and file recovery
     24 ebook2epub # mobi -> epub
     25 pwgen # for manually installed pass
     26 pandoc
     27 lxc
     28 xml2
     29 geographiclib-tools # bigworld
     30 gnutls-bin # for ssl debugging
     31 dovecot-sieve # to edit my filters
     32 pelican # blog
     33 nodejs # addmathjax for blog
     34 convmv # rename files with broken names
     35 mediainfo # show meta-information of videos
     36 colortest # test terminal colors
     37 csstidy
     38 # transmission-daemon # often goes at 100% CPU for no reason...
     39 # transmission-remote-cli
     40 localepurge # save space
     41 whois
     42 #mitmproxy
     43 bzip2-doc
     44 uuid-runtime # generate uuids
     46 exiv2 # exif manipulation
     47 exif
     48 exiftran # exif operations on images
     49 # ufraw-batch # convert RAW images => apparently no longer exists?
     51 convlit # converts ebook formats
     52 djvulibre-bin # converts djvu files
     53 # docbook-dsssl # converts docbook to other formats
     54 dvipng # convert from dvi to png
     55 fig2dev # convert xfig files
     56 libwmf-bin # convert WMF files
     58 # emacs # large and not used
     60 firejail
     61 firejail-profiles
     63 ffmpeg
     64 vorbis-tools
     65 flac
     66 wavpack # some sound format
     68 binwalk # find files in binary stream; lots of graphic dependencies
     70 toot # mastodon
     72 apparmor # security
     74 # saxonb-xslt for saxonb-xslt for SWERC XSL stylesheets
     76 # linkchecker # weird dependencies