bigworld | compute diameter of flights graph
| 2016-12-09 15:44 |
conference_footprint | compute the CO2 footprint of an academic conference
| 2024-11-08 11:31 |
continuity | curses game inspired by
| 2011-05-18 04:52 |
crooks | combinatorial rooks
| 2014-06-10 16:52 |
debdu | measure debian package disk space usage
| 2020-04-29 12:17 |
decontamination | graph decontamination problem
| 2024-12-13 16:40 |
drime | French rhyme dictionary with web and CLI interface
| 2020-01-11 11:36 |
duire | french missing verbs with prefix forms
| 2015-10-04 19:58 |
edbticdt-climate | EDBT/ICDT climate change material
| 2021-03-29 19:29 |
ens-ulm-1-2015 | google hashcode 2015 source for team ens-ulm-1
| 2015-03-28 22:15 |
ens-ulm-1 | google hashcode 2014 source for team ens-ulm-1
| 2014-04-09 23:30 |
frhyme | guess the last phonemes of a French word (local mirror of
| 2020-10-27 19:09 |
fusetoys | various hacky fuse filesystem utilities
| 2023-08-20 16:14 |
gcd_difference | bruteforce for
| 2018-05-09 18:04 |
glocate | faster locate using grep
| 2015-10-10 09:12 |
haspirater | detect aspirated 'h' in French words (local mirror of
| 2020-08-23 09:52 |
hebraize | rewrite terminal contents in hebrew
| 2023-08-21 19:02 |
homophones | find homophones in French
| 2019-05-04 17:13 |
irctk | libircclient binding for scripts
| 2020-08-23 12:15 |
ircyrano | reenact cyrano de bergerac on an IRC server
| 2018-10-12 23:01 |
kesterel2lustre | compile Kernel Esterel to Lustre
| 2011-12-22 09:59 |
lexique | various versions of the French lexical database at
| 2019-08-17 16:25 |
man42 | satirical man pages written at ENS in 2010-2011
| 2019-09-03 08:53 |
mkpdfebook | crop pages of a pdf for an ebook reader
| 2014-09-20 03:59 |
multinomial | compute graph of multinomial configurations
| 2016-11-21 17:55 |
mybin | my ~/bin
| 2025-01-26 12:17 |
myconfig | my config files
| 2025-01-11 20:25 |
nlsplit | split natural language text in chunks at reasonable language boundaries
| 2012-06-28 13:48 |
passpigs | simple pass the pigs strategy
| 2024-04-04 13:41 |
pdfstamp | add a stamp to temporary pdf articles
| 2022-09-20 23:51 |
pibase_open | find open problems in topology from pibase
| 2019-06-01 13:30 |
plint | French poetry validator (local mirror of
| 2024-07-19 23:47 |
plint_extra | various extra tools around plint
| 2019-08-18 12:41 |
publist | managing my list of publications, talks, reviews
| 2025-02-14 12:15 |
rdupes | recursively search for duplicate files
| 2016-12-09 16:34 |
remailback | send email reminders after a time period
| 2025-01-10 12:26 |
replytime | plot email reply time
| 2016-12-09 16:36 |
republique | helper scripts for
| 2015-10-19 20:36 |
select | shell binding for select(2)
| 2012-12-15 18:34 |
snipe | bot for a simple IRC game to make people say words
| 2011-05-22 17:08 |
songflower | reflow bitmap sheet music to a different paper format
| 2019-09-06 22:24 |
songleash | generate chansons en laisse
| 2020-10-16 13:08 |
squelette | find exceptional genders for a noun ending
| 2023-11-05 02:01 |
stagit | personal fork of static git page generator
| 2018-05-10 09:07 |
tcswiki | wiki-style
| 2018-06-17 00:23 |
tetrisolve | make a line in adversarial tetris
| 2022-04-18 21:57 |
ttyrex | ttyrec with more options
| 2016-12-09 16:47 |
ubac | search for weird ngrams
| 2017-09-04 09:03 |
wiki_research | personal research wiki
| 2025-03-27 13:17 |
wikifirc | filter on specific pages and users
| 2016-11-15 11:14 |