
compile Kernel Esterel to Lustre
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compile.hs (13654B)

      1 module Compile where
      3 import Esterel
      4 import Lustre
      6 import qualified Data.Set as Set
      8 import Data.List
     10 -- compile a module
     11 compile (Module name inputs outputs x) =
     12   let Annotated _ ((i, o), n) = x in 
     13   reverse (
     14     -- generate the root node
     15     Node name x
     16       (map toISignal inputs)
     17       (map toOSignal outputs)
     18       -- create local variables for undeclared input signals
     19       (toIControl ++ [toOControl]
     20         ++ map toISignal (toList $ Set.difference i (Set.fromList inputs)))
     21       (
     22       -- input control is passed at the first tick and isn't passed afterwards
     23          [Decl [toIControlO] (Binop Fby Lustre.True Lustre.False)]
     24       -- input suspend is initially false
     25       ++ [Decl [toISuspendO] Lustre.False]
     26       -- input reset is initially false
     27       ++ [Decl [toIResetO] Lustre.False]
     28       -- call the node for the root AST element
     29       ++ [Decl (toOArgs o) $ Call (toNode n) $ toIArgs i]
     30       -- set unused output signals to false
     31       ++ map (\x -> Decl [x] Lustre.False)
     32             (toOArgsS $ Set.difference (Set.fromList outputs) o)
     33       -- initialize undeclared input signals to false
     34       ++ map (\x -> Decl [toISignal x] $ Var $ toOSignal x)
     35             (toList $ Set.difference i $ Set.fromList inputs)
     36       )
     37   :compileExp x)
     39   where
     41   -- functions to generate argument names
     42   -- most of these functions exist with a trailing P to add a prefix to the name
     44   -- name of an argument for an input signal (ie. received by the node)
     45   toISignalP pref sig = pref ++ "input_signal_" ++ sig
     46   toISignal = toISignalP ""
     47   -- name of an argument for an output signal (ie. produced by the node)
     48   toOSignalP pref sig = pref ++ "output_signal_" ++ sig
     49   toOSignal = toOSignalP ""
     50   -- name of the input control
     51   toIControlOP pref = pref ++ "input_control"
     52   toIControlO = toIControlOP ""
     53   -- name of the raw input control (ie. before using suspend and reset)
     54   toIControlNROP pref = pref ++ "input_raw_control"
     55   -- name of the suspend wire
     56   toISuspendOP pref = pref ++ "input_suspend"
     57   toISuspendO = toISuspendOP ""
     58   -- name of the reset wire
     59   toIResetOP pref = pref ++ "input_reset"
     60   toIResetO = toIResetOP ""
     61   -- combine the input control, reset and suspend
     62   toIControlP pref = toIControlMP pref pref pref
     63   toIControlMP pref1 pref2 pref3 =
     64       toIControlOP pref1:toIResetOP pref2:[toISuspendOP pref3]
     65   toIControl = toIControlP ""
     66   -- name of the output control
     67   toOControlP pref = pref ++ "output_control"
     68   toOControl = toOControlP ""
     69   -- prepare the input signals
     70   toIArgsSP pref sigs = map (toISignalP pref) $ toList sigs
     71   -- prepare the output signals
     72   toOArgsSP pref sigs = map (toOSignalP pref) $ toList sigs
     73   toOArgsS = toOArgsSP ""
     74   -- combine the input control, reset, suspend, and input signals
     75   toIArgsP pref = toIArgsMP pref pref pref pref
     76   toIArgsMP pref1 pref2 pref3 pref4 sigs =
     77       toIControlMP pref1 pref2 pref3 ++ toIArgsSP pref4 sigs
     78   toIArgs = toIArgsP ""
     79   -- combine the output control and output signals
     80   toOArgsP pref sigs = toOControlP pref:toOArgsSP pref sigs
     81   toOArgs = toOArgsP ""
     82   -- clumsy hack to combine the raw input control, reset and suspend
     83   toIControlNRP pref = [toIControlNROP pref, toIResetOP pref, toISuspendOP pref]
     84   toIArgsNRP pref sigs = toIControlNRP pref ++ toIArgsSP pref sigs
     85   toIArgsNR = toIArgsNRP ""
     87   -- local variables for all nodes
