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Pierce}, University of Pennsylvania and 208 Clowdr CIC 209 \end{itemize} 210 \item \rd{Polls} (non-binding) 211 \end{itemize} 212 \end{frame} 213 214 \begin{frame}{Reminder: Climate change} 215 \centering\includegraphics[width=.75\linewidth]{cat.png} 216 \end{frame} 217 218 \begin{frame}{Did the pandemic slow down emissions?} 219 \begin{columns} 220 \column{.53\linewidth} 221 \vspace{.2cm} 222 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{reduction.png} 223 \column{.47\linewidth} 224 \vfill 225 \begin{itemize} 226 \item Pandemic impact \rd{insignificant} on emissions compared to Paris 227 agreement targets 228 \visible<2->{ 229 \item \rd{Worse:} leaves less margin for climate action 230 \visible<3->{ 231 \item \rd{Opportunity:} forces us to adjust our practices (e.g., conferences) 232 }} 233 \end{itemize} 234 ~ 235 236 \vfill 237 \vfill 238 {\footnotesize Source: Le Quéré et al., \emph{Fossil CO2 emissions in the post-COVID-19 239 era}, Nature Climate Change } 240 \end{columns} 241 \end{frame} 242 243 244 \begin{frame}{What does climate change have to do with academia?} 245 \begin{itemize} 246 \item Our \rd{research} focuses on ICT which has a significant \rd{carbon 247 footprint}\\ 248 (2--4\% of emissions, 8\% by 2025)\footnote{The Shift Project, Lean ICDT 249 -- Towards Digital Sobriety, 2019} 250 \begin{itemize} 251 \item Could we focus on \rd{how} to address the climate crisis? 252 \end{itemize} 253 \bigskip 254 \pause 255 \item \rd{Most important:} our (pre-COVID) habits of \rd{conference travel} 256 are \rd{unsustainable} 257 \begin{itemize} 258 \item Online conferences pollute \rd{>50 times less}\footnote{Grant Faber, \emph{ A framework to estimate emissions 259 from virtual conferences}, International Journal of Environmental 260 studies} than in-person conferences 261 \item Online conferences have \rd{other advantages}: cheaper, greater 262 reach, more inclusive, etc. 263 \end{itemize} 264 \end{itemize} 265 \end{frame} 266 267 \begin{frame}{Where does EDBT/ICDT stand?} 268 \begin{itemize} 269 \item Last year: first \rd{climate change session} (60--70 people) and 270 discussion 271 \begin{itemize} 272 \item Ironically: the conference happened \rd{online} 273 \end{itemize} 274 \medskip 275 \pause 276 \item \rd{Satisfaction survey} answered by 114 participants (42\% of 277 registrants) 278 \begin{itemize} 279 %\item Online conference \rd{somewhat worse} than on-site, but \rd{much better} than expected 280 \item \rd{72\% of respondents} (vs 10\% against) support a \rd{hybrid 281 conference} 282 \item \rd{52\% of respondents} (vs 26\% against) support having the 283 conference\\\rd{alternatively in-person and online} 284 \end{itemize} 285 \medskip 286 \pause 287 \item \rd{Report} from the organizers of the climate 288 session:\\\url{}\\ 289 containing \rd{recommendations} (next) 290 \medskip 291 %\pause 292 %\item No decisions implemented yet 293 \end{itemize} 294 \end{frame} 295 296 \begin{frame}{Recommendation 1: commit to a goal (TCS4F manifesto)} 297 \begin{columns} 298 \column{.05\linewidth} 299 \column{.15\linewidth} 300 \centering 301 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{tcs4f}\\ 302 \url{} 303 \column{.8\linewidth} 304 \begin{itemize} 305 \item Idea: \rd{commit to a goal} before agreeing on methods 306 \item \rd{IPCC goal:} reducing our emissions by \rd{at least 50\%} before 2030 307 \item \rd{TCS4F:} a manifesto for (theoretical) computer science conferences 308 to commit to this goal 309 \pause 310 \item[\itma] We recommend \rd{signing} the manifesto 311 \begin{itemize} 312 \item (Disclaimer: I am a maintainer of TCS4F.) 313 \end{itemize} 314 %\item[\itma] We recommend appointing a \rd{climate chair} to monitor compliance 315 \end{itemize} 316 \end{columns} 317 \bigskip 318 \pause 319 \rd{Note: You can sign as an individual researcher at \url{}} 320 \end{frame} 321 322 \begin{frame}{Recommendation 2: Changes to on-site conferences} 323 When traveling to an on-site conference becomes possible again, we should: 324 \begin{itemize} 325 \item Measure the \rd{CO2 footprint} of conference travel (at registration) 326 \item Offer options to \rd{offset} this footprint 327 \item Otherwise \rd{limit} the carbon footprint of the event itself 328 (vegetarian food, etc.) 329 \end{itemize} 330 \end{frame} 331 332 \begin{frame}{Recommendation 3: Hybrid conferences} 333 Most important measure: \rd{make it optional for authors to travel!} 334 335 \bigskip 336 337 \begin{columns}[t] 338 \column{.5\linewidth} 339 {\centering \rd{Option 1: on-site + remote participation}} 340 341 An \rd{on-site} conference but: 342 \begin{itemize} 343 \item Talks are \rd{streamed} in high-quality 344 \item Remote \rd{Q\&A} 345 \item Can give talks \rd{remotely} 346 \end{itemize} 347 \column{.5\linewidth} 348 {\centering \rd{Option 2: online conference + hubs}} 349 350 An \rd{online} conference but: 351 \begin{itemize} 352 \item \rd{Hubs} can apply to host a local community for the event 353 \item Encourage \rd{viewing parties} 354 \end{itemize} 355 \end{columns} 356 \bigskip 357 358 Big open question: \rd{how can shared socializing work?} 359 \end{frame} 360 361 \begin{frame}{Recommendation 4: Green research} 362 \begin{itemize} 363 \item Hope: our community can \rd{take inspiration} from 364 climate-related problems 365 \medskip 366 \item At least, don't \rd{encourage} unsustainable trends but 367 \rd{question} them 368 \begin{itemize} 369 \item[\itma] e.g., Bitcoin vs proof-of-stake... 370 \end{itemize} 371 \medskip 372 \item Idea: a \rd{best green paper award}? 373 \end{itemize} 374 \end{frame} 375 376 \begin{frame}{Let's discuss!} 377 Goal: have an \rd{open discussion} about how we feel about these issues 378 \bigskip 379 380 \begin{columns} 381 \column{.25\linewidth} 382 \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{pierce.jpg} 383 \column{.75\linewidth} 384 \rd{Outside guest:} Benjamin Pierce, University of Pennsylvania and Clowdr 385 CIC 386 \end{columns} 387 \end{frame} 388 389 \begin{frame}{Discussion!} 390 Up to you! 391 \begin{itemize} 392 \item How much do you \rd{miss} traditional conferences? 393 \item Which \rd{new opportunities} do you see with online conferences? 394 \item What should be our \rd{goals} in terms of carbon emissions? 395 \item Should authors be \rd{required} to travel to 396 conferences? 397 \end{itemize} 398 \end{frame} 399 400 \end{document}