desktop (2924B)
1 # graphical applications 2 desktop-base 3 4 vim-gtk3 # needed for clipboard support in the CLI version 5 6 evince 7 diffpdf 8 9 gedit 10 gimp 11 gparted 12 13 okular 14 okular-extra-backends # read epub 15 16 i3 17 i3status 18 dunst 19 suckless-tools 20 21 inkscape 22 python3-scour # minimize SVG files 23 24 libreoffice 25 libreoffice-gtk3 # otherwise some checkboxes are missing 26 hyphen-fr 27 hyphen-en-us 28 29 openbox 30 xclip 31 wl-clipboard 32 xinit 33 xpdf 34 xterm 35 xtrlock 36 transmission-gtk 37 38 # no longer exists? ttf-lyx 39 ttf-mscorefonts-installer 40 fonts-droid-fallback 41 fonts-freefont-otf 42 fonts-liberation 43 fonts-linuxlibertine 44 fonts-lyx 45 fonts-opensymbol 46 xfonts-terminus 47 fonts-mathjax 48 fonts-mathjax-extras 49 fonts-firacode 50 fonts-adf-universalis 51 fonts-beteckna 52 fonts-lato 53 fonts-dejavu 54 fonts-noto-cjk 55 fonts-noto-mono 56 fonts-noto-unhinted 57 fonts-noto 58 fonts-noto-color-emoji 59 fonts-open-sans 60 tex-gyre 61 fonts-texgyre 62 fonts-vlgothic 63 fonts-wine 64 fonts-terminus 65 fonts-terminus-otb 66 gsfonts-x11 67 lmodern 68 fonts-crosextra-caladea 69 fonts-crosextra-carlito 70 fonts-liberation2 71 fonts-noto-core 72 fonts-noto-extra 73 fonts-noto-ui-core 74 fonts-sil-gentium-basic 75 76 # flashplugin-nonfree 77 78 scrot 79 80 # linphone 81 lm-sensors 82 #fastboot 83 wodim 84 x2x 85 # rxvt-unicode-256color 86 rxvt-unicode 87 x11-apps 88 x11-xserver-utils 89 zenity 90 # gucharmap 91 pavucontrol 92 # logkeys no longer 93 # default-jdk 94 default-jre 95 dirdiff 96 # gconf-editor # no longer installs 97 wmctrl 98 mesa-utils 99 file-roller 100 vgrabbj 101 poppler-utils 102 xdotool 103 xinput 104 xserver-xephyr 105 hsetroot 106 # consolekit # not sure why this was useful 107 libpdf-api2-perl # ~/bin/ 108 109 pm-utils # not just for laptops! 110 vbetool # potentially useful dependency 111 # hibernate # used?, no longer exists? 112 # uswsusp # hibernation, no longer exists? 113 114 virtualbox # dissemin 115 virtualbox-qt 116 virtualbox-dkms # dissemin 117 118 totem 119 totem-plugins 120 mpv 121 vlc 122 vlc-plugin-notify 123 vlc-plugin-video-splitter # might be useful one day? 124 va-driver-all # GPU video acceleration, including intel 125 # vdpau-driver-all # GPU video acceleration (useless?) 126 127 virtualenv 128 129 compton # to try and solve tearing 130 131 # fontforge # once needed for a pdf hack 132 133 fonts-inconsolata 134 fonts-roboto 135 136 redshift 137 138 gstreamer1.0-libav 139 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly 140 141 pinentry-gtk2 # for xpass 142 143 # filezilla # work around lftp limitations 144 gnome-sound-recorder # easy test of sound recording 145 146 feh 147 sxiv # alternative to feh 148 eog 149 geeqie 150 151 xournalpp # draw on PDF 152 153 # gnome-clocks # measure time 154 155 rofi 156 157 chromium 158 firefox 159 torbrowser-launcher 160 161 libmtp-runtime # MTP support 162 163 #evolution 164 #evolution-plugins 165 166 167 # nautilus # useless services 168 thunar 169 # gvfs-backends 170 171 xorg 172 xserver-xorg-legacy # for legacy drivers 173 174 seahorse # manage keys etc. 175 176 pulseaudio 177 # rtkit # realtime? 178 179 acpi-support # only for laptops, because it depends on X 180 181 # gitit # playing with this wiki engine 182 183 gnome-terminal 184 185 vainfo # info about hardware acceleration 186 187 jmtpfs # retrieve photo from weird stuff 188 189 xawtv # adjust webcam brightness 190 191 libjpeg-progs # jpeg lossless handling 192 193 audacity 194 195 xcalib # invert display colors 196 197 dbus-x11 # for dbus-launch 198