a3nm's blog


— updated

There are basically two ways to receive information you care about. Either poll periodically the information sources (check your inbox, rss feeds, refresh pages, etc.), or get notified whenever a new item arrives.

Intuitively, notifications seem better. They ensure that no time is wasted in useless polling, and that you receive information in a timely manner. They enable you to get those information sources out of your head and get things done, and only get notified when action is required on your part.

Of course, this means that you get distracted from what you were doing if a notification arrives, which is dangerous because of the time it might take to get back to the right mind configuration once you're done dealing with a piece of information. Much has been said about this problem, and about the fact that you should avoid notifications if you want to be productive.

In my opinion, avoiding notifications entirely is a bad solution, because checking information sources compulsively (and more often than needed) is just too tempting a way to procrastinate. I think a better solution is to have notifications which you can mute (ie. enqueue incoming notifications) and unmute (ie. dequeue the backlog), so that you can either stay connected when you're not doing stuff which requires high concentration, or get in a state of flow and be sure that you won't have missed anything when you turn the notifications back on. Obviously, the right way wouldn't be to have "on" and "off" states, but to have an importance threshold (with different sources having different priorities, along with more elaborate filtering).

Quick plot of the mtgox bitcoin exchange rate

— updated

I thought I would share the following snippet to display a graph of the current BTC-USD exchange rate on mtgox (with a resolution of one second and a range of one minute; adapting to other values is trivial).

while true; do
  curl -s https://mtgox.com/code/data/ticker.php | jshon -e ticker -e last;
  sleep 1;
done | feedGnuplot --lines --stream --xlen 60 --xlabel "s" --ylabel "USD/BTC"

The aim isn't to sing the praises of Bitcoin (or of mtgox), but to advertise two useful tools which weren't so easy to find: jshon (take a JSON stream on stdin and extract information to stdout), and feedGnuplot (take data points on stdin and produce a plot using gnuplot).

Wikimedia projects by dump size, and average compressed article size

— updated

I was looking at the list of Wikipedias, and I thought that after all, the number of articles is a very bad measure of the size of a Wikipedia, because articles can have various sizes. More specifically, some Wikipedias have bots which create stubs about all sorts of villages and other geographic locations (to take the random example of the Volapük Wikipedia), and this makes them seem bigger than they really are.

It seems fairer to compare the dump size of the wiki as a measure of the total quantity of text, or rather the compressed dump size to eliminate redundancy. Surprisingly, I didn't manage to find this information in a usable chart, so here we go... Note that I'm speaking about the dumps from the Wikimedia dump service, and more specifically the pages-articles.xml.bz2 dump. You might want to look precisely what this measures (it does not include images or page history, for instance).

curl -s 'http://dumps.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html' |
  grep '<li>' |
  grep '<a href' |
  cut -d '"' -f 2 |
  cut -d '/' -f 1 |
  sort |
  uniq |
  while read p; do
    echo -n "$p "
    curl -s "http://dumps.wikimedia.org/$p/latest/" |
      grep 'pages-articles.xml.bz2"' |
      head -1 |
      cut -d '>' -f 9 |
      cut -d '<' -f 1
    sleep 1
  done |
  awk '
    /K$/ {printf "%s %d\n", $1, $2*1024}
    /M$/ {printf "%s %d\n", $1, $2*1024*1024} 
    /G$/ {printf "%s %d\n", $1, $2*1024*1024*1024}' |
  sort -k2,2nr

Yes, I know, this is really ugly and will break the day Wikimedia changes the layout of the dump service pages in the slightest way, but it works for now. It no longer does. Here is the current result:

enwiki 7301444403
dewiki 2040109465
frwiki 1503238553
commonswiki 1288490188
jawiki 1288490188
itwiki 1181116006
eswiki 1073741824
enwikisource 1041026252
ruwiki 966367641
plwiki 823866163
ptwiki 697093324
nlwiki 647495680
frwikisource 604294348
zhwiki 538548633
svwiki 371195904
cawiki 361863577
huwiki 357878988
zhwikisource 335439462
fiwiki 321493401
ukwiki 311531929
cswiki 297166438
dewikisource 295908147
nowiki 295698432
hewiki 250295091
trwiki 209924915
kowiki 208456908
enwiktionary 203318886
ruwikisource 201431449
viwiki 181403648
arwiki 178782208
rowiki 167981875
dawiki 155923251
idwiki 153826099
srwiki 149631795
bgwiki 147115212
eswikisource 126877696
fawiki 124256256
hrwiki 124256256
arwikisource 122788249
eowiki 118174515
frwiktionary 116706508
skwiki 114294784
thwiki 111463628
ltwiki 103704166
elwiki 102655590
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itwikisource 88394956
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crwikiquote 2969
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muswiki 2867
nawikiquote 2867
akwiktionary 2764
alswikiquote 2662
krwiki 2560
zawikiquote 2252
aywikibooks 2150
chwiktionary 1945
vewikimedia 1945
quwikiquote 1843
ndswikiquote 1740
krwikiquote 1126

