
various hacky fuse filesystem utilities
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cachefs.py (10113B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      3 """FUSE filesystem to maintain a fixed-size cache for a hierarchy"""
      5 import fuse
      6 import errno
      7 import logging
      8 import os
      9 import shutil
     10 import sys
     11 import pickle
     12 import time
     13 import heapq
     14 from threading import Lock
     15 from metacachefs import MetaCacheFS
     17 DB = ".cache.db"
     19 class __Struct:
     20   def __init__(self, **kw):
     21     for k, v in kw.iteritems():
     22       setattr(self, k, v)
     24 class Stat(__Struct): pass
     26 class FileTooBigException:
     27     pass
     29 fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2)
     31 class File:
     32     @property
     33     def size(self):
     34         return os.lstat(os.path.join(self.cache.path, self.path)).st_size
     36     def __init__(self, cache, path):
     37         self.cache = cache
     38         self.path = path
     39         self.deleted = False
     40         self.touch()
     42     def touch(self):
     43         self.lastAccessed = time.time()
     45 class Cache:
     46     def __init__(self, maxSize, path):
     47         self.maxSize = maxSize
     48         self.currentSize = 0
     49         self.heap = []
     50         self.files = {}
     51         self.path = path
     52         # TODO self.discover()
     54     @property
     55     def freeSize(self):
     56         return self.maxSize - self.currentSize
     58     def discover(self):
     59         for x in os.walk(self.path):
     60             dirpath, dirnames, filenames = x
     61             for f in filenames:
     62                 full = os.path.join(dirpath, f)[len(self.path):]
     63                 if full == DB:
     64                     continue
     65                 if full not in self.files.keys():
     66                     self.addFile(full)
     68     def addFile(self, path):
     69         self.files[path] = File(self, path)
     70         heapq.heappush(self.heap, (time.time(), self.files[path]))
     71         self.currentSize += self.files[path].size
     73     def resizeFile(self, path, newSize):
     74         f = self.files[path]
     75         self.currentSize -= f.size
     76         self.currentSize += newSize
     78     def moveFile(self, path, newPath):
     79         self.files[path].path = newPath
     80         # TODO check no overwrite!
     81         self.files[newPath] = self.files[path]
     82         del self.files[path]
     84     def deleteFile(self, path):
     85         self.currentSize -= self.files[path].size
     86         self.files[path].deleted = True
     87         del self.files[path]
     89     def oldestFile(self):
     90         while len(self.heap) > 0:
     91             time, f = heapq.heappop(self.heap)
     92             if time != f.lastAccessed:
     93                 # stale
     94                 heapq.heappush(self.heap, (f.lastAccessed, f))
     95             if f.deleted:
     96                 continue
     97             return f
    100 class CacheFS(MetaCacheFS):
    101     def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
    102         MetaCacheFS.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
    104         self.rwlock = Lock()
    105         self.cache = None
    107         # Initialize a Logger() object to handle logging.
    108         self.logger = logging.getLogger('cachefs')
    109         self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
    110         self.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr))
    111         self.parser.add_option('--cache', dest='cache', metavar='CACHE',
    112                 help="cache (mandatory)")
    113         self.parser.add_option('--db', dest='db', metavar='DB', default=DB,
    114                 help="db location (absolute or relative to the cache)")
    115         self.parser.add_option('--size', dest='size', metavar='SIZE',
    116                 type='int', help="maximal size of cache")
    118     def fsinit(self):
    119         MetaCacheFS.fsinit(self)
    121         options = self.cmdline[0]
    122         self.cacheRoot = options.cache
    123         self.db = os.path.join(self.cacheRoot, options.db)
    124         self.size = options.size
    125         if not self.size:
    126             vfs = os.statvfs(self.cacheRoot)
    127             # half of available space on the cache fs
    128             self.size = (vfs.f_bavail * vfs.f_bsize) / 2
    129         try:
    130             with open(self.db, 'rb') as f:
    131                 self.cache = pickle.load(f)
    132                 assert(self.cache != None)
    133         except Exception as e:
    134             self.cache = Cache(self.size, self.cacheRoot)
    135         if (self.cache.maxSize > self.size):
    136             self.makeRoom(self.cache.maxSize - self.size)
    137         self.cache.maxSize = self.size
    140     def fsdestroy(self):
    141         with open(self.db, 'wb+') as f:
    142             pickle.dump(self.cache, f)
    144     def cachePath(self, path):
    145         return os.path.join(self.cacheRoot, path[1:])
    147     def makeRoom(self, bytes):
    148         # TODO maybe don't flush all the cache for a big file even if it fits...
    149         # TODO adjust for the available size of the underlying FS
    150         if bytes > self.cache.maxSize:
    151             raise FileTooBigException()
    152         while bytes > self.cache.freeSize:
    153             f = self.cache.oldestFile()
    154             self.cache.deleteFile(f.path)
    155             print("remove %s" % self.cachePath("/"+f.path))
    156             os.unlink(self.cachePath("/"+f.path))
    157             print("current size is now %d" % self.cache.currentSize)
    159     def registerHit(self, path):
    160         """register a hit for path in the cache"""
    161         self.cache.files[path[1:]].touch()
    163     def isCached(self, path):
    164         """is a path cached?"""
