
google hashcode 2014 source for team ens-ulm-1
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explore.cpp (3230B)

      1 #include <cstdio>
      2 #include <algorithm>
      3 #include <vector>
      4 #include <queue>
      5 using namespace std;
      6 #include "../louis/louis.cpp"
      7 #include "../louis/ameliore.cpp"
      9 #define ULM 8254
     10 #define DEPTH 10
     11 // now better than never
     12 #define DAMPING 1.1
     16 int min_vehicle(int temps[]) {
     17   int earliest_val = t_autorise+1, earliest_pos = 0;
     18   for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
     19     if(temps[i] < earliest_val) {
     20       earliest_val = temps[i];
     21       earliest_pos = i;
     22     }
     23   return earliest_pos;
     24 }
     26 double explore(int depth, bool aretes[], int pos[], int temps[], int v) {
     27   //int v = min_vehicle(temps);
     28   int position = pos[v];
     29   double best_score = -1;
     30   int best_pos = -1;
     32   if (depth == 0)
     33     return 0;
     35   for (unsigned int i=0; i < adj[pos[v]].size(); i++) {
     36     //printf("(%d) consider option: move car %d to %d\n", depth, v, adj[pos[v]][i]);
     37     int aid = id_arete[make_pair(position, adj[pos[v]][i])];
     38     int opos = pos[v];
     39     bool visited = aretes[aid];
     40     double score = 0;
     41     if (!visited) {
     42       //score = ((double) longueur[aid])/cout[aid];
     43       score = ((double) longueur[aid]);
     44     }
     45     // modify
     46     pos[v] = adj[pos[v]][i];
     47     temps[v] += cout[aid];
     48     aretes[aid] = true;
     49     score += explore(depth-1, aretes, pos, temps, v)/DAMPING;
     50     aretes[aid] = visited;
     51     temps[v] -= cout[aid];
     52     pos[v] = opos;
     53     if (score > best_score) {
     54       //printf("(%d) new record: moving car %d to %d achieves %lf beating %lf\n", depth, v, adj[pos[v]][i], score, best_score);
     55       best_score = score;
     56       best_pos = adj[pos[v]][i];
     57     }
     58   }
     60   //printf("(%d) best motion for car %d is to go from %d to %d achieving %lf\n", depth, v, pos[v], best_pos, best_score);
     61   if (depth == DEPTH) {
     62     return best_pos;
     63   }
     64   return best_score;
     65 }
     67 void glouton(vector<int> moves[]) {
     68   int temps[8];
     69   int pos[8];
     70   int score = 0;
     71   bool aretes[N_ARETES_MAJ];
     72   for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
     73     pos[i] = s_depart;
     74     temps[i] = 0;
     75   }
     76   for (int i=0; i<=n_aretes; i++)
     77     aretes[i] = false;
     78   int best_pos;
     79   int first_car;
     80   for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
     81     moves[i].push_back(s_depart);
     82     if (i < 4)
     83       moves[i].push_back(ULM);
     84     //moves[i].push_back(rand()%n_sommets);
     85   }
     86   // goto_etoile(moves);
     87   for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
     88     moves[i] = complete(moves[i]);
     89     pos[i] = moves[i].back();
     90   }
     93   while(temps[first_car = min_vehicle(temps)] <= t_autorise) {
     94     best_pos = explore(DEPTH, aretes, pos, temps, first_car);
     95     fprintf(stderr, "decide to move car %d to %d\n", first_car, best_pos);
     96     // move the first car to best_pos
     97     int aid = id_arete[make_pair(pos[first_car], best_pos)];
     98     if(!aid) {
     99       printf("WTF! no edge from %d to %d\n", pos[first_car], best_pos);
    100       return;
    101     }
    102     moves[first_car].push_back(best_pos);
    103     temps[first_car] += cout[aid];
    104     //printf("car %d has now time %d\n", first_car, temps[first_car]);
    105     pos[first_car] = best_pos;
    106     score += (aretes[aid]?0:longueur[aid]);
    107     aretes[aid] = true;
    108     //printf("score now %d\n", score);
    109   }
    110 }
    112 int main() {
    113   lecture_entree();
    114   init_use();
    115   vector<int> moves[8];
    116   glouton(moves);
    117   tronque_solution(moves, t_autorise);
    118   fprintf(stderr, "FINAL: %d\n", score_solution(moves));
    119   affiche_sortie(moves);
    120 }