1 #!/usr/bin/env perl 2 3 # Demotivator generator by Antoine Amarilli (2011) 4 # License: public domain. 5 6 if ($#ARGV != 3) 7 { 8 print "mkdemotiv -- automatical demotivator generation\n"; 9 print "usage: mkdemotiv input text1 text2 output\n"; 10 print "input and output are paths to image input/output files\n"; 11 print "requires imagemagick and inkscape\n"; 12 exit 1; 13 } 14 15 my ($image, $text1, $text2, $output) = @ARGV; 16 my ($owidth, $oheight) = split('x', (split(' ', `identify $image`))[2]); 17 18 my $width = 800.; 19 my $height = 800. * (1. * $oheight / $owidth); 20 21 my $w = 110 + 110 + $width; 22 my $wrect = 10 + 10 + $width; 23 my $hrect = 10 + 10 + $height; 24 my $wtext = 20 + 20 + $width; 25 my $ytext1 = 70 + $height + 10; 26 my $ytext2 = $ytext1 + 100; 27 my $h = $ytext2 + 60; 28 29 30 #TODO add big first and last letter, bar underneath, multiline 31 $svg = <<END; 32 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> 33 34 <svg 35 xmlns:svg="" 36 xmlns="" 37 xmlns:xlink="" 38 version="1.2" 39 width="$w" 40 height="$h" 41 id="svg2"> 42 <g id="layer"> 43 <rect 44 width="$w" 45 height="$h" 46 ry="0" 47 x="0" 48 y="0" 49 id="background" 50 style="fill:#000000" /> 51 <rect 52 width="$wrect" 53 height="$hrect" 54 x="100" 55 y="60" 56 id="white" 57 style="fill:#ffffff" /> 58 <image 59 xlink:href="$image" 60 id="image" 61 width="$width" 62 height="$height" 63 y="70" 64 x="110" /> 65 <flowRoot id="root1" xml:space="preserve" style="font-family:FreeSerif; text-align:center"> 66 <flowRegion id="region1"> 67 <rect 68 width="$wtext" 69 height="240" 70 x="70" 71 y="$ytext1" 72 id="rect1" /> 73 </flowRegion> 74 <flowPara id="para1" style="font-size:90px;fill:#ffffff">$text1</flowPara> 75 </flowRoot> 76 <flowRoot id="root2" xml:space="preserve" style="font-family:FreeSerif; text-align:center"> 77 <flowRegion id="region2"> 78 <rect 79 width="$wtext" 80 height="110" 81 x="70" 82 y="$ytext2" 83 id="rect2" /> 84 </flowRegion> 85 <flowPara id="para2" style="font-size:32px;fill:#ffffff">$text2</flowPara> 86 </flowRoot> 87 </g> 88 </svg> 89 END 90 91 my $tmp1 = `mktemp`; 92 chop $tmp1; 93 #TODO ugly 94 open(F, "| inkscape /dev/stdin --export-png=/dev/stdout > $tmp1.png"); 95 print F $svg; 96 close (F); 97 `convert $tmp1.png $output` 98