     88   defaultLocal = [toIControlO, "irsuspended"]
     90   -- declarations for all nodes
     91   -- these declarations set irsuspended and the input control taking into
     92   -- account input_suspend, input_raw_control, and input_reset
     93   defaultDecls = [
     94     Decl ["irsuspended"] $ Binop Fby Lustre.False $
     95       Binop And (Unop Not $ Var toIResetO) $
     96         Binop Or (Binop And (Var toISuspendO) (Var $ toIControlNROP "")) $
     97           Binop And (Unop Pre $ Var "irsuspended") (Var toISuspendO),
     98     Decl [toIControlO] $
     99       Binop And (Unop Not $ Var toIResetO) $
    100         Binop And (Unop Not $ Var toISuspendO) $
    101           Binop Or
    102             (Var $ toIControlNROP "") (Unop Pre $ Var "irsuspended")]
    104   -- convert a set (used in the AST annotation for input and output signals) to
    105   -- a list (used for the nodes), ensuring that the order is reasonable
    106   toList = Data.List.sort . Set.toList
    108   -- convert the unique node identifier to a lustre node name
    109   toNode i = name ++ show i
    111   -- compute the or of one or two signals
    112   orSignal l = case l of
    113     [x] -> x
    114     [x,y] -> Binop Or x y
    115     _ -> error "assertion failed"
    117   -- define output signals (without prefix) of s as the or of output signals in
    118   -- s1 with prefix p1 and s2 with prefix p2
    119   orSignals :: String -> Set.Set Sig -> String -> Set.Set Sig -> [Decl]
    120   orSignals p1 s1 p2 s2 = 
    121     map (\s -> Decl [toOSignal s] $
    122       orSignal ([Var $ toOSignalP p1 s | s `Set.member` s1]
    123           ++ [Var $ toOSignalP p2 s | s `Set.member` s2])) $
    124       toList $ Set.union s1 s2
    126   -- compile an AST node to a list of local variables, a list of declarations
    127   -- and a list of child nodes
    128   -- this is where the actual work is performed
    129   compileDecls (Annotated e ((_, o), _)) = 
    130     case e of
    132     Esterel.Nothing ->
    133       (defaultLocal,
    134         defaultDecls
    135           -- output control is input control
    136           ++ [Decl [toOControl] $ Var toIControlO],
    137         [])
    139     Esterel.Pause ->
    140       (defaultLocal,
    141         defaultDecls
    142           -- output control is false -> pre(input control)
    143           ++ [Decl [toOControl] (Binop Fby Lustre.False $
    144             Unop Pre $ Var toIControlO)],
    145         [])
    147     Esterel.Emit s ->
    148       (defaultLocal,
    149         defaultDecls
    150           -- output control is input control
    151           ++ [Decl [toOControl] $ Var toIControlO]
    152           -- output signal is input control
    153           ++ [Decl [toOSignal s] (Var toIControlO)],
    154         [])
    156     Esterel.Exit t ->
    157       (defaultLocal,
    158         defaultDecls
    159           -- output control is false
    160           ++ [Decl [toOControl] Lustre.False]
    161           -- output trap (aka. signal) is input control
    162           ++ [Decl [toOSignal t] $ Var toIControlO],
    163         [])
    165     Esterel.Signal s e@(Annotated _ ((i', o'), n')) ->
    166       let others = compileExp e in
    167       let in_o = s `Set.member` o' in
    168       let in_i = s `Set.member` i' in
    169       (defaultLocal ++ [toOSignal s | in_o] ++ [toISignal s | in_i],
    170         defaultDecls
    171           -- nothing to do except creating local variables to store s without
    172           -- propagating it, and set it to false without receiving it
    173           ++ [Decl (toOArgs o') $ Call (toNode n') (toIArgs i')]
    174           ++ [Decl [toISignal s] Lustre.False | in_i],
    175         others)
    177     Esterel.Suspend e@(Annotated _ ((i', o'), n')) s ->
    178       let others = compileExp e in
    179       (defaultLocal ++ [toISuspendOP "sub"],
    180         defaultDecls
