
French rhyme dictionary with web and CLI interface
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results.html (1415B)

      1 {% extends "page.html" %}
      3 {% block body %}
      4 <div>
      5 {% if result %}
      6 <table id="results" class="tablesorter">
      7   <thead>
      8   <tr>
      9     <th id="col_word">{% if lang == 'fr' %}mot{% else %}word{% endif %}</th>
     10     <th id="col_pron">
     11       {% if lang == 'fr' %}
     12       prononciation
     13       {% else %}
     14       pronunciation
     15       {% endif %}
     16       {# <a href="/about/#pron" class="help">?</a> #}
     17     </th>
     18     <th id="col_phon">phon</th>
     19     <th id="col_eye">eye</th>
     20     <th id="col_freq">freq</th>
     21     <th id="col_deriations">
     22       {% if lang == 'fr' %}
     23       dérivations
     24       {% else %}
     25       derivations
     26       {% endif %}
     27     </th>
     28   </tr>
     29 </thead>
     30 <tbody>
     31 {% for r in result %}
     32 <tr>
     33   <td>{{ r.word }}</td>
     34   <td>{{ r.phon }}</td>
     35   <td class="num">{{ r.phon_rhyme }}</td>
     36   <td class="num">{{ r.word_rhyme }}</td>
     37   <td class="num">{{ r.freq }}</td>
     38   <td>{{ r.orig }}</td>
     39 </tr>
     40 {% endfor %}
     41 </tbody>
     42 </table>
     43 {% else %}
     44 <p>
     45 {% if lang == 'fr' %}
     46 Pas de résultats pour cette requête. :-(
     47 {% else %}
     48 No results for this query. :-(
     49 {% endif %}
     50 </p>
     51 {% endif %}
     52 </div>
     53 {#<p class="page">
     54 {% if page > 0 %}
     55 <a href="?query={{ q }}&nsyl={{ nsyl }}&gender={{ gender }}&page={{
     56   page - 1 }}">{{ page }}</a> &mdash;
     57 {% endif %}
     58 {{ page + 1 }}
     59 {% if (page+1) * pagesize < count %}
     60 &mdash; <a href="?query={{ q }}&nsyl={{ nsyl }}&gender={{ gender }}&page={{
     61   page + 1 }}">{{ page + 2 }}</a>
     62 {% endif %}
     63 </p>#}
     64 {% endblock %}