I won't comment much: the biggest wikis are mostly the same (though in a slightly different order), but the Volapük Wikipedia, to continue using this example, is quite lower in the rankings. Actually, the right way to look at this would be to plot the dump size over the number of articles. Here is the result, restricted to the first 80 Wikipedias (not Wikimedia projects) sorted by the number of articles. (If the graph is not correctly displayed below, you can get it here.)


The Volapük Wikipedia is indeed an outlier, with a few other cases.

Haspirater -- identifying initial aspirated 'h's in French words

— updated

English version

Version française ci-dessous.

I just wrote haspirater, a system to detect if the initial 'h' in a French word is aspirated or not. (I happened to need this, and no one had apparently done it yet.) For those who are unfamiliar with the context, the thing is that for French words which start with an 'h', the 'h' can be aspirated or non aspirated, which changes the behavior of the word regarding elision and liaison. Of course, there are no known rules to find out from the structure of a word whether it is aspirated or not...

The simple approach would be to use word lists, but of course they are never complete and will fail for unseen words. A natural solution for them would be to assume that they behave in the same way that the closest known word. This forces us to define "closest", and it seems reasonable to look at the word with the longest common prefix, because it looks like the property of whether the 'h' is aspired or not should be mostly conditioned by the beginning of the word. (Actually, it would be better to look at the pronunciation of the beginning of the word if we could afford it).

This suggests a simple optimization. If we are going to take the result of the closest word in this fashion, we might as well drop words from the known words list which do not contribute anything to the result. In other words, if all words starting with "hach" in the list have an aspirated 'h', then there is no need to store them all; just storing "hach" will be enough. In fact, this means that the appropriate structure for our word list is a trie, and the optimization that I mentioned is apparently called compression.

Another trick is that we can try to infer word lists automatically from a corpus using some simple rules. If we read "la hache" in a text, it means that the initial 'h' is aspirated, whereas "l'hirondelle" indicates that "hirondelle" starts with a non-aspirated 'h'. We can easily process megabytes of text and get word lists in this way.

This approach works quite well, yielding a dataset which is under 5 KB in json (and less than 1 KB compressed) and a lookup program which is just 40 lines of Python. It gives the right result for any example I could come up with (though I had to add a few exceptions for words missing from the corpus, both manually and using Wikipedia and Wiktionary); hopefully it will also work for you, please tell me if it doesn't. Note that we could even compile the trie into a very efficient C program if speed was of the essence.

Another amusing thing is that we can draw the data and try to see what the "rules" are. Here is the trie (it is quite messy). The node border and edge thickness are are a logarithmic function of the number of occurrences, the node labels indicate the prefix, and the color is red for aspirated h and blue for non-aspirated (or a mix thereof for ambiguous cases, depending on the proportion).

The Wikipedia article I linked above mentions that this approach is used to store Unicode character properties efficiently; it seems like it could be used for a lot of other things. For instance, you could imagine the trie indicating the gender of nouns (though you would probably build it on suffixes rather than prefixes in this case), the trie of prepositions used for a given noun (say "в" vs "на" in Russian), and probably tries for a lot of other arbitrary things that are so obvious to native speakers.

Version française

English version above.

Je viens d'écrire haspirater, un système pour détecter les 'h' aspirés au début des mots français. (Il se trouve que j'en avais besoin, et, apparemment, personne ne l'avait encore fait.) Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le contexte, le problème est que pour les mots français qui commencent par un 'h', le 'h' peut être aspiré ou non aspiré (ce qui ne change rien à la prononciation, mais change le fonctionnement de l'élision et de la liaison). Évidemment, il n'y a pas de règles pour déterminer à partir de la structure d'un mot si le 'h' initial est aspiré ou non...