    181           -- nothing to do except pass a modified suspend which takes our own
    182           -- suspend and signal s into account
    183           ++ [Decl (toOArgs o') $
    184                 Call (toNode n') $
    185                   toIArgsMP "" "" "sub" "" i']
    186           ++ [Decl [toISuspendOP "sub"] $
    187                 Binop Fby Lustre.False $
    188                 Binop Or (Var toISuspendO) (Var $ toISignal s)],
    189         others)
    191     Esterel.Trap t e@(Annotated _ ((i', o'), n')) ->
    192       let others = compileExp e in
    193       let in_o = t `Set.member` o' in
    194       let in_i = t `Set.member` i' in
    195       (defaultLocal
    196         ++ [toIResetOP "sub"]
    197         ++ [toOSignal t | in_o] ++ [toISignal t | in_i]
    198         ++ [toOControlP "sub"],
    199         defaultDecls
    200           -- call the child node with a modified reset and produce a modified
    201           -- output control
    202           ++ [Decl (toOControlP "sub":toOArgsSP "" o') $
    203                 Call (toNode n') $
    204                   toIArgsMP "" "sub" "" "" i']
    205           -- initialize variables if needed
    206           ++ [Decl [toISignal t] Lustre.False | in_i]
    207           -- we yield output control either when doing so naturally or when t is
    208           -- raised
    209           ++ [Decl [toOControl] $
    210                 Binop Or (Var $ toOControlP "sub") (Var $ toOSignal t)]
    211           -- we pass reset to our child nodes either when we get it from our
    212           -- father or when t was raised
    213           ++ [Decl [toIResetOP "sub"] $
    214                 Binop Or (Var toIResetO) (Unop Pre $
    215                   Var $ toOSignal t)],
    216         others)
    218     Esterel.Loop e@(Annotated _ ((i', o'), n')) ->
    219       let others = compileExp e in
    220       (defaultLocal ++ [toIControlOP "sub"] ++ [toOControlP "sub"],
    221         defaultDecls
    222           -- we never yield control
    223           ++ [Decl [toOControl] Lustre.False]
    224           -- the input control of the loop body either when we get input
    225           -- control or when the loop body yields output control
    226           ++ [Decl [toIControlOP "sub"] $
    227                 Binop Or (Var toIControlO) (Var $ toOControlP "sub")]
    228           -- perform the call
    229           ++ [Decl (toOControlP "sub":toOArgsSP "" o') $
    230                 Call (toNode n') $
    231                   toIArgsMP "sub" "" "" "" i'],
    232         others)
    234     Esterel.Seq
    235         e1@(Annotated _ ((i1', o1'), n1'))
    236         e2@(Annotated _ ((i2', o2'), n2')) ->
    237       let others1 = compileExp e1 in
    238       let others2 = compileExp e2 in
    239       (defaultLocal
    240         ++ [toOControlP "sub1"]
    241         ++ toIControlP "sub2"
    242         ++ toOArgsSP "sub1" o1'
    243         ++ toOArgsSP "sub2" o2',
    244         defaultDecls
    245           -- call the first child
    246           ++ [Decl (toOArgsP "sub1" o1') $
    247               Call (toNode n1') (toIArgs i1')]
    248           -- call the second child
    249           ++ [Decl (toOControl:toOArgsSP "sub2" o2') $
    250               Call (toNode n2') $
    251                 toIArgsMP "sub2" "" "" "" i2']
    252           -- input control of second node is output control of first node
    253           ++ [Decl [toIControlOP "sub2"] $ Var $ toOControlP "sub1"]
    254           -- signals are raised if one of the children raised them
    255           ++ orSignals "sub1" o1' "sub2" o2',
    256         others1 ++ others2)
    258     Esterel.Present s
    259         e1@(Annotated _ ((i1', o1'), n1'))
    260         e2@(Annotated _ ((i2', o2'), n2')) ->
    261       let others1 = compileExp e1 in
    262       let others2 = compileExp e2 in
    263       let subcall input output node pref =
    264             [Decl (toOArgsP pref output) $
    265               Call (toNode node) $
