1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 if [ ! -f airports.dat ] 4 then 5 wget -O airports.dat '' 6 fi 7 8 # rev is to avoid problems with ',' occurring in earlier fields 9 cat airports.dat | 10 grep -vE "`cat bad_antipodes | sed 's/#.*//' | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|$//'`" | 11 rev | cut -d, -f4,5,6,7,8 | rev | 12 tr -d '"' | tr ',' ' ' | sed 's/ /-/' > airports 13 14 g++ -o antipodes -O2 -Wall -Wextra antipodes.cpp 15 ./antipodes < airports 16 sort -k3,3n euclidean | sponge euclidean 17 sort -k3,3n haversine | sponge haversine 18 sort -k3,3n ellipsoid_in | sponge ellipsoid_in 19 20 # GeodSolve from geographiclib-tools 21 paste -d ' ' ellipsoid_in \ 22 <(cut -d' ' -f4,5,7,8 ellipsoid_in | GeodSolve -i | cut -d ' ' -f3) | 23 sort -k10,10n > ellipsoid_full 24 cut -d' ' -f1,2,10 ellipsoid_full | sort -k3,3n > ellipsoid 25 cat ellipsoid_full | awk '{ 26 printf "%s %s %lf\n", 27 $1, $2, $10 + 0.3048 * (($6 > 0 ? $6 : -$6)+ ($9 > 0 ? $9 : -$9))}' | 28 sort -k3,3n > altitude 29 cat ellipsoid_full | cut -d' ' -f4-6 | CartConvert > geocentric_1 30 cat ellipsoid_full | cut -d' ' -f7-9 | CartConvert > geocentric_2 31 paste -d' ' geocentric_1 geocentric_2 | awk '{ 32 dx = $1 - $4; 33 dy = $2 - $5; 34 dz = $3 - $6; 35 printf "%lf\n", sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);}' > geocentric_dists 36 paste -d' ' ellipsoid_full geocentric_dists | cut -f1,2,11 | 37 sort -k3,3n > geocentric 38