L'approche la plus simple serait d'utiliser une liste de mots, mais évidemment de telles listes ne sont jamais complètes et ne fonctionneront pas pour des mots inconnus. Une solution naturelle pour ces derniers serait de supposer qu'ils se comportent de la même manière que le mot connu le plus proche. Cela nous oblige à définir "proche" : il paraît raisonnable de regarder le mot ayant le plus long préfixe commun avec le mot inconnu, parce qu'on a tendance à se dire que c'est le début du mot qui a le plus d'influence sur le fait que le 'h' soit aspiré ou non. (En fait, ce serait plutôt la prononciation du début du mot qu'il faudrait regarder si on la connaissait, mais passons...)

Cela nous mène à une optimisation simple. Si on prend toujours le résultat du mot le plus proche de la façon décrite plus haut, on peut très bien retirer de la liste de mots connus ceux qui ne sont pas nécessaires pour déduire le résultat. En d'autres termes, si tous les mots qui commencent par "hach" dans la liste ont un 'h' aspiré, alors il n'est pas nécessaire de les stocker tous, il suffit de stocker "hach". En fait, cela veut dire que la bonne structure pour notre liste de mots est un trie, et l'optimisation que je viens de décrire s'appelle apparemment la compression.

Une autre astuce est qu'on peut essayer d'inférer automatiquement des listes de mots à partir d'un corpus en utilisant quelques règles simples. Si on lit "la hache" dans un texte, cela signifie que le 'h' initial est aspiré, alors que "l'hirondelle" indique qu'"hirondelle" commence par un 'h' non aspiré. On peut facilement traiter plusieurs mégaoctets de texte pour en tirer des listes de mots de cette façon.

Cette approche fonctionne plutôt bien : le fichier de données fait moins de 5 Ko en json (et moins de 1 Ko compressé), et le programme pour chercher un mot fait 40 lignes de Python. Il donne le bon résultat pour tous les exemples que j'ai essayés (quoique j'ai dû ajouter à la main quelques exceptions pour des mots absents du corpus, en utilisant les listes de Wikipédia et du Wiktionnaire) ; j'espère qu'il marchera aussi pour vous, et vous prie de me signaler toute erreur. Notez qu'on pourrait même compiler le trie en un programme en C très efficace si la vitesse était importante.

Un autre truc amusant qu'on peut faire, c'est faire un dessin des données et voir quelles semblent être les "règles". Voici le trie (il est plutôt bordélique). L'épaisseur du bord des nœuds et des arêtes est en fonction du nombre d'occurrences (logarithmiquement), les étiquettes des nœuds indiquent le préfixe, les nœuds en rouge indiquent l'aspiration, les nœuds en bleu indiquent la non-aspiration, et un mélange indique les cas ambigus (en fonction de la proportion).

L'article Wikipédia cité plus haut indique que cette approche est utilisée pour un stockage efficace des propriétés des caractères Unicode ; j'ai l'impression qu'elle pourrait être utilisée pour tout un tas d'autres choses. On pourrait imaginer, par exemple, un trie du genre des noms (quoiqu'il serait probablement préférable de regarder les suffixes plutôt que les préfixes dans ce cas), un trie du choix des propositions en fonction du nom ("в" vs "на" en russe, entre autres), et sans doute des tries pour un tas d'autres choses arbitraires qui sont tellement évidentes pour les locuteurs natifs.

A review of the TypeMatrix 2030

— updated

I was convinced by a friend who wanted to buy a TypeMatrix 2030 to buy one too so that we could get a discount. Here is a review of it, after roughly one month and a half of nearly exclusive use. The version I have is the blank one (because looking at the keyboard is a bad idea, and because it's kinda pretty).

To give a bit of background: I've been using the Dvorak US layout (with dead keys to get French accents) for about two years. I touch-type, and can reach around 110 WPM on speed typing games (but am nowhere as fast in real life usage). Before that, I touch-typed on the French Dvorak layout of Josselin Mouette adapted from that of Francis Leboutte (which got removed from Xorg for stupid reasons), and still before, I hunted and pecked on the Azerty layout. I love exclusive keyboard usage whenever I can afford it, and hate having to move my hands to reach things away from the home row like the arrow keys, the numpad, or (gasp) the mouse. Oh, and I love the command line and commandline apps, and use vim.