    266                 toIArgsMP pref "" "" "" input] in
    267       (defaultLocal
    268         ++ [toIControlOP "sub1", toIControlOP "sub2"]
    269         ++ toOArgsP "sub1" o1'
    270         ++ toOArgsP "sub2" o2',
    271         defaultDecls
    272           -- control should pass to the then branch
    273           ++ [Decl [toIControlOP "sub1"] $
    274                Binop And (Var toIControlO) (Var $ toISignal s)]
    275           -- control should pass to the else branch
    276           ++ [Decl [toIControlOP "sub2"] $
    277                Binop And (Var toIControlO) (Unop Not $ Var $ toISignal s)]
    278           -- we yield control when either branch yields control
    279           ++ [Decl [toOControl] $
    280                Binop Or (Var $ toOControlP "sub1") (Var $ toOControlP "sub2")]
    281           -- call for the then branch
    282           ++ subcall i1' o1' n1' "sub1"
    283           -- call for the else branch
    284           ++ subcall i2' o2' n2' "sub2"
    285           -- signals are raised if one of the branches raised them
    286           ++ orSignals "sub1" o1' "sub2" o2',
    287         others1 ++ others2)
    289     Esterel.Par
    290         e1@(Annotated _ ((i1', o1'), n1'))
    291         e2@(Annotated _ ((i2', o2'), n2')) ->
    292       let others1 = compileExp e1 in
    293       let others2 = compileExp e2 in
    294       let subcall input output node pref = 
    295             [Decl (toOArgsP pref output) $
    296               Call (toNode node) (toIControl ++ map
    297                 (\x -> "combined_signal_" ++ x)
    298                   (toList input))] in
    299       let termination pref1 pref2 =
    300             [Decl [pref1 ++ "_finished"] $
    301               Binop Or (Var $ toOControlP pref2) $
    302                 Binop Fby Lustre.False $
    303                   Unop Pre $
    304                     Binop And (Var $ pref1 ++ "_finished") $
    305                       Unop Not $ Var $ pref2 ++ "_finished"] in
    306       -- we declare local variables for each signal and to indicate whether the
    307       -- branches have finished, and combined_signals variable to allow the two
    308       -- branches to communicate
    309       (defaultLocal
    310         ++ ("sub1_finished":"sub2_finished":(
    311           toOArgsP "sub1" o1' ++ toOArgsP "sub2" o2')
    312           ++ map (\x -> "combined_signal_" ++ x)
    313                 (toList $ i1' `Set.union` i2')),
    314         defaultDecls
    315           -- store the termination of the first branch
    316           ++ termination "sub1" "sub2"
    317           -- store the termination of the second branch
    318           ++ termination "sub2" "sub1"
    319           -- we yield control if both branches have yielded control
    320           ++ [Decl [toOControl] $
    321                 Binop And (Var "sub1_finished") $
    322                   Var "sub2_finished"]
    323           -- call the first branch
    324           ++ subcall i1' o1' n1' "sub1"
    325           -- call the second branch
    326           ++ subcall i2' o2' n2' "sub2"
    327           -- signals are raised if one of the branches raised them
    328           ++ orSignals "sub1" o1' "sub2" o2'
    329           -- define the signal combinations
    330           ++ map (\x -> Decl ["combined_signal_" ++ x] $
    331             if x `Set.member` o
    332               then Binop Or (Var $ toISignal x) (Var $ toOSignal x)
    333                 else Var $ toISignal x) (toList $
    334               Set.union i1' i2'),
    335         others1 ++ others2)
    337   -- compile an AST node with annotations, using compileDecls and adding
    338   -- boilerplate
    339   compileExp x@(Annotated _ ((i, o), n)) =
    340     let (lvars, decls, others) = compileDecls x in
    341       Node (toNode n)
    342         x
    343         (toIArgsNR i)
    344         (toOArgs o)
    345         lvars 
    346         decls
    347       :others