    165         if path == "/" + DB:
    166             return False
    167         if os.path.exists(self.cachePath(path)):
    168             statOriginal = os.lstat(self.cachePath(path))
    169             statCache = os.lstat(self.cachePath(path))
    170             if statOriginal.st_size == statCache.st_size:
    171                 # the cache file is good
    172                 # TODO better checks
    173                 return True
    174         return False
    176     def prepare(self, path):
    177         if path == "/" + DB:
    178             return self.sourcePath(path)
    179         if not os.path.exists(self.sourcePath(path)):
    180             # no such original file, let the source handle it
    181             return self.sourcePath(path)
    182         if self.isCached(path):
    183             self.registerHit(path)
    184             return self.cachePath(path)
    185         statOriginal = os.lstat(self.sourcePath(path))
    186         # cache the file and then open it
    187         with self.rwlock:
    188             try:
    189                 self.makeRoom(statOriginal.st_size)
    190             except FileTooBigException:
    191                 # no room to cache, open the original file
    192                 return self.sourcePath(path)
    193             # create folder hierarchy
    194             head, tail = os.path.split(self.cachePath(path))
    195             print "will create folders"
    196             try:
    197                 os.makedirs(head)
    198             except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5
    199                 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(head):
    200                     pass
    201                 else: raise
    202             print "will copy %s to %s" % (self.sourcePath(path), self.cachePath(path))
    203             shutil.copy2(self.sourcePath(path), self.cachePath(path))
    204             self.cache.addFile(path[1:])
    205             return self.cachePath(path)
    207     def chmod(self, path, mode):
    208         wasCached = self.isCached(path)
    209         retval = super(CacheFS, self).chmod(path, mode)
    210         if wasCached:
    211             os.chmod(self.cachePath(path), mode) # ignore errors
    212         return retval
    214     def chown(self, path, mode):
    215         wasCached = self.isCached(path)
    216         retval = super(CacheFS, self).chown(path, mode)
    217         if wasCached:
    218             os.chown(self.cachePath(path), mode) # ignore errors
    219         return retval
    221     def read(self, path, size, offset):
    222         f = self.prepare(path)
    223         with self.rwlock:
    224             fh = os.open(f, os.O_RDONLY)
    225             os.lseek(fh, offset, 0)
    226             x = os.read(fh, size)
    227             os.close(fh)
    228             return x
    230     def rename(self, old, new):
    231         wasCached = self.isCached(old)
    232         retval = super(CacheFS, self).rename(old, new)
    233         if wasCached:
    234             self.cache.moveFile(old[1:], new[1:])
    235             os.rename(self.cachePath(old), self.cachePath(new))
    236         return retval
    238     def statfs(self):
    239         stv = os.statvfs(self.cacheRoot)
    240         stv = Stat(**dict((key, getattr(stv, key)) for key in ["f_bavail",
    241             "f_bfree", "f_blocks", "f_bsize", "f_favail", "f_ffree", "f_files",
    242             "f_flag", "f_frsize", "f_namemax"]))
    243         stv.f_bfree = (self.cache.maxSize - self.cache.currentSize)/stv.f_bsize
    244         stv.f_bavail = stv.f_bfree
    245         stv.f_blocks = self.cache.maxSize/stv.f_bsize
    246         return stv
    248     def doTruncate(self, path, length):
    249         with open(path, 'r+') as f:
    250             f.truncate(length)
    252     def truncate(self, path, length):
    253         wasCached = self.isCached(path)
    254         retval = super(CacheFS, self).truncate(path, length)
    255         self.doTruncate(self.sourcePath(path), length)
    256         if wasCached:
    257             self.cache.currentSize -= self.cache.files[path[1:]].size
    258             self.doTruncate(self.cachePath(path), length)
    259             self.cache.currentSize += self.cache.files[path[1:]].size
    260         return retval
    262     def unlink(self, path):
    263         wasCached = self.isCached(path)
    264         retval = super(CacheFS, self).unlink(path)
    265         if wasCached:
    266             self.cache.deleteFile(path[1:])
    267             os.unlink(self.cachePath(path))
    268         return retval
    270     def utimens(self, path, ts_acc, ts_mod):
    271         wasCached = self.isCached(path)
    272         times = (ts_acc.tv_sec, ts_mod.tv_sec)
    273         retval = super(CacheFS, self).utimens(path, ts_acc, ts_mod)
    274         if wasCached:
    275             os.utime(self.cachePath(path), times)
    276         return retval
    278     def doWrite(self, path, data, offset):
    279         with self.rwlock:
    280             fh = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY)
    281             os.lseek(fh, offset, 0)
    282             x = os.write(fh, data)
    283             os.close(fh)
    284             return x
    286     def write(self, path, data, offset):
    287         wasCached = self.isCached(path)
    288         print "writing to a %s file" % ("cached" if wasCached else "non-cached")
    289         retval = super(CacheFS, self).write(path, data, offset)
    290         if retval > 0 and wasCached:
    291             self.makeRoom(len(data))
    292             self.cache.currentSize -= self.cache.files[path[1:]].size
    293             self.doWrite(self.cachePath(path), data, offset)
    294             self.cache.currentSize += self.cache.files[path[1:]].size
    295         return retval
    298 if __name__ == "__main__":
    299     cachefs = CacheFS()
    300     fuse_opts = cachefs.parse(['-o', 'fsname=cachefs'] + sys.argv[1:])
    301     cachefs.main()