General comments

The blank version of the keyboard is very stylish (though it's sad that the design is so asymmetrical). It is guaranteed to confuse or impress people, which can be fun, and, if you're using an alternative layout, it is a gentle hint to other people that they'd better not try to use your keyboard.

The keyboard does have some unexpected features, like a hardcoded Dvorak layout that you can toggle and which is managed by the keyboard not the OS. In other words, turning this on will make the keyboard interpret what you're typing as Dvorak and translate to the OS, which will do what you expect if the OS is configured to receive Qwerty. Of course, if it already expects Dvorak, then you get garbage. This is useless to me because I need non-standard dead keys (and seldom have to share my machines with Qwerty users anyway), but can be useful to others. Or you might also be disgusted to see that the keyboard tries to do some fancy logic like this. Or maybe regret that since it does, it would have been cool to also have fancy features like the ability to remap keys and record macros on the fly...

There are a few multimedia shortcuts and all. Some of them are actual multimedia keys which you can map to whatever you want, and some of them (like cut, copy, paste) are hardcoded sequences which are indistinguishable from the separate keys. The precise status of those keys is described in this document.

The dots on the index home row keys are there, and at the center of the key, which can be surprising if you expect them to be at the bottom. There is also a dot on the delete key (which I don't see the use for), a dot on the lower row pinky key (which is '/' on Qwerty but 'z' on Dvorak) which I find useless and slightly confusing, and a dot on the down arrow (which is a nice touch to help you reach those keys without looking whenever you have to use software which requires them).

The TypeMatrix 2030 does not have N-key rollover (NKRO). That's a bit disappointing for a keyboard of this kind...

Adaptation period

Adapting to the TypeMatrix 2030 takes a bit of time. It's nowhere as hard as learning a new layout, but it is definitely not instantaneous, and you might want to count one week before you're up to speed. Here is a list of the things that I had to adapt to:

The key touch isn't really special (and I'm not really picky about that sort of thing anyway), but it is slightly hard. This, along with the fact that the position of the modifier keys somehow confused me at the beginning, meant that my wrists suffered a bit and that it was literally slightly painful at the beginning. This didn't last, fortunately.
The main modifiers that I use are left shift, left control, super, alt, and altgr. Finding out where there are to be able to press the right ones without even thinking about it takes some time.
Enter and backspace
One of the most original things about this layout is the fact that the enter and backspace keys are in the middle of the keyboard (and pressed with the index) rather than far at the right (and pressed with the pinky). This means that you have to replace the very low level reflex of reaching for enter when done and backspace when wrong by the reflex of going at the center of the keyboard.
Matrix keys
The other important feature of the keyboard is that the keys are in a matrix (duh). This isn't that much of a deal, except for those keys which seem to be off by one relative to their position on usual keyboards. The worst for me was the right half of the lower row, and numbers.
Real touch-typing
Unless you're completely touch-typing (and it's easy to be mistaken), the absence of markings will make you notice those keys where you sometimes peek at the keyboard. In my case, the letter keys were fine, but not the numbers and symbols...


Overall, I have to admit that I am not that enthusiastic about the benefits of this keyboard. Though aligning the keys in a matrix seems more logical, I do not feel it makes much of a difference. Maybe it's better somehow--but then, maybe not.

Another slight problem is that damn enter key. Putting it in the middle seems like a good idea; however, this means that pressing it by mistake still happens now and then, whereas I never had this problem with a regular keyboard. Yes, it's easier to reach, but then the usual enter and backspace can also be reached with the pinky almost without moving the hand, so it's not much of a benefit.

My main disappointment, though, is that it is doesn't make you type faster, or give you the impression that you're typing faster, or make you feel better, or whatever. It feels like just another keyboard; a good keyboard, with a cool design, but definitely not worth the effort of carrying it around when you're using a laptop, and probably not worth the money and adaptation time. Granted, if you have RSI, you might want to see if this helps. If you do most of your work on a fixed workstation and you're willing to pay extra, this might still be a reasonable choice. But otherwise, if you're just a normal typist not especially dissatisfied with normal keyboards and just intellectually satisfied by the TypeMatrix design choices, if you're using a laptop or multiple computers, don't buy it and expect it to be enormously better to use. If you're like me, you won't